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Implementation of a modified noise-free and noisy multistage quantum cryptography protocol using QISKIT
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Classical cryptography systems exhibit major vulnerabilities because of the rapid development of quan tum computing algorithms and devices. These vulnerabilities were mitigated utilizing quantum key distribution (QKD), which is based on a quantum no-cloning algorithm that assures the safe generation and transmission of the encryption keys. A quantum computing platform, named Qiskit, was utilized by many recent researchers to analyze the security of several QKD protocols, such as BB84 and B92. In this paper, we demonstrate the simulation and implementation of a modified multistage QKD protocol by Qiskit. The simulation and implementation studies were based on the “local_qasm” simulator and the “FakeVigo” backend, respectively. The suggested multistage QKD applies different random commutative sets of Euler’s angles to the transmitted qubits. If Eve successfully hacked the Euler’s angles of a transmitted qubit, Bob will predict the hacking event because other bits apply different Euler’s angles. The commutative sets of Euler’s angles should be selected by a prior agreement between Alice and Bob. Our approach provides additional security proof for the multistage QKD protocol enabling safe public sharing of a sifted key between the sender and receiver

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of cellular immune response in Golden Hamsters experimentally infected with Leishmania donovani comparing with cellular immune response against chicken Red Blood Cells.
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The Evaluation of the immune response in Golden Hamsters experimentally infected with Leishmania donovani was determined in this study, particularly, the cellular immune response. Follow up has maintained to determine the Delayed Type of Hypersensitivity using skin test both in infected and control lab animals. Chicken red blood cells were used as a parameter to evaluate the immune system; they are dull and have the ability of immunization. Two concentrations of chicken R.B.C were examined to determine which gives the higher titration in Hamsters and those were 1.5 X 109 cell/ml and 3 X 109 cell/ml , the second concentration gave the maximum titration where then used in this work. After sensitization with Chicken R.B.C for both infected a

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Educational Program on Nurses Knowledge toward Nursing Management for Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Cardiac Center at Al-Dewaniyah City
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Objectives: The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational program on nurses’ knowledge towards nursing management for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), as well as to find out the relationship between nurses' knowledge and some of their demographic characteristics (age, gender, level of education, and years of experience in cardiac units).

Methodology:  A Quasi-experimental as one group (pre and post test) study was conducted at the Heart Center in Al-Diwaniyah city for the period from December 7, 2019 to February 23, 2020. A sample of (40) nurses working in the heart center was chosen from different nursing addresses. The sample covered one gro

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of Innovation in offering the banking services in achieving competitive advantage for banks ( An applied study in the Iraqi private Banks )
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     This research aims at recognizing the concept of Innovation in offering the banking services as well as the concept and dimensions of competitive advantage . And to identify and analyze the relationship ( correlation and impact ) between the concept of Innovation in  offering the banking services and the dimensions of the competitive advantage under discussion . The research includes all Iraqi private banks in Baghdad city only of the (20) banks . The researcher adopted , in this study , a random sample of the distribution of the questionnaire to members of the research sample are managers , customers and employees in these banks , and were distributed ( 115 ) form  questionnaire , ( 97 ) form w

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Die Dimensionen der Kurzgeschichte”Steh auf, steh doch auf“ The Dimension of short story (wake, Wake) 1958 by the German writer, Heinrich Böll.
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In dieser Kurzgeschichte werden die Züge der Trümmerliteratur präzis dargestellt. Die wurde von Heinrich Böll im Jahr 1958 geschrieben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konzentriere ich mich auf vielfältige Stoffe in Bezug auf die Lage nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. So gab ich dieser Arbeit einen besonderen Titel, der die Dimensionen dieser Kurzgeschichte heißt. Ich meine hier, die profunde Interpretation dieses Werkes, denn ich fand zwar hinter einigen Wörtern eine ganze Geschichte, die uns der Erzähler dadurch zeigen wollte.

So teilte ich diese Wörter (Grab, Schatten, Last, Schrei) als Dimensionen, von denen diese Arbeit umgekreist wird.

Diese Arbeit besteht aus vier Kapiteln, die aufeinander aufgebaut sind. Im ersten K

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Difficulties of Understanding English Breaking News Headlines by Iraqi EFL Learners at the University Level: عبد القادر طالب نعيم, و جمعة قادر حسين
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Understanding breaking news necessitates a special attention, since they are written with a special style. The study aims at identifying the difficulties faced by the Iraqi university EFL learners in comprehending English breaking news. The study included 10 fourth year students enrolled at the Department of English, College of Education for Humanities, University of Anbar. Thus, a questionnaire as a research instrument, was sent online to the students. The questionnaire points were related to the identification of difficulties faced by the learners in comprehending English breaking news. The data of the study were (10) headlines selected purposively from Euronews website. The data were qualitatively analyzed based on quantifying the qua

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Violation of the Hormonal Spectrum in Polycystic Ovaries in Combination with Insulin Resistance. What is the Trigger: Insulin Resistance or Polycystic Ovary Disease?
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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the main cause of female infertility. The role of insulin resistance in the development of polycystic ovary is actively discussed here. The study included patients with PCOS without insulin resistance (n = 48) and with insulin resistance (n = 39). The comparison groups were patients with no history of PCOS: a control group without insulin resistance (n = 46) and a group of patients with insulin resistance (n = 45). The following parameters were determined in patients: FSH, LH, TSH, T3f, T4f, PRL, E2, 17-OHd, Pr, AMH, Test total, Testf, DHEAS, DHEASs, SHBG, ACTH, cortisol, IRI, IGF-1, C-peptide, and glucose level. The HOMA-IR index and the LH / FSH ratio and t

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Uptake of Three Pharmaceuticals by Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from Contaminated Soils: امتصاص ثلاثة انواع من الادوية بواسطة نبات الفاصولياء في التربة الملوثة
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The ability of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to uptake three pharmaceuticals (diclofenac, mefenamic acid and metronidazole) from two types of soil (clay and sandy soil) was investigated in this study to explore the human exposure to these pharmaceuticals via the consumption of beans. A pot experiment was conducted with beans plants which were grown in two types of soil for six weeks under controlled conditions. During the experiment period, the soil pore water was collected weekly and the concentrations of the test compounds in soil pore water as well as in plant organs (roots, stems and leaves) were weekly determined.
The results showed that the studied pharmaceuticals were detected in all plant tissues; their concentration

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Impact of the Quranic Readings in Removing the Paradox in Imam Al Wahidi in his Al Wasiet Interpretation in the Holly Quran
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The present study aims at representing the importance of Quranic readings in the interpretation of the meaning of the Holly Quran in Imam Al Wahidi’s interpretation “Al Wasiet”, declaring its meaning, and eliminating of the paradox which takes place when trying to understand the intention of the Almighty Allah in His Holly book. The study aims at:

1- Defining the paradox linguistically and in terminology according to the formatives or the fundamentalists, the scientist of interpretation and of the Quranic sciences.

2-Reasoning paradox in the Quranic readings: Believing in matters that disagree with the Holly Quran and Sunnis, variety of the subjects in the verses, disagreement of the place and the place for the vers

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of cellular immune response in Golden Hamsters experimentally infected with Leishmania donovani comparing with cellular immune response against chicken Red Blood Cells.
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The Evaluation of the immune response in Golden Hamsters experimentally infected with Leishmania donovani was determined in this study, particularly, the cellular immune response. Follow up has maintained to determine the Delayed Type of Hypersensitivity using skin test both in infected and control lab animals. Chicken red blood cells were used as a parameter to evaluate the immune system; they are dull and have the ability of immunization. Two concentrations of chicken R.B.C were examined to determine which gives the higher titration in Hamsters and those were 1.5 X 109 cell/ml and 3 X 109 cell/ml , the second concentration gave the maximum titration where then used in this work. After sensitization with Chicken R.B.C for both in

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Application of Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Technique to Estimate Genetic Distance among Some Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Different Iraqi Hospitals
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Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the principal nosocomial causative agents. This bacterium has the capability to resist wide range of antibiotics and it is responsible for many diseases like skin, nose and wounds infection. In this study, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR was applied with ten random primers to examine the molecular diversity among methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates in the hospitals and to investigate the genetic distance between them. 90 Isolates were collected from clinical specimens from Iraqi hospitals for a total of 90 isolates. Only 10 strains (11.11%) were found to be MRSA. From these 10 primers, only 9 gave clear amplification products. 91 fragment l

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