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Implication of Yield Lines Theory in Method Three of the ACI Code for Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs
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Abstract<p>Reinforced concrete slabs are one of the most important and complicated elements of a building. For supported edges slabs, if the ratio of long span to short span is equal or less than two then the slab is considered as two-way slab otherwise is consider as one-way slab. Two-way reinforced concrete slabs are common in use in reinforced concrete buildings due to geometrically arrangement of columns suggested by architects who prefer a symmetric distribution of columns in their plans. Elastic theory is usually used for analysis of concrete slabs. However, for several reasons design methods based on elastic principles are limited in their function. Correspondingly, limit state analysis offers a powerful technique for considering such matter. The Yield Lines Theory, which is one of limit state analysis based on expected failure criteria of slabs. The assumed failure criteria is termed by a pattern of yield lines, along that the reinforcement has yielded and the location of which counts loads and boundary conditions. This paper deals with comparison of Method 3 for two-way slabs that was provided by the ACI Code and exact derivation of this method by the Yield Lines Theory. Total of nine cases of slabs that have been described by method three are studied and evaluated by plastic analysis assumptions of the yield lines theory. The results are summarized in terms of proposed formulae that derived according to the Yield Lines Ttheory, which could be used as an alternative method for design of two-way reinforced concrete slabs in the ACI Code.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flexural Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Rubberized Concrete Beams
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The massive growth of the automotive industry and the development of vehicles use lead to produce a huge amount of waste tire rubber. Rubber tires are non-biodegradable, resulting in environmental problems such as fire risks. In this search, the flexural behavior of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) beams containing different percentages and sizes of waste tire rubbers were studied and compared them with the flexural behavior of SCC and SFRSCC. Micro steel fiber (straight type) with aspect ratio 65 was used in mixes. The replacement of coarse and fine aggregate was 20% and 10% with chip and crumb rubber. Also, the replacement of limestone dust and silica fume was 50%, 25%, and 12% with ground rubbe

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Punching Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Flat Plates with Openings
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Test results of six half-scale reinforced concrete flat plates connections with an opening in the vicinity of the column are reported. The test specimens represent a portion of a slab bounded by the lines of contraflexure around the column. The tests were designed to study the effect of openings on the punching shear behavior of the slab-column connections. The test parameters were the location and the size of the openings. One specimen had no opening and the remaining five had various arrangements of openings around the column. All specimens were cast with normal density concrete of approximately 30 MPa compressive strength. The openings in the specimens were square, with the sides parallel to the sides of the column. Three sizes of ope

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Solids And Structures
Structural Behavior of Reinforced Hybrid Concrete Columns under Biaxial Loading
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Solids And Structures
Structural Behavior of Reinforced Hybrid Concrete Columns under Biaxial Loading
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2025
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
On the Impact of Lacing Reinforcement Arrangement on Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams Performance
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The optimum design is characterized by structural concrete components that can sustain loads well beyond the yielding stage. This is often accomplished by a fulfilled ductility index, which is greatly influenced by the arrangement of the shear reinforcement. The current study investigates the impact of the shear reinforcement arrangement on the structural response of the deep beams using a variety of parameters, including the type of shear reinforcement, the number of lacing bars, and the lacing arrangement pattern. It was found that lacing reinforcement, as opposed to vertical stirrups, enhanced the overall structural response of deep beams, as evidenced by test results showing increases in ultimate loads, yielding, and cracking of

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Building Engineering
The influence of earthquake characteristics on the seismic performance of reinforced concrete buildings in Australia with varying heights
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In Australia, most of the existing buildings were designed before the release of the Australian standard for earthquake actions in 2007. Therefore, many existing buildings in Australia lack adequate seismic design, and their seismic performance must be assessed. The recent earthquake that struck Mansfield, Victoria near Melbourne elevated the need to produce fragility curves for existing reinforced concrete (RC) buildings in Australia. Fragility curves are frequently utilized to assess buildings’ seismic performance and it is defined as the demand probability surpassing capacity at a given intensity level. Numerous factors can influence the results of the fragility assessment of RC buildings. Among the most important factors that can affe

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Detailed feasibility study of the pre-cast reinforced concrete project and its importance in the construction of Iraq
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Purpose:  Providing practical knowledge of the requirements of a detailed feasibility study for selecting the investment project.

Findings:  Directing the private sector towards investing in productive projects - the pre-cast reinforced concrete project - as it achieves a financial return as well as providing Providing foreign currencies by reducing imports and exploiting available natural resources

Practical implications: The importance of a detailed feasibility study to determining whether the project can be implemented or not.

The precast concrete method is one of the best modern c

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Effects of GFRP Stirrup Spacing on the Behavior of Doubly GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams
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This study investigates the impact of varying glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) stirrup spacing on the performance of doubly GFRP-reinforced concrete beams. The research focuses on assessing the behavior of GFRP-reinforced concrete beams, including load-carrying capacity, cracking, and deformability. It explores the feasibility and effectiveness of GFRP bars as an alternative to traditional steel reinforcement in concrete structures. Six concrete beams with a cross-section of 300 mm (wide) × 250 mm (deep), simply supported on a 2100 mm span, were tested. The beams underwent four-point bending with two concentrated loads applied symmetrically at one-third of the span length, resulting in a shear span (a)-to-depth (h) ratio of 2.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Strengthening and Closing Cracks for Existing Reinforced Concrete Girders Using Externally Post-Tensioned Tendons
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This research is devoted to study the strengthening technique for the existing reinforced concrete beams using external post-tensioning. An analytical methodology is proposed to predict the value of the effective prestress force for the external tendons required to close cracks in existing beams. The external prestressing force required to close cracks in existing members is only a part from the total strengthening force.
A computer program created by Oukaili (1997) and developed by Alhawwassi (2008) to evaluate curvature and deflection for reinforced concrete beams or internally prestressed concrete beams is modified to evaluate the deflection and the stress of the external tendons for the externally strengthened beams using Matlab

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 08 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment, And Sustainability: Tmrees23fr
Analysis of x-ray diffraction lines of cuprous oxide nanoparticles by using variance analysis method
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In this study, the results of x-ray diffraction methods were used to determine the Crystallite size and Lattice strain of Cu2O nanoparticles then to compare the results obtained by using variance analysis method, Scherrer method and Williamson-Hall method. The results of these methods of the same powder which is cuprous oxide, using equations during the determination the crystallite size and lattice strain, It was found that the results obtained the values of the crystallite size (28.302nm) and the lattice strain (0.03541) of the variance analysis method respectively and for the Williamson-Hall method were the results of the crystallite size (21.678nm) and lattice strain (0.00317) respectively, and Scherrer method which gives the value of c

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