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Antibiofilm, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of water extract of Calendula officinalis flowers
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ABSTRACT The antibacterial and antbiofilm activities of water extract of Calendula officinalis flowers against some of enteropathogenic bacteria was studied, also phytochemical screening and determination of antioxidant activity of the extract has been investigated. The results showed that the water extract of C. officinalis exhibited a good antibacterial activity against all pathogenic bacterial isolates (Salmonella, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei and E. coli) especially at concentration 100 µg/ml in contrast with the control cefotan antibiotic. S. sonnei was more sensitive to extract than other bacteria with highest inhibition zone (23 mm). The preliminary phytochemical tests results indicated the presence of alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, terpenoids, glycosides and phenols, while tannins and reducing sugars absence in the extracts. Water extract (at concentration 100 µg/ml) caused 74.6% lipid peroxidation inhibition of linoleic acid emulsion, this activity was greater than other concentrations (25 and 50 µg/ml) and standard α-tocopherol (63%). Also, it was found that aqueous extracts decreased the adherent growth of bacteria on glass tubes. The results indicated that all isolates have the ability to form biofilms with different thickness degrees, the absorbance values were ranged between (1.04 - 1.68), the Salmonella isolate was the best isolate formed biofilm with highest absorbance value (1.68). On the other hand C. officinalis extract inhibited bacterial adhesion on polystyrene surface and consequently caused biofilms detachment and this revealed decreased in absorbance values of biofilms. These reported activities for C.officinalis flowers extract allow their listing as potential antibiofilm, antibacterial and antioxidant natural agents. This might suggest their use as therapeutic agents for treatment enteric infections.

Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Corrosion of Carbon Steel Pipeline in Flow System of water Sweetening Plant
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The electrochemical behavior of carbon steel in water sweetening station in Libya has been studied in the range of ( 293–333 oC) using weight loss technique. Measurements were carried out over a range of Reynolds number (5000 – 25000).An apparatus was designed for studying the corrosion process in the turbulent regime, which is of industrial significance. It was found that The corrosion rate of carbon steel in water sweetening station is under diffusion control and increases with increasing Reynolds number. On the other hand the variation of corrosion rate with temperature in the range of (293–333 oC) was found to follow Arrhenius equation and the activation energy approximately the same except at low Reynolds

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2011
Journal Name
Cathodic protection system of copper–zinc–saline water in presence of bacteria
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Rate of zinc consumption during the cathodic protection of copper pipeline which carries saline water was measured by weight loss technique in the absence and presence of bacteria. Variables studied were solution flow rate, temperature, time and NaCl concentration. It was found that within the present range of variables; the rate of zinc consumption increases with the increase of all operating conditions. The presence of bacteria increases the zinc consumption. Fourth order multi-term model and one-term model were suggested to represent the consumption data. Nonlinear regression analysis was used to estimate the coefficients of these models, while statistical analysis was used to determine the effect of each coefficient. Both models were re

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The study of water quality changes using GIS and remote sensing for Tigris River through Salah Al-Din province, Iraq
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The most significant water supply, which is the basis of agriculture, industry and human and wildlife needs, is the river. In order to determine its suitability for drinking purposes, this study aims to measure the Water Quality Index (WQI) of the Tigris River in the Salah Al-Din Province (center of Tikrit), north of Baghdad. For ten (9) physio-chemical parameters, namely turbidity, total suspended sediments, PH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, chloride, nitrogen as nitrate, sulphate, and then transported for examination to the laboratory, water samples were collected from 13 locations along the Tigris river. Using the weighted arithmetic index method, the WQI was measured and found to be 105,87 in up-stream, wh

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detection for The Production of Siderophore in Burkholderia cepacia Isolated From the Rhizosphers of Some Plants and studing the Effect of the Bacterial Filtrate and Extract on Some Pathogenic Fungi
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bstract         This study was performed to isolate and identify the Burkholderia cepacia from rhizosphers of different plants and study their ability to produce Siderophore, the study was also aimed to assess the antifungal activity of the bacterial filtrate and extracts of the isolates against some pathogenic fungi.     The isolate which showed higher inhibitory effects was selected for extraction of some active metabolites produced by it, and evaluate the activity in vitro, via inhibition of the growth of the fungi using different concentrations of extract (50, 100, 200 )µL/ml , The results showed that out of  (250) samples of soil , (8) isolates (3.2%) gave positive

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of Some Heavy Metals, Their Fate and Transportation in Water, Sediment, and Some Biota within AL-Musayyib River, Babylon Governorate, Iraq
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This study estimated seven heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd, Cr) in water (dissolved and particulate phase), sediments and some aquatic organisms including two species from aquatic plants (Ceratophyllum demersum&Phragmites australis); one species of clam (Psedontopeses euphratics) and two species from fish (Oreochromis aureus& Leuciscus vorax)in four sites within Mashroo AL- Musayyib channel project/ branch  of Euphrates river, Babylon , medial of Iraq . This aims to show the concentration of these elements, their fate and the mechanisms of their transmission through the food chain in this lotic aquatic system ; also in addition to examining  some physicochemical properties of ri

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Australian Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications
Formulation of approximate mathematical model for incoming water to some dams on Tigris and Euphrates Rivers using spline function
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n this paper, we formulate three mathematical models using spline functions, such as linear, quadratic and cubic functions to approximate the mathematical model for incoming water to some dams. We will implement this model on dams of both rivers; dams on the Tigris are Mosul and Amara while dams on the Euphrates are Hadetha and Al-Hindya.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Ethanol-Water Separation by Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA)
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Single long spiral tube column pressure swing adsorption (PSA) unit, 25 mm diameter, and 6 m length was constructed to study the separation of water from ethanol at azeotropic concentration of 95 wt%. The first three meters of the column length acted as a vaporizer and the remaining length acted as an adsorber filled by commercial 3A zeolite. The effect of pressure, temperature and feed flow rate on the product ethanol purity, process recovery and productivity were studied. The results showed that ethanol purity increased with temperature and pressure and decreased with feed flow rate. The purity decreased with increasing productivity. The purity range was 98.9 % to 99.6 %, the recovery range was 0.82 to 0.92 and the productivity range w

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 11 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Evaluations of Potable Water Tanks Epoxy Coatings Performance Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic Method
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The aim of this paper is to investigate and discuss the mechanisms of corrosion of epoxy coatings used for potable water tanks. Two distinct types of Jotun epoxy coatings: Tankguard 412 contained polyamine cured epoxy and Penguard HB contained polyamide cured epoxy, were tested and studied using the electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) method. The porosity of epoxy coatings was determined using EIS method. The obtained results showed that the two epoxy coatings have excellent behavior when applied and tested in potable water of Basrah city. Polyamine is more resistance to water corrosion compared to polyamide curing epoxy and has high impedance values. Microscopic inspection after te

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Study of Ability of Local Ninivite Rocks in Purification of Drinking Water
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This study is conducted to verify the efficienecy of local Ninivite rock when used in the treatment of drinking water in plants operating currently in the country in order to develop the situation of these stations to cope with the increase in population. Also, this will limit the pollutian which are increasing in the country's rivers.

(Euphrates and Tigris). These rivers are the sources to feed all water treatment plants in the country. The idea is the develop or the modify these stations by replacing part of top layer of sand filters used in these stations with Ninivite rock to operate as filters composed of two medium. The efficiency of this rock is compared with other materials used successfully worldwide in this area, such a

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Green Engineering
Water distribution and interference of wetting front in stratified soil under a continues and an intermittent subsurface drip irrigation
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