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The Effect of Strategic Information System in Global Marketing Channel: A Case Study

The research dealt with the issue of strategic information systems and its impact on the global marketing channel. As the research aims to know the strategic information systems used in the cement company. Which support the senior management in supporting decisions taken in the process of global orientation and moving to foreign markets by choosing the marketing channel that will suit the company. Product and competition with it. With other companies' products. The problem of the study focused on how to move to global markets, and any marketing channel that can be followed to move the cement product globally, what are the strategic information systems used in the company and how will it contribute to supporting senior management decisions directed for this purpose? The study was conducted in the General Company for Iraqi Cement for a sample that included the company’s advanced owners, and the answers received amounted to (126) answers. The researcher used the software (SPSS V.26), in analyzing the results obtained from the research sample. And the research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the weakness of the process of applying some strategic information systems within the company. The research reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which is that the Iraqi Cement Company should work on using strategic information systems. Including (GAS, NNS) systems to help other systems support the company's future decisions.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Trust Factor of Oman’s Diplomacy in the US-Iranian Conflict

من أجل فهم دور سلطنة عُمان في المفاوضات الإقليمية والوساطة وحل النزاعات يجب تقدير سياستها الخارجية، والتي سيتم تقييمها من أجل فهم كيفية نشأتها وتشكلها وأثر ذلك على مواقفها السياسية طوال سنوات حكم السلطان الراحل قابوس بن سعيد. وتقع عُمان في منطقة مضطربة، وقد طُلب منها في عدة مناسبات أن تعمل كمفاوض أو وسيط في الصراعات الإقليمية. سيبحث هذا البحث في كيفية قيام السلطنة بالوساطة الدولية، خاصة في الصراع الأمريكي

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
The concept of Sustainable Environments in the UAE: عبد الصمد الخالدي

Over last decade, rapid growth in economic and population accompanied with depletion of the energy resources lead to serious impacts on environment and humanity. This development coupled with active constructions, which in some examples ignore the impact on the environment and human activities. Therefore, principle of sustainability has required in order to reducing this negative impact on the environment and the humanity.In developing countries, it seems that there is a huge gap between the current construction practices and sustainable principle, which need more attention to clarify and define the problems in order to find suitable solutions before it comes more difficult and expensive. The study aims to choose one of the develo

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advances In Science, Engineering And Technology

Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of the major doctrinal rules in Some Judicial Matters

Jurisprudential rules, a broad section to lower the legitimacy of the ruling on the developments of politics, which is increasing day by day, and developments of complex judicial issues, provided that the rule derived from the texts of the legitimate or verbal significance.
      And the introduction of jurisprudence rules in the provisions concerning the legitimate policy, the first to take from the provisions of the situation; because the rules of jurisprudence is a summary of the provisions reached by the scholars of the nation after study and scrutiny, which is qualified and largely to cover the need of the owners of public mandates.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The requirements of curriculum development for the public stage in Iraq

 Chapter One : the importance of research and the need for it .
       He has developed the concept of the curriculum has evolved as other educational concepts . Because the world has become a small village due to modern technology and are used in various aspects of life , and the rapid communication between the world can be accessed easily and conveniently . And that the purpose of education citizens who create social functions which ones to keep the culture , upgrade and repair flaws, and aims to develop the capacity of the individual and the preparations in the footsteps of scientific and technological development .
- The goal of research : The research aims to:
1 . What is the

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
The The Predictive Role of Sociodemographic Factors in Nurses' Psychological Hardiness

Objective(s): The study aims to identify the role of sociodemographic factors in predicting the level of psychological hardiness of nurses.

Methodology: A descriptive correlational study conducted in the Medical City hospitals in the city of Baghdad during the period from November 1, 2022 to May 1, 2023 on a sample of 156 male and female nurses.  The validity of the quest

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Requirements for the Application of IFRS 17 in the Iraqi Environment

This research aims to address the most recent international standard in the field of insurance contracts, the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS17) and the theoretical framework of the standard in addition to the most important characteristics of the standard (IFRS17), as well as to identify the paragraphs of the modern standard, with the challenges its application in general and the use of the approach (inputs - operations - outputs) to present the challenges of its application in the Iraqi environment and specifically in the environment of Iraqi insurance sector companies (government), the research is based on the main premise that the identification of the requirements for the application of the International Fin

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Construction of Electrical Magnate to Study its Efficiency and the Optimum Parameters to Produce Alkaline Magnetic Water and Treating the Sea Water to be Suitable for Irrigation


Electrical magnate  was designed and constructed,  the optimum Magnetic flux  and the effect of time on the physical properties of the alkaline (magnetic water) produced from the bottled drinking water [the total dissolved solids (TDS) or the electrical conductivity, and pH] were studied, to simulate ZamZam water in Mekka Saudi Arabia. Also, the efficiency of magnetic field from this designed electrical magnate in decreasing the TDS of sea water (of 1500 ppm NaCl Content), to convert it to water suitable for irrigation (TDS<1000 ppm) was investigated in this work.The results show that the magnetic flux from our designed electrical magnate in the range of (0.013- 0.08) Tesla and 30 minut

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 23 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

This study was conducted to determine the ability of water treatment system (Vortisand) to reduce some chemical and physical properties for tigris river raw water, It consisted of turbidity, electrical conductivity, pH, total hardness, calcium Hardness as well as temperature in order to determine the unit`s efficiency for reducing their concentration as compared to those in the water produced by some classical potable water projects (Dora and Wathba) in Baghdad. Samples were collected during the cold months (December 2016 and January 2017) and during the hot months (May and June 2017). The results showed that this system has the ability to reduce some properties such as turbidity, the values were 215NTU in raw water and decreased to NTU

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Influence of The Kind of Feeding on The Average of Body Growth for The Infant of The Age (3-6) Months in Baghdad.City

This paper was conducted to identifying the body growth averages for the infants of the age (3-6) months and their relation with brest (natural ) or artificial feeding The results showed that the higher percentage was for the infants with the natural feeding in comparison with those of the artificial or mixed feeding. Also there was a clear increase in the average of the body growth for those with the natural feeding and such results were closer to the standard criterion. While the averages of body growth for those with the artificial or mixed feeding were low. In addition, it was clear that the averages of body growth of the i

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