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Integration of Sunflower and Sorghum Water Extracts Applied Alone or in Combination With Reduced Doses of Chevalier for Weed Control in Wheat

      Field trial was conducted with the aim of utilizing extract of allelopathic crop to reduce the use of synthetic herbicides in wheat fields. Sorghum extract at 12 L /ha, sunflower extract at 12 L /ha, combination of sorghum and sunflower extracts at 12 L /ha and chevalier at 25, 50 and 100% of recommended dose were applied alone or in combination with each other. Weed free and weedy check treatments were included for comparison. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results showed that the recommended  dose of chevalier  treatment recorded lowest means of weed density 15.7, 23.7, 25.3 and 27.9 weeds m-2and weeds dry weight 13.4, 16.4, 23.3 and 29.2 g m-2 and gave highest percentage of weed control 71.4, 67.4, 64.3 and 63.0% after 60, 75, 95 and 115 days of planting respectively, without significant difference on the sorghum water extract + sunflower water extract  at 12L/ha +50% of  treatment. Also, the recommended dose of chevalier  treatment had highest mean of number of spikes 368.6 spike m-2, grain yield 5.75 ton ha-1, biological yield 17.70 ton ha-1 and harvest index 32.55% without significant difference in the sorghum water + sunflower water extracts at 12L/ha +50% of  treatment in the grain yield and biological yield also without significant difference on the sorghum water extract + sunflower water extract  at 12 L/ha) +33% of recommended chevalier treatment in the grain yield and biological yield. We can conclude that the allelopathic effects of sorghum and sunflower extracts with chevalier herbicide at half dose gave positive results in weeds control while improving the grain yield of wheat without a significant difference with the spraying of the chevalier herbicide at full dose.These results were a clear indication that the presence of the extracts had a synergistic or cumulative additive role with the low doses of chevalier herbicide that contributed to raising its efficacy in weeds control.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of brand identity in achieving marketing objectives Applied Study in the International Company for smart card "Key Card"

Each organization has values ​​and objectives, tangible and intangible properties of its products. The reflection of properties on the brand constitutes the identity of the brand that contributes to building the customer's convictions about the products or services provided by any organization and its brand in a positive or negative way. This is reflected in purchasing behavior, which may push forward the progress towards marketing goals or deviation from them. Therefore, the current research came to identify the brand identity, its types and the factors affecting them and how they affect to achieve each of the marketing goals. At a time when

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of target cost technology in reducing product costs: Applied Study in the General Company for Soft Drinks Industry

The Research dealt with the role of the target costs in reducing the cost of products in the General Company for soft drinks. One the modern approaches reduce costs and thus increase the ability and continuity to compete in the market. Where the problem of research in identifying the shortcomings in the traditional method used in the company sample research. Which led to a weak control of the cost and the researcher relied on data and costs of the company. The research recommended that the target cost of the company should be applied to the research sample. Training the employees. In addition, preparing training courses for them. He stressed the need to address obstacles that prevent the existence of an effective cost system. Including t

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Language Ecology or Ecolinguistics: Conceptual and Theoretical Discussions

Language ecology is the interactions between the environment and language. Such a discipline, ‘language ecology’ or ‘ecolinguistics has been founded by Einar Haugen’. Accordingly,  the study aims at qualitatively reviewing the theoretical and conceptual issues surrounding the subject of language ecology  by tracing the roots of language ecology. It further highlights the fundamental inconsistencies between how the concept of ecology is perceived in sociology and biology, and is applied to language, particularly, transposing the main central concepts of bio-ecology, such as relationship/interaction, environment, and organism to human language and theory of ecological-linguistic. The theory wavers among placing the focus

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Following the adoption of the annual tax controls in settling accounts for the owners Mmakhr medicines: Applied Research in the General Authority for taxes

It highlights the importance of research through its focus on the assessment of tax for settling accounts Mmakhr medicines and annual statement controls and its role in determining the taxable income of the real tax Mmakhr drugs and achieve tax equity through tax settling accounts. The tax authority relies annual controls laid down by the tax settling accounts for Mmakhr medicines despite their inclusion bookkeeping business No. 2 system for the year 1985 average .ually this basis formulated hypothesis (that the adoption of the tax authority on annual controls in the tax settling accounts for Mmakhr medicine does not contribute in determining income taxable real tax for this Almmakr). the resulting search for a number of conclusions and

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 10 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Design and Implementation of Appliance Controller using Traditional or Smart Phone

Mobile phones are widely used nowadays, for different application such as wireless control and monitoring due to its availability and ease of use. The implemented system is based on "global system mobile (GSM)" network by using "short message service (SMS)". The design mainly contains a GSM modem and interfacing unit circuit with microcontrollers. This system could control up to eight different electrical devices such as light, Air conditioner, washing machine and many more applications which needed in daily life in different area (House, Office, or factory, etc.). The control is done by sending a specific SMS messages from traditional or smart phone. The controlling devices are restricted to a pre-defined phone number and are set in the so

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of Water Distribution with Uptake Root in Drip Irrigation using Different Soil Hydraulic Models

Surface drip irrigation is one of the most conservative irrigation techniques that help control providing water directly on the soil through the emitters. It can supply fertilizer and providing water directly to plant roots by drippers. One of the essential needs for trickle irrigation nowadays is to obtain more knowledge about the moisture pattern under the trickling source for various types of soil with various discharge levels with trickle irrigation. Simulation numerical using HYDRUS-2D software, version 2.04 was used to estimate an equation for the wetted area from a single surface drip irrigation in unsaturated soil is taking into account water uptake by roots. In this paper, using two soil types were used, namely

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 11 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Applied multivariate analysis of variance in experiment of randomized design

The general aim of an experimental design in this paper was to estimate the different treatments effects on the responses by statistical methods. The estimates must be averting biases and the random errors minimized as much as possible. We used multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to analyze design of experiments for several responses. In this paper, we provided three fertilizers (mineral, humic, micro-elements) applied on Yellow Maize experiment. This experiment was conducted by completely randomized design (CRD). We tested four responses (Chlorophyll in paper, total ton / ha, paper area / cm2 and plant height / cm) together to find significant test between them. The partial correlations are between Chlorophyll in paper and total ton

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Application of Water Quality Index and Water Suitability for Drinking of the Euphrates River within Al-Anbar Province, Iraq.

In this study water quality was indicated in terms of Water Quality Index that was determined through summarizing multiple parameters of water test results. This index offers a useful representation of the overall quality of water for public or any intended use as well as indicating pollution, which are useful in water quality management and decision making. The application of Water Quality Index (WQI) with ten physicochemical water quality parameters was performed to evaluate the quality of Euphrates River water for drinking usage. This was done by subjecting the water samples collected from seven stations within Al-Anbar province during the period 2004-2010 to comprehensive physicochemical analysis. The ten physicochemical parame

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Application of Water Quality Index and Water Suitability for Drinking of the Euphrates River within Al-Anbar Province, Iraq

In this study water quality was indicated in terms of Water Quality Index that was determined through summarizing multiple parameters of water test results. This index offers a useful representation of the overall quality of water for public or any intended
use as well as indicating pollution, which are useful in water quality management and decision making. The application of Water Quality Index (WQI) with ten physicochemical water quality parameters was performed to evaluate the quality of Euphrates River water for drinking usage. This was done by subjecting the water samples collected from seven stations within Al-Anbar province during the period 2004-2010 to comprehensive physicochemical analysis. The ten physicochemical paramete

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Exploring the Integration of Environmental Identity within EFL Teacher's Identity

Nowadays, the ideas of integrating the concepts of the environment and saving it are being famous. These ideas are widely seen in many fields of study, and language education is one of them. Thus, the identity of English Language teachers (ELT) is a step toward transferring this concept in EFL materials in ELT departments. The EFL teacher's identity takes different meanings. Sometimes, it only means the teacher who teaches the English language, and other times, it means, the cultural and social aspects that the teacher and students interact during the study course. These cultural and social aspects represent the environment in teacher’s identity. This study aims to explore the environmental identity within EFL teacher identity. The sam

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