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Antibiofilm, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of water extract of Calendula officinalis flowers
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ABSTRACT The antibacterial and antbiofilm activities of water extract of Calendula officinalis flowers against some of enteropathogenic bacteria was studied, also phytochemical screening and determination of antioxidant activity of the extract has been investigated. The results showed that the water extract of C. officinalis exhibited a good antibacterial activity against all pathogenic bacterial isolates (Salmonella, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei and E. coli) especially at concentration 100 µg/ml in contrast with the control cefotan antibiotic. S. sonnei was more sensitive to extract than other bacteria with highest inhibition zone (23 mm). The preliminary phytochemical tests results indicated the presence of alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, terpenoids, glycosides and phenols, while tannins and reducing sugars absence in the extracts. Water extract (at concentration 100 µg/ml) caused 74.6% lipid peroxidation inhibition of linoleic acid emulsion, this activity was greater than other concentrations (25 and 50 µg/ml) and standard α-tocopherol (63%). Also, it was found that aqueous extracts decreased the adherent growth of bacteria on glass tubes. The results indicated that all isolates have the ability to form biofilms with different thickness degrees, the absorbance values were ranged between (1.04 - 1.68), the Salmonella isolate was the best isolate formed biofilm with highest absorbance value (1.68). On the other hand C. officinalis extract inhibited bacterial adhesion on polystyrene surface and consequently caused biofilms detachment and this revealed decreased in absorbance values of biofilms. These reported activities for C.officinalis flowers extract allow their listing as potential antibiofilm, antibacterial and antioxidant natural agents. This might suggest their use as therapeutic agents for treatment enteric infections.

Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design Comparison between the Gravity and Pressure Sand Filters for Water Treatment, Review
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Hygienic engineering has dedicated a lot of time and energy to studying water filtration because of how important it is to human health. Thorough familiarity with the filtration process is essential for the design engineer to keep up with and profit from advances in filtering technology and equipment as the properties of raw water continue to change. Because it removes sediment, chemicals, odors, and microbes, filtration is an integral part of the water purification process. The most popular technique for treating surface water for municipal water supply is considered fast sand filtration, which can be achieved using either gravity or pressure sand filters. Predicting the performance of units in water treatment plants is a basic pri

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 07 2020
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Compressive Strength and Shrinkage Behavior of Concrete Produced from Portland Limestone Cement with Water Absorption Polymer Balls
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From the sustainability point of view a combination of using water absorption polymer balls in concrete mix produce from Portland limestone cement (IL) is worth to be perceived. Compressive strength and drying shrinkage behavior for the mixes of concrete prepared by Ordinary Portland Cement (O.P.C) and Portland limestone cement (IL) were investigated in this research. Water absorbent polymer balls (WAPB) are innovative module in producing building materials due to the internal curing which eliminates autogenous shrinkage, enhances the strength at early age, improve the durability, give higher compressive strength at early age, and reduce the effect of insufficient external curing. Polymer balls (WAPB) had been used in the mixes of thi

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 06 2019
Journal Name
Ssociation Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Application of Artificial Neural Network and GeographicalInformation System Models to Predict and Evaluate the Quality ofDiyala River Water, Iraq
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This research discusses application Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Geographical InformationSystem (GIS) models on water quality of Diyala River using Water Quality Index (WQI). Fourteen water parameterswere used for estimating WQI: pH, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Orthophosphate, Nitrate, Calcium, Magnesium,Total Hardness, Sodium, Sulphate, Chloride, Total Dissolved Solids, Electrical Conductivity and Total Alkalinity.These parameters were provided from the Water Resources Ministryfrom seven stations along the river for the period2011 to 2016. The results of WQI analysis revealed that Diyala River is good to poor at the north of Diyala provincewhile it is poor to very polluted at the south of Baghdad City. The selected parameters wer

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Ocean Engineering
Stresses and pore water pressure induced by machine foundation on saturated sand
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In this study, the response and behavior of machine foundations resting on dry and saturated sand was investigated experimentally. In order to investigate the response of soil and footing to steady state dynamic loading, a physical model was manufactured. The manufactured physical model could be used to simulate steady state harmonic load at different operating frequencies. Total of (84) physical models were performed. The parameters that were taken into considerations include loading frequency, size of footing and different soil conditions. The footing parameters were related to the size of the rectangular footing and depth of embedment. Two sizes of rectangular steel model footing were used (100 200 12.5 mm) and (200 400 5.0 mm).

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Effect of Foliar Spray of Zinc and Irrigating with Smoking-Water on Growth of Citrus Rootstock C35
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This study was conducted in fruit production lathe house of the Department Of Horticulture And Landscape Gardening, in the station (B), College Of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University Of Baghdad, Al-Jaadria for 8 months, began from 1/3/2019 to 1/9/2019 to investigate the responses of C35 Citrus rootstock to influence of foliar spraying of zinc and irrigation with smoking-water at 2 years old saplings. the study included two factors, first factor was three concentrations of Zinc Element Z0(0 mg.l-1), Z1(50 mg.l-1) and Z2(75 mg.l-1) that sprays at leave. The second factor was watering saplings with smoke-water in three concentrations S0(0 vol.vol-1), S1(0.1 vol.vol-1) and (0.2vol.vol-1), and their interaction. The experiment was fact

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Removal of Emulsified Paraffine from Water: Effect of Bubble Size and Particle Size on Kinetic of Flotation
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This paper  studied  kinetics  of flotation   of  emulsified  paraffine  in  water  in  bubble  column  with  sodium .dodecylsulphate as a collector agent. The effects of oil drops and air bubble diameters on the flotation rate constant were studied. The removal rate for each oil drop size was first order with respect to oil drop concentration. An experimental procedure permitting determination of the first order rate constants for  removal due to bubble/drop interaction was developed, decreasing bubble diameter by adding NaCl and increasing oil drop diameter increased the rate constants. A comparison between the experimental and theoretical rate constants showed

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation Among Choices Of Water Quality Improvement By Using Some Of Total Quality Management Tools Applied Research In Baghdad Governorate Water Directorate
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  Many managers in geometrical and technical organizations prefer to deal with quantitative values ​​to choose between the available options and choose the best alternative to avoid randomization and bias in decision making. One of them Baghdad Water Department, which seeks to develop the quality of its product (drinking water) and achieve its objectives under increasing growing population and the demand for water, Some of TQM tools, especially the statistical, have this ability because there is chance to use historical data and experiment of employees in Application . Two statistical tools were applied: the nominal group technique, matrix data analysis technique as well as the brainstorming tool to search for the best o

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Water Treatment Using Zinc Nanoparticles and Apricot Plant Extracts from Organic and Inorganic Pollution
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The apricot plant was washed, dried, and powdered after harvesting to produce a fine powder that was used in water treatment. created an alcoholic extract from the apricot plant using ethanol, which was then analysed using GC-MS, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy to identify the active components. Zinc nanoparticles were created using an alcoholic extract. FTIR, UV-Vis, SEM, EDX, and TEM are used to characterize zinc nanoparticles. Using a continuous processing procedure, zinc nanoparticles with apricot extract and powder were employed to clean polluted water. Firstly, 2 g of zinc nanoparticles were used with 20 ml of polluted water, and the results were Tetra 44% and Levo 32%; after

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Magnetic Water Treatment on Prevention of CaCO3 Scales
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Permanent magnets of different intensities were used to investigate the effect of a magnetic field in the process of preventing deposits of calcium carbonate. The magnets were fixed on the water line from the tap outside. Then heating a sample of this water in flasks and measuring the amount of sediment in a manner weighted differences. These experiments comprise to the change of the velocity of water flow, which amounted to (0.5, 0.75, 1) m/sec through the magnetic fields that are of magnetic strength (2200, 6000, 9250, 11000) Gauss, and conduct measurements, tests and compare them with those obtained from the use of ordinary water.The results showed the effectiveness of magnetic treatment in reducing the rate of deposition of calcium carb

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Optical Communications
Analyzing of UVLC system considering the effect of water depth
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Abstract<p>This paper presents a new approach to discover the effect of depth water for underwater visible light communications (UVLC). The quality of the optical link was investigated with varying water depth under coastal water types. The performance of the UVLC with multiple input–multiple output (MIMO) techniques was examined in terms of bit error rate (BER) and data rate. The theoretical result explains that there is a good performance for UVLC system under coastal water.</p>
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