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Inverse Kinematics Optimization for Humanoid Robotic Legs Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
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Calculating the Inverse Kinematic (IK) equations is a complex problem due to the nonlinearity of these equations. Choosing the end effector orientation affects the reach of the target location. The Forward Kinematics (FK) of Humanoid Robotic Legs (HRL) is determined by using DenavitHartenberg (DH) method. The HRL has two legs with five Degrees of Freedom (DoF) each. The paper proposes using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to optimize the best orientation angle of the end effector of HRL. The selected orientation angle is used to solve the IK equations to reach the target location with minimum error. The performance of the proposed method is measured by six scenarios with different simulated positions of the legs. The proposed method is compared with procedures that used different optimization algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Differential Evolution (DE), and Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO). The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and computation time are used as comparison measures. The proposed method gives the best results among others, and it reaches the target location with an average RMSE of 10-12 with 2.5 seconds average computation time.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimal Economic Design of Diversion Structures during Construction of a Dam by Particle Swarm Optimization
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Applied Energy
Hourly yield prediction of a double-slope solar still hybrid with rubber scrapers in low-latitude areas based on the particle swarm optimization technique
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Overlapping Structure Detection in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Using a Modified Version of Particle Swarm Optimization
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In today's world, the science of bioinformatics is developing rapidly, especially with regard to the analysis and study of biological networks. Scientists have used various nature-inspired algorithms to find protein complexes in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. These networks help scientists guess the molecular function of unknown proteins and show how cells work regularly. It is very common in PPI networks for a protein to participate in multiple functions and belong to many complexes, and as a result, complexes may overlap in the PPI networks. However, developing an efficient and reliable method to address the problem of detecting overlapping protein complexes remains a challenge since it is considered a complex and har

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Path Planning of an autonomous Mobile Robot using Swarm Based Optimization Techniques
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This paper presents a meta-heuristic swarm based optimization technique for solving robot path planning. The natural activities of actual ants inspire which named Ant Colony Optimization. (ACO) has been proposed in this work to find the shortest and safest path for a mobile robot in different static environments with different complexities. A nonzero size for the mobile robot has been considered in the project by taking a tolerance around the obstacle to account for the actual size of the mobile robot. A new concept was added to standard Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) for further modifications. Simulations results, which carried out using MATLAB 2015(a) environment, prove that the suggested algorithm outperforms the standard version of AC

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Computational Intelligence And Neuroscience
A New Artificial Neural Network Approach in Solving Inverse Kinematics of Robotic Arm (Denso VP6242)
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This paper presents a novel inverse kinematics solution for robotic arm based on artificial neural network (ANN) architecture. The motion of robotic arm is controlled by the kinematics of ANN. A new artificial neural network approach for inverse kinematics is proposed. The novelty of the proposed ANN is the inclusion of the feedback of current joint angles configuration of robotic arm as well as the desired position and orientation in the input pattern of neural network, while the traditional ANN has only the desired position and orientation of the end effector in the input pattern of neural network. In this paper, a six DOF Denso robotic arm with a gripper is controlled by ANN. The comprehensive experimental results proved the appl

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modified BFGS Update (H-Version) Based on the Determinant Property of Inverse of Hessian Matrix for Unconstrained Optimization
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The study presents the modification of the Broyden-Flecher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) update (H-Version) based on the determinant property of inverse of Hessian matrix (second derivative of the objective function), via updating of the vector s ( the difference between the next solution and the current solution), such that the determinant of the next inverse of Hessian matrix is equal to the determinant of the current inverse of Hessian matrix at every iteration. Moreover, the sequence of inverse of Hessian matrix generated by the method would never  approach a near-singular matrix, such that the program would never break before the minimum value of the objective function is obtained. Moreover, the new modification of BFGS update (H-vers

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 31 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
Automatic Computer Aided Diagnostic for COVID-19 Based on Chest X-Ray Image and Particle Swarm Intelligence
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optimum Median Filter Based on Crow Optimization Algorithm
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          A novel median filter based on crow optimization algorithms (OMF) is suggested to reduce the random salt and pepper noise and improve the quality of the RGB-colored and gray images. The fundamental idea of the approach is that first, the crow optimization algorithm detects noise pixels, and that replacing them with an optimum median value depending on a criterion of maximization fitness function. Finally, the standard measure peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity, absolute square error and mean square error have been used to test the performance of suggested filters (original and improved median filter) used to removed noise from images. It achieves the simulation based on MATLAB R2019b and the resul

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design The Modified Multi Practical Swarm Optimization To Enhance Fraud Detection
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     Financial fraud remains an ever-increasing problem in the financial industry with numerous consequences. The detection of fraudulent online transactions via credit cards has always been done using data mining (DM) techniques. However, fraud detection on credit card transactions (CCTs), which on its own, is a DM problem, has become a serious challenge because of two major reasons, (i) the frequent changes in the pattern of normal and fraudulent online activities, and (ii) the skewed nature of credit card fraud datasets. The detection of fraudulent CCTs mainly depends on the data sampling approach. This paper proposes a combined SVM- MPSO-MMPSO technique for credit card fraud detection. The dataset of CCTs which co

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 08 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Inverse Kinematics Solution for Redundant Robot Manipulator using Combination of GA and NN
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A demonstration of the inverse kinematics is a very complex problem for redundant robot manipulator. This paper presents the solution of inverse kinematics for one of redundant robots manipulator (three link robot) by combing of two intelligent algorithms GA (Genetic Algorithm) and NN (Neural Network). The inputs are position and orientation of three link robot. These inputs are entering to Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN). The weights of BPNN are optimized using continuous GA. The (Mean Square Error) MSE is also computed between the estimated and desired outputs of joint angles. In this paper, the fitness function in GA is proposed. The sinwave and circular for three link robot end effecter and desired trajectories are simulated b

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