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Simultaneous Complete Intracorneal Ring Implantation with Intrapocket Collagen Cross- Linking for Treatment of Keratoconus
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BACKGROUND: Keratoconus is a progressive non inflammatory bilateral (usually asymmetric) ectatic corneal disease characterized by paraxial stromal thinning ,weakening that lead to corneal surface distortion ,vision loss primarily from irregular astigmatism and myopia and secondly from corneal scar. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate visual and refractive outcomes after intracorneal continuous ring (ICCR) implantation combined with intrapocket corneal collagen cross linking in patient with keratoconus. Setting: Eye Specialty Private Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq. METHODS: This study assessed the results of implantation of Myoring ICCR combined with CXL in 40 eyes with KC. Outcome measures include UDVA,CDVA(spectacle correction),refraction, complications and side effects. Postoperative follow- up was up to 1 year. RESULTS: The study evaluated 40 eyes of 34 patients with a mean age of 25.75 years. Preoperatively, the pachymetry at thinnest location range from (367_555ϻm) and the mean keratometry (K) readings 50.51± 3.94D. Post operatively ,there was statistically significant improvement in the UDVA,CDVA,K reading ,manifest spherical and cylindrical refractive errors ,and spherical equivalent (p<.05).The mean UDVA improved by 13 lines ,CDVA improved by 3.5 lines and the mean K reading decreased by 7.14 D .No serious intraoperative complications occurred .Side effects includes glare and night vision problems. CONCLUSION: Treatment of KC with simultaneous ICCR implantation and intrapocket collagen cross linking significantly improved visual and refractive outcomes .the UDVA and CDVA continuously improved during the 1st year postoperatively. KEYWORDS:kKerCa:tkoecroantousc,oinnutsra,cICorCnRea:linctoranctionrunoeualscroingti,nucoullsagrieng,croCsXs-Lli:nckoinllgagaennd:crimospsl-alintkaibnlge acnodllaImCLer:lIemnps.lantableCollamerLens

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The natural courses of keratometric, pachymetric and visual acuity outcomes during 1year follow up after corneal collagen cross-linking
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Background: As photochemical reaction that can stiffen the cornea, CXL is the only promising method of preventing progression of keratectasia such as KC and secondary ectasia following refractive surgery. The aim of CXL is to stabilize the underlying condition with a small chance of visual improvement. Objective: To show the sequences of changes in visual acuity and topographic outcomes during 1 year post CXL for patients with progressive Keratoconus.Type of the study: Cross sectional studyMethods: CXL procedure was done for 45 eyes with progressive KC. The following parameters had been monitored pre operatively, 1, 3, 6 and 12 months postoperatively: K apex, K2, corneal thickness at thinnest location, anterior and posterior elevation po

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 17 2022
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
A Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Model for Detecting Keratoconus
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Machine learning models have recently provided great promise in diagnosis of several ophthalmic disorders, including keratoconus (KCN). Keratoconus, a noninflammatory ectatic corneal disorder characterized by progressive cornea thinning, is challenging to detect as signs may be subtle. Several machine learning models have been proposed to detect KCN, however most of the models are supervised and thus require large well-annotated data. This paper proposes a new unsupervised model to detect KCN, based on adapted flower pollination algorithm (FPA) and the k-means algorithm. We will evaluate the proposed models using corneal data collected from 5430 eyes at different stages of KCN severity (1520 healthy, 331 KCN1, 1319 KCN2, 1699 KCN3 a

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Science Of The Total Environment
Sustainable application of tubular photosynthesis microbial desalination cell for simultaneous desalination of seawater for potable water supply associated with sewage treatment and energy recovery
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Serum levels of cross-linked n-telopeptide of Type i collagen before and after non-surgical periodontal therapy in type 2 diabetic patients with chronic periodontitis
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a major risk factor for chronic periodontitis (CP) and hyperglycemia has an important role in the enhancement of the severity of the periodontitis. It has been reported that the progression of CP causes shifting of the balance between bone formation and resorption toward osteoclastic resorption, and this will lead to the release of collagenous bone breakdown products into the local tissues and the systemic circulation. Cross-linked N-telopeptide of type I collagen (NTx) is the amino-terminal peptides of type I collagen which is released during the process of bone resorption. This study was conducted to determine the effects of nonsurgical periodontal therapy on serum level of NTx in type 2 diabetic patients

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Characteristics of English Linking Adverbials
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Linking adverbials are used to organize and bridge together extended stretches of discourse to make the text coherent. They are explicit indicators of the communicative function of the sentence and writers use them to let their readers follow what has already been said and to help them anticipate what is about to follow.
Linking adverbials include those relations of addition, enumeration, summation, apposition and so on. Through the use of these adverbials, the writer is able to organize and develop his ideas and help the reader follow him from one sentence to another. Thus, a linking adverbial is a semantic relation used to show the way in which what is to follow is systematically connected to what has gone before. So, they have anap

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
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A Deep Feature Fusion of Improved Suspected Keratoconus Detection with Deep Learning
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Detection of early clinical keratoconus (KCN) is a challenging task, even for expert clinicians. In this study, we propose a deep learning (DL) model to address this challenge. We first used Xception and InceptionResNetV2 DL architectures to extract features from three different corneal maps collected from 1371 eyes examined in an eye clinic in Egypt. We then fused features using Xception and InceptionResNetV2 to detect subclinical forms of KCN more accurately and robustly. We obtained an area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC) of 0.99 and an accuracy range of 97–100% to distinguish normal eyes from eyes with subclinical and established KCN. We further validated the model based on an independent dataset with

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 16 2021
Journal Name
Cognitive Computation
Deep Transfer Learning for Improved Detection of Keratoconus using Corneal Topographic Maps
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Abstract <p>Clinical keratoconus (KCN) detection is a challenging and time-consuming task. In the diagnosis process, ophthalmologists must revise demographic and clinical ophthalmic examinations. The latter include slit-lamb, corneal topographic maps, and Pentacam indices (PI). We propose an Ensemble of Deep Transfer Learning (EDTL) based on corneal topographic maps. We consider four pretrained networks, SqueezeNet (SqN), AlexNet (AN), ShuffleNet (SfN), and MobileNet-v2 (MN), and fine-tune them on a dataset of KCN and normal cases, each including four topographic maps. We also consider a PI classifier. Then, our EDTL method combines the output probabilities of each of the five classifiers to obtain a decision b</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 16 2021
Journal Name
Translational Vision Science &amp; Technology
A Hybrid Deep Learning Construct for Detecting Keratoconus From Corneal Maps
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of Babylon
His- Ventricle (HV) Interval And Syncope As Predictor For Pacemaker Implantation In Patients With Bifascicular Block (BFB)
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Transient drop in the heart beat or transient heart block (AVB) may be consider the main cause of syncope or presyncope inpatients with bifascicular block and syncope According to the Guidelines for cardiac pacing pacemaker consider part of treatment. Aims of our study were to evaluate whether there is role for EPS in patients BFB and to evaluate the symptoms after pacing. 42 patients were enrolled in this study, with mean age value (63.4± 12.2years), suffer from interventricular conductive defect and syncope; patients underwent EPS on admission time, and pacemaker implantation accordingly and programmed follow up for the device in the last four years. Our patients were 25 (59.5%) male and 17 (40.5%)female, all of them with syncope o

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detecting Keratoconus by Using SVM and Decision Tree Classifiers with the Aid of Image Processing
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 Researchers used different methods such as image processing and machine learning techniques in addition to medical instruments such as Placido disc, Keratoscopy, Pentacam;to help diagnosing variety of diseases that affect the eye. Our paper aims to detect one of these diseases that affect the cornea, which is Keratoconus. This is done by using image processing techniques and pattern classification methods. Pentacam is the device that is used to detect the cornea’s health; it provides four maps that can distinguish the changes on the surface of the cornea which can be used for Keratoconus detection. In this study, sixteen features were extracted from the four refractive maps along with five readings from the Pentacam software. The

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