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The Relationship Between the Above-Ground Biomass and the Vegetation Cover Indices at Different Salinity Levels
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Abstract<p>The current study was carried out to find out the relationship between the Above-Ground Biomass and the spectral vegetative indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index, Difference Vegetation Index) (NDVI, SAVI, DVI) for soils with different salinity levels. Al Salamiyat Project was chosen as a study area located at an altitude of 34 m above sea level and within the geographical coordinates (E 44°.09´13.65´´ N 33°.25´ 07.87´´ and E 44°.17´ 46.03´´ N 33°.2l´40.72´´), with a total area of 14265 Dunum. Surface and subsurface soil samples were chosen from the study area and according to the previously defined salinity units, except for the salinity map that was updated based on the soil samples of the current study. After updating the salinity map of this project, 12 Pedons (two Pedon for each salinity unit) were excavated and morphologically described. Then, the soil samples were taken from each horizon to estimate the physical and chemical properties and biomass values for each site. The study showed that the soil salinity Ece in the study Pedon ranged from 1.1 dS/m in the C2 horizon for the twelfth Pedon to 41.6 dS/m in the upper Az horizon of the ninth Pedon. It also showed that there is a high correlation (r = 0.553) between the values of soil salinity and the biomass of plants growing in it, which confirms that the biomass was increasing with the increase in soil salinity. Furthermore, the (NDVI) showed a variation in the study area, ranging from 0.386 to 0.473, while the values of this index ranged from 0.1568 to 0.4093, as it was observed that there is a direct relationship between them (r = 0.643). The values of (SAVI) showed a difference between the studied Pedon sites, the values of this index ranged from 0.0581 to 0.7100, and it was also ranged from 0.1087 to 0.6213 for the same Pedon value. Whereas the values of the (DVI) index ranged between -0.0023 to 0.0942 and from 0.0197 to 0.0874 for the study Pedon, this index showed a highly significant relationship with the above-ground biomass (r = 0.825).</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 27 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Medical Science And Dental Health
The relationship between Fatty Acids and Type II Diabetes Mellitus
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We can summarize the main risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) by looking at our nutrition, age, and lifestyle. β-cell dysfunction and insulin resistance (IR) are outcomes of the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes. As an indirect result of IR on important metabolic enzymes, lipid and lipoprotein abnormalities are also a factor in T2DM patients. Recent research has indicated that lipid fluctuation may be the cause of poor glucose metabolism as well as one of its effects. Fatty acids (FAs) affect cell membrane fluidity and permeability, insulin receptor binding and signaling, and the translocation of glucose transporters. Therefore, it is suggested that FAs might play a crucial part in the emergence of IR and T2DM. The cu

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 13 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Northern Europe Academy For Studies & Research Denmark
The relationship between motor response speed and performance of the volleyball smash skill for students at the University of Baghdad - College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analyzing the relationship between stock market volatility and economic activity in the USA
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This study examines the dynamic relationship between stock market and economic activity in the United States to verify the possibility of using financial indicators to monitor the turning points in the expected path of future economic activity. Has been used methodology (Johansen - Juselius) for the Co-integration and causal (Granger) to test the relationship between the (S & P 500 , DJ) index  and gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States for the period
(1960-2009). The results of the analysis revealed the existence of a causal relationship duplex (two-way) between the variables mentioned. which means the possibility of the use stock market indicators to pre

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The relationship between the muslim authorities and prominent Christian personalities within their territories
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The prophet said that it anybody burdened any of the people or the book more than they could endure he would ben his opponent until the day of judgment.

-under the rightly guided caliphs the Christians had much freedom .this is shown by a letter attributed to ishu-yab III. The Nestorian catholics.

-The third caliph,Uthman favoured the Christians either because of the spcial skills or abilities which they possessed or through the imfluence of his Christian wife Na'ila.

-Under the early Umayyade,the christiansins the Isalamic umma had as much freedom as they had previously enjoyed under the best of their Christians governments because they restorted their churches and appointed many Christians to the

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Boundary between Advertisement and Mass Media Overlapping Levels in the Press (The Case of Iraq)
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The advertisement is important in maximizing the resources of journalistic institutions. It helps them to perform their duties and also establishes their independence. However, this type of communication has often overlapped with other types of communication, including media and publicity.

Those in charge of the press bear responsibility in this regard, as some of them harness the advertisement for personal purposes; or detrimental to media content. Many communication authorities have drawn attention to the danger of confusing the concepts and levels of the three activities and have moved towards establishing rules to reduce overlap between them.

The aim of this research is to try to disengage the concept of advertising,

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure and analyze the relationship between oil prices and the Iraqi dinar exchange rate
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In this research, we discussed and analyzed the relationship between oil prices and the U.S. dollar exchange rate in Iraq. The study adopted the descriptive analysis and econometrics analysis. The descriptive analysis refers to the rise (fall) in crude oil price lead to appreciate (depreciate) in the Iraqi dinar exchange rate, though the channel of the international reserves. The econometrics analysis is based on monthly data covered the period (December/2002 – December/2011), the unit root test, co-integration test, vector error correction model, and Granger causality test have been adopted in this research to check the existence and direction of this relationship. The results refer to the lon

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The relationship between the economic structure and the development of the spatial structure Abu Ghraib District
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The phenomenon of spatial variation in the economic, social and urban development levels is considered prevalent in most of the economic and social systems,this relates to the concentration of most of those activities in certain regions and because of their rarity in other regions , that led to the emergence of the problem of the sharp contrast between the most developed areas and least developed areas within the same region or within the regions of the same country,
Reduction of this variables , in addition to the development of areas through following up and relying on an effective regional development enabling to reduce unemployment as well as to stop the migration of the unplanned for population,
And the ideal use of available

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The nature of the relationship between the states and the union in the United States of America
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Knowing the nature of the relationship in federal systems lies in studying the political, social, economic and cultural forces, for their role in laying the foundations and the federal system. No matter how important the pillars of that system are, and through this research, we will learn how the political elites were able to crystallize this unique system, until it became one of the political systems that some countries seek to copy and apply its experience.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Salinity Variation of Euphrates River between Ashshinnafiyah and Assamawa Cities
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AshShinnafiyah and AsSamawa cities suffer from significant increase in salinity of Euphrates River water compared with their counterpart's north AshShinnafiyah city which is reflected adversely on the quality of water within the study area. The study aims to find possible solutions to avoid the deterioration of Euphrates River northern AshShinnafiyah city until AsSamawa city that were
presented by total dissolved solid TDS. Twelve main hydrological and fifteen salinity measurement stations were selected to cover 117 km of the river reach within the study area during July-2011. Additional twenty three hydrological and salinity stations were adopted during March-2012, winter season to the river within the study area. After conducting t

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Thermo-Rheological Investigation and Modeling of the Shear Viscosity of Polypropylene above the Melting Temperature
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The increasing use of polymeric materials in the daily life, leads to challenges in the processing industry to deliver high performance materials with affordable terms. However, new processing techniques lead to high costs. In order to reduce processing costs it is necessary to understand the non-Newtonian behavior of the polymers in their molten state to be able to simulate the processes before the construction of the plants starts. Here the shear thinning behavior of the viscosity of polymeric melts is essential. Thus, this paper deals with the experimental investigation of the thermo-rheological behavior of the viscosity of one of the most used polymers (Polypropylene) over a wide range of temperatures and shear rates.  Furthermo

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