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Push-Out Test of Steel-Concrete-Steel Composite Section for Pre-Installation and Post-Installation Techniques of Shear Connectors
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Composite steel-concrete sections have a broad benefit through increasing structural strength as well as minimizing the self-loads. All past researches were concerned with pre-installed shear connectors (PRSC) in the manufacturing of composite sections. A new fabrication technique for steel-concrete-steel composite sections were presented in the current study by the post-installation shear connectors (POSC) passed-through an embedded polymerizing vinyl chloride (PVC) pipes. The performance of normal strength concrete prisms with a specified strength of 32 MPa connected to square steel tubes (SST) was investigated. Six specimens were fabricated in both methodologies, PRSC and POSC were experimentally tested by Push-out test. The spacing of the shear connectors was changed for every two specimens fabricated in two different ways in order to obtain a full behavioral view. However, POSC does not have full-bond to concrete prisms, the test revealed a comparable strength of POSC specimens. The test shows a slight increase in the ultimate strength of PRSC specimens by (12.11, 11.19, and 9.45) % than POSC specimens for 100mm, 150mm, and 200mm spaced shear connectors.

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Publication Date
Thu May 24 2018
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The study effect of weight fraction on thermal and electrical conductivity for unsaturated polyester composite alone and hybrid
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In this research prepared two composite materials , the first prepared from unsaturated polyester resin (UP) , which is a matrix , and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) , and the second prepared from unsaturated polyester resin and aluminum oxide and copper oxide (CuO) , the two composites materials (Alone and Hybrid) of percentage weight (5,10,15)% . All samples were prepared by hand layup process, and study the electrical and thermal conductivity. The results showed decrease electrical conductivity from (10 - 2.39) ×10-15 for (Up+ Al2O3) and from (10 - 2.06)×10-15 for (Up+ Al2O3+ CuO) .But increase thermal conductivity from( 0.17 - 0.505) for (Up+ Al2O3) and from (0.17 - 0.489) for (Up+ Al2O3+ CuO).

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Determining standard levels to test the strength endurance characteristic of speed for basketball players for juniors aged under (16) years
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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 The responses of the army overseer to the grammarians in the preposition section
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This is a contextual study in face and isotope science, and I have made it in one of the terms faces and isotopes, which is the word (bad). Quranic also, and that is at every aspect they mentioned.
The nature of the research required that it be divided into three sections:
The first topic: I singled it out to show the types of contextual connotations.
- The second topic: I singled it out to define the word bad and its meaning.
- The third topic: I devoted it to the study of the word bad and explaining the significance of the Quranic context on the additional meaning and the original meaning.
Conclusion: It mentioned the most important results, which are:
1- The significance of the Quranic context is one of the most impo

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
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Reaction Cross Section Variations of (alpha + 22Ne) in Msun<M<4Msun AGB Stars
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Serviceability of Post-fire RC Rafters with Openings of Different Sizes and Shapes
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This study deals with the serviceability of reinforced concrete solid and perforated rafters with openings of different shapes and sizes based on an experimental study that includes 12 post-fire non-prismatic reinforced concrete beams (solid and perforated). Three groups were formed based on heating temperature (room temperature, 400 °C, and 700 °C), each group consisting of four rafters (solid, rafters with 6 and 8 trapezoidal openings, and rafter with eight circular openings) under static loading. A developed unified calculation technique for deflection and crack widths under static loading at the service stage has been provided, which comprises non-prismatic beams with or without opening exposed to flexure concentra

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Manifestations of Media Incitement to Violence in Iraqi Satellite Channels- Out of the Iraqi Media's View.
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representing the media and communication problems and phenomena fertile material and of great importance in the media research, especially as they relate to various aspects of life and its impact on the culture of the community and on individuals and public opinion about the behavior of the various issues. The media incitement to violence and hatred of the most prominent media phenomena that increased the danger and expanded not at the local level, but also in the world. So we found it is important to study this problem from the standpoint of academic and professional. And according to the progress of this research is trying to answer a number of questions including:
A. What are the Iraqi Satellite TV channels most watched and follow

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 06 2020
Journal Name
Cuestiones Políticas
Political structure and the administration of political system in Iraq (post-ISIS)
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The objective of the investigation was to analyze the structure and administration of the political system in Iraq (post-ISIS). After 2003, the Iraqi political system suffered the fundamental problem of its failure to achieve the political and social inclusion that characterizes democratic systems, to guarantee the establishment of a "state for all", while respecting differences. Political representation has moved from the system of sectarian ethnic components, under the title of consensual democracy, to the representation of leaders and the realization of their interests and the interests of their parties at the expense of the groups that claim to represent them, which complicates the problem. In this sense, the new political syste

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
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Problametic of human body in post modern arts
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Explanation of article events , or discribing it establish to anderstanding an phenomenon which its effects still clear in the art , surching like this may be very usful in the analysis of new art , which considering one of the most important turns in the history of art . and if we look to human body in the art as existenc in the art , from it’s begening to the modern age . so we can understand the meaning of this existence and it’s directins which cover all the worid and the lead us to thiories and suggestion’s help in understand to this direction and the effects between our arts and the external directions.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Applicability of Multiple MCDM Techniques for Implementation in the Priority of Road Maintenance
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Priority of road maintenance can be viewed as a process influenced by decision-makers with varying decision-making power. Each decision-maker may have their view and judgment depending on their function and responsibilities. Therefore, determining the priority of road maintenance can be thought of as a process of MCDM. Regarding the priority of road maintenance, this is a difficult MCDM problem involving uncertainty, qualitative criteria, and possible causal relationships between choice criteria. This paper aims to examine the applicability of multiple MCDM techniques, which are used for assessing the priority of road maintenance, by adapting them to this sector. Priority of road maintenance problems subject to internal

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 15 2023
Journal Name
Full Text Book Of Minar Congress 7
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The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is an effective graphical indicator that can be used to analyze remote sensing measurements using a space platform, in order to investigate the trend of the live green vegetation in the observed target. In this research, the change detection of vegetation in Babylon city was done by tracing the NDVI factor for temporal Landsat satellite images. These images were used and utilized in two different terms: in March 19th in 2015 and March 5th in 2020. The Arc-GIS program ver. 10.7 was adopted to analyze the collected data. The final results indicate a spatial variation in the (NDVI), where it increases from (1666.91 𝑘𝑚2) in 2015 to (1697.01 𝑘𝑚2)) in 2020 between the t

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