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The effect of purposeful three-dimensional training on developing some motor abilities and skill performance among female fencing players
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O estudo destaca a necessidade crítica de se focar nas capacidades físicas, motoras e técnicas das jogadoras de esgrima, desenvolvendo e testando metodologias de treino modernas, baseadas na ciência, adaptadas às exigências específicas do desporto. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do treino tridimensional visando melhorar as capacidades motoras e o desempenho técnico dos participantes. Recorrendo a um desenho experimental, o estudo envolveu a formação de grupos experimentais e de controlo. A amostra incluiu 16 esgrimistas da Faculdade Feminina de Educação Física e Ciências do Desporto. Após a exclusão de dois jogadores durante a fase exploratória, os restantes 14 foram divididos igualmente em grupos experimental e de controlo, cada um composto por sete jogadores. A intervenção envolveu três sessões de treino semanais durante dois meses, num total de 24 sessões. Os testes pré e pós-intervenção revelaram que o treino tridimensional melhorou significativamente as capacidades motoras e o desempenho técnico. Palavras-chave: Treino tridimensional, motricidade, esgrima.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A reflection of increased financing Equity on returns commons stocks
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The research aims to study the effect of an increase in funding the Equity by issuing new common shares on revenues ordinary shares, despite the issuance and marketing costs and the introduction of new shareholders that companies incur when issuing new common shares but it is the most important methods used to finance the Equity is funding the common shares it provides money sufficient to finance the large investments of the company and enhance the confidence of dealers with the company, so I designed this research in order to identify the impact of increased funding Equity issue new common shares to common shares revenues.

This research has included some of the theoretical concepts to each of the Equity

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Recent Scientific Research
Tamsulosin hudrochloride (flomax) effects on fertility of albino male mice
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Aim: To evaluate the side effects of Tamsulosin hydrochloride in fertility of experimental rats. Materials and methods: three groups of mice were used. First and second groups were injected [intraperitoneal (I.P.)] daily for 42 with 8 and 16 µg /kg mouse body weight (kg.b.wt) of Tamsulosin hydrochloride, respectively. Third group was injected with PBS (control). Several biological and histopathological studies were conducted on rat groups. Results: Significant decrease in number, motility and viability of epididymal sperm post injection with 16 µg /kg.b.wt, while injection with 8 µg /kg.b.wt reduced significantly, percentage of viability of sperm as compared with the control group. High percentage of abnormal sperm was observed in mice t

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 21 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Electrical And Electronic Engineering
Emotion Recognition Based on Mining Sub-Graphs of Facial Components
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Facial emotion recognition finds many real applications in the daily life like human robot interaction, eLearning, healthcare, customer services etc. The task of facial emotion recognition is not easy due to the difficulty in determining the effective feature set that can recognize the emotion conveyed within the facial expression accurately. Graph mining techniques are exploited in this paper to solve facial emotion recognition problem. After determining positions of facial landmarks in face region, twelve different graphs are constructed using four facial components to serve as a source for sub-graphs mining stage using gSpan algorithm. In each group, the discriminative set of sub-graphs are selected and fed to Deep Belief Network (DBN) f

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Adsorption Study of Rhodamine –B Dye on Plant (Citrus Leaves)
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The current research includes the adsorption of Rhodmine-B Dye on the surface of Citrus Leaves using the technique of UV. Vis spectrophotometer to determine data of quantitative adsorption at various contact time, ionic strength, PH and temperature conditions. As a function of temperatures 25,35,45,55 0C, the dsorption phenomenon was examined, and the results showed that Rhodamine-B adsorption Citrus leaves rose with increasing temperatures on the surface (endothermic process). Using various NaCl solution concentrations, the effect of ionic strength on adsorption has also been studied. Increasing the importance of ionic strength has been shown to improve the amount of adsorption of Rhodamine-B on citrus leaves at constant temp

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
Response of different cucumber hybrids to grafting on squash rootstock
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Crime Data Analysis of Prediction Based on Classification Approaches
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Crime is considered as an unlawful activity of all kinds and it is punished by law. Crimes have an impact on a society's quality of life and economic development. With a large rise in crime globally, there is a necessity to analyze crime data to bring down the rate of crime. This encourages the police and people to occupy the required measures and more effectively restricting the crimes. The purpose of this research is to develop predictive models that can aid in crime pattern analysis and thus support the Boston department's crime prevention efforts. The geographical location factor has been adopted in our model, and this is due to its being an influential factor in several situations, whether it is traveling to a specific area or livin

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Properties of Fuzzy Compact Linear Operators on Fuzzy Normed Spaces
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In this paper the definition of fuzzy normed space is recalled and its basic properties. Then the definition of fuzzy compact operator from fuzzy normed space into another fuzzy normed space is introduced after that the proof of an operator is fuzzy compact if and only if the image of any fuzzy bounded sequence contains a convergent subsequence is given. At this point the basic properties of the vector space FC(V,U)of all fuzzy compact linear operators are investigated such as when U is complete and the sequence ( ) of fuzzy compact operators converges to an operator T then T must be fuzzy compact. Furthermore we see that when T is a fuzzy compact operator and S is a fuzzy bounded operator then the composition TS and ST are fuzzy compact

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of Fluoride Addition on Hydroxyapatite Prepared for Medical Applications
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In this study, hydroxyapatite (HAP, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) has been prepared as bioceramic material with biological specifications useful to used for orthopedic and dental implant applications. Wet chemical processing seems to form the fine grain size and uniform characteristic nanocrystalline materials by the interstice factors controlling which affected the grain size and crystallinity in order to give good mechanical and/or constituent properties similar as natural bone. Fluorinated hydroxyapatite [4-6 wt% F, (FHA, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2–Fx] was developed in new method for its posses to increased strength and to give higher corrosion resistance in biofluids than pure HAP moreover reduces the risk of dental caries. The phase's and functional groups

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 09 2016
Journal Name
Photonic Sensors
Parametric Analysis of NO2 Gas Sensor Based on Carbon Nanotubes
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Impact of Cranbrook on Graphic Design: راقي صباح نجم الدين
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  Empirical research in the disciplines of art and design has started to escalate and gather consideration within the academic community over the past few decades. However, still, graphic design tends to be a topic extremely under-researched by scholarly persons. Profound research in the field of graphic design extends far beyond the works produced by the designer himself (Khoury, 2009, p.844). In order to develop a clear insight, one needs to delve deep into the subcategories that the diverse field of graphic design is comprised of, including illustration, typography, interaction design, branding and even the impact of notable, eminent institutes from around the world that have taken the budding artists for quite a long time (Walke

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