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Pros and Cons of the Transconjunctival Retroseptal Approach to the Isolated Orbital Floor Fracture
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To get access into the orbital floor 3 paths are commonly used which are transconjunctival, subciliary and subtarsal approaches. Each one of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. The study assessed the outcomes of the transconjunctival retroseptal approach, which reflects our experience in this type of surgery. Along 8 years, 26 patients received in the emergency room diagnosed with pure isolated orbital floor fractures, all of them admitted to the maxillofacial surgery department and approached by transconjunctival incision without lateral canthotomy. Three types of complications occurred: laceration of the lower eyelid, injury to the lacrimal system and entropion. All of these complications were managed accordingly with no long-term deficit. Although the transconjunctival approach without lateral canthotomy is limited to a certain degree, it has the advantages of hidden scar, easy, and short time to achieve.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 23 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Antimicrobial susceptibility of Enterococcus spp. Isolated from different clinical sources in Kirkuk provency
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        One of the most important problems confronts hospitals is the strains emergence  of Enterococcus spp. with multiple resistance to antibiotics, which propel researchers to modify or produce new antibiotics or combination between two antibiotics so that to be more effective against Enterococcus . This study was aimed to susceptibility some of local Enterococcus spp. Isolates with of 21 antibiotic using  disc diffusion method. The results showed absolute resistant 100% toward (Cephalexin , Gentamycin , Amikacin ,Erythromycin and Nalidixic acid), while showed a high sensitivity toward (Vancomycin and Impenem ) at percentage of 92.3% for each . Also highl

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
DNA Sequences of LasB Gene in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Some Clinical Cases
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 Out of 120 isolates from different clinical cases, only 75 were found and confirmed that they belong to the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. The result revealed that the LasB virulent gene was present in 63 isolates with 63% percentage. The gel electrophoresis showed that the molecular weight of LasB gene was 300 bp. DNA sequences of LasB gene was done, and the results showed the presence of some gene mutations like substitution, addition and deletion with 97% identity with the Refseq gene. From the other side, the results of identities of translated nucleotides sequence with the original sequence of amino acids revealed that there are no effects of gene mutations on translation of the product protein. 

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 06 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Biomaterials
Extracellular Enzyme of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Ziziphus spina Leaves as Medicinal Plant
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Endophytic fungi live inside plants or any part of them without creating any visible pathogenic signs. Endophytic fungi are found within medicinal plants and have shown strong biologic activity, such as anticancer and antioxidant activities, as well as producing extracellular enzymes. In this study, different fungal strains were isolated from the leaves of the medicinal plant Ziziphus spina, including Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium sp., Rhizopus sp., and Mucor sp. Extracellular enzymes have been quantified using agar plate-based methods in which fungi were grown in specified growth media to detect the enzymes produced. The results showed that A. niger has the highest ability to produce amy

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 04 2013
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Biological Sciences
Bacteriocin Typing of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Different Sources in Ibb City, Yemen
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Abstract A total of 207 specimens were collected from different sources including patients, health care staff and hospital environment in Ibb city, Yemen. The study used the bacteriocin produced from active producer strains in typing of Staphylococcus aureus. Depending on the morphological, cultural and biochemical characteristics, 54 (26.09%) isolates of Staphylococcus aureus were identified. An antibiotic sensitivity test was done for the bacterial isolates, and the results showed that there were multiple resistant antibiotics. The Staphylococcin production of these isolates has been detected by using wells assay. Fifty one isolates were Staphylococcin producer. Four isolates (staph19, staph25, staph28 and staph43) were chosen as go

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Extent of auditors' commitment to the quality control system according to the Iraqi Audit guide / 7 : A field study of a sample of auditors of the second district audit office In the The Federal Financial Supervision Board
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The research aims to achieve a set of objectives, the most important of which is determining the extent to which the auditors of the research sample in the Federal Bureau of Financial Supervision adhere to the requirements of the quality control system according to the Iraqi Audit Manual No. The federal financial / research sample with the quality control system according to the Iraqi audit guide No. 7), and the researcher seeks to test the main research hypothesis and sub-hypotheses, and to achieve this, a questionnaire was designed by (Google Form) and distributed electronically to the elements of the research sample, Through the statistical package program (SPSS), the results of the questionnaire were analysed. In light of the applied

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The exposure of the elderly to the news of the Corona pandemic TV and its reflection on their behavior: A survey study of a sample of the public of Baghdad governorate
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A Survey Study Of A Sample Of The Public Of Baghdad  Governorate

The current study aimed to identify the most prominent psychological and behavioral repercussions of the exposure of the elderly to the news of the Corona pandemic and to determine the mechanisms of their exposure. On an intended sample on both sides of (Al-Karkh and Al-Rasafa) and the simple random sample was adopted to choose the place of distribution of the questionnaire and the intentional sample.

 The research concluded several results, most TV news is still a primary source of information and that most of the sample move between stations to see more information about the pandemic and that the presentation of views confuses the elderly ،There

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Integrated Framework for technologies to reduce costs and reengineering processes to develop strategies companyes An Empirical Study In some companies affiliated to the Ministry of Oil
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Began the process of re-engineering processes in the private sector as a way to assist organizations in re-thinking how to run the business in order to improve production processes and reduce operational cost, to get to compete on a global level. That was a major restructuring by further evolution in the use of technology to support innovative operations.

 Entered the technology in all areas of life and different regulations, This led to use as a change in all aspects The companies achieved success and progress today through the use of resources so as to ensure the wishes of the customers and their needs, and the requirements of the market primarily, Which is reflected on the basis of building strate

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Baltic Journal Of Law & Politics
The Geomorphological Aspects in Diyala Governorate and the Possibility of Investing Them for Tourism Activity According to the Perspective of Sustainable Development Using RS and GIS Techniques
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Diyala Governorate has many unique and diverse geomorphological features that the region enjoys, which are among the attractions for natural tourism, as the natural environment is considered a maker of tourism. The importance of geomorphological aspects as components of natural tourism is due to their association with tourism and entertainment, as a result of the enjoyment of many geomorphological aspects of the beauty of its natural landscape on the one hand, and on the other hand, the association of these manifestations with different types of tourism activity. Any tourist area as it is the main factor for tourist attractions, such as the presence of the Hamrin hills, and sand dunes. Planning for the development of tourism activity in the

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Determination of the Elastic and Viscous Behavior of Polycarbonate Melts at Different Temperatures and Their Relationship to the Steady State Viscosity via the Cox-Merz Rule
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Rheological instrument is one of the basic analytical measurements for diagnosing the properties of polymers fluids to be used in any industry. In this research polycarbonate was chosen because of its importance in many areas and possesses several distinct properties.
Two kinds of rheometers devices were used at different range of temperatures from 220 ˚C-300 ˚C to characterize the rheological technique of melted polycarbonate (Makrolon 2805) by a combination of different investigating techniques. We compared the results of the linear (oscillatory) method with the non-linear (steady-state) method; the former method provided the storage and the loss modulus of melted polycarbonate, and presented the Cox-Merz model as well. One of the

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 20 2025
Journal Name
Sciences Journal Of Physical Education
The effect of skill exercises according to the Keller model on attentional control and learning the shooting skills from stability and movement of basketball for female students
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