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Study some virulence factors of Escherichia coli isolates
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Some Factors determining the virulence of Escherichia coli ( E. coli ) isolates were studied ,of 25 isolates , 17(group A) uropathogenic E. coli ,6 (group B) infected gastrointestinal tract , 2 (group C) infected wound , beside these group we use the standard strain E. coli HB101 as control group. The twenty five isolates were tested for adherence capability to human buccal cavity epithelial cells by in vitro experiment . The results showed that all isolates have different adhesion capability with mean ranging from (14.35±11.39) to (33.80 ± 22.68) bacteria / epithelial cell It was noticed that isolates EU9, ES6, EW17 displayed high adhesive capability with mean value (33.80 ± 22.68), (32.60 ± 21.19), (29.90±22.50) bacteria /epithelial cell respectively, while the isolates EU4 displayed a lowest adhesive capability with mean value of (14.35±11.39) bacteria / epithelial cell. It was also found that there was no significant difference ( P ≥ 0.001) for adhesive capability among EU9, ES6, EW17, but the adhesive capability for these isolates was significantly higher (P ≤ 0.001) compared to standard strain which showed adhesive capability with mean value (0.55± 0.88),thus these isolates were selected for further experiments to study others virulence factors such as ability to agglutination human , rabbit , sheep erythrocytes in mannose – sensitive manner and production of haemolysin , biofilm. The results revealed that all isolates had nearly the same hemagluttination pattern in the absence of D-mannose while the pattern is different in the presence of D- mannose, where the isolates EU9, ES6 show ability to agglutinate human and sheep erythrocytes and so considered as Mannose Resistant Hemagluttination (MRHA) while the isolate EW17 did not show this ability and considered as Mannose Sensitive Hemagluttination ( MSHA). It was also found that all isolates have ability to produce haemolysin and biofilm formation but in different pattern.

Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Evaluation the Effect of Allium Sativum (garlic) oil on The Expression of Maz E and Maz F Genes in Escherichia Coli Clinical Isolates
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
World Journal Of Experimental Biosciences
Effectiveness of some β- lactamase encoding geneson biofilm formation and slime layer production byuropathogenic Escherichia coli
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In present study 74 specimens of urine were collected from patients suffering from urinary tract infections.Fifty (67.56%) isolates were identified as Escherichia coli. 78% of isolates were identified as extendedspectrum beta lactamases (ESBL) producer. Antibiotic susceptibility t est was done and ceftazidime wasselected to complete this study by implying stress at sub-MIC on isolate harbor high number of resistancegenes (N11) and compared with sensitive isolate (S). Only four β-lactamase coding genes were detected;blaTEM, blaPER, blaVIM and blaCTX-M-2 and N11 had blaTEM, blaPER, and blaVIM. It was found that the resistantisolate did not form biofilm when compared with the sensitive one, which formed moderate biofilm. Inaddition, ceftazidi

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
The Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine
Evaluation of the Antibiofilm Activity of Laurus nobilis Leaves Extract and Assessment of Its Effect on fimA and papC genes in Escherichia coli isolates
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Background: The beneficial gut bacterium E. coli can cause blood poisoning, diarrhoea, and other gastrointestinal and systemic disorders. Objective: This study amid to examines the antibiofilm activity of Laurus nobilis leaves extract on E. coli isolates and compares pre- and post-treatment gene expression of fimA and papC genes. Subjects and Methods: Ten isolates of E. coli were obtained from the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute, University of Baghdad, which was previously collected from Baghdad city hospitals and diagnosed by chemical tests, the diagnosis was confirmed using VITEK-2 System. The preparation of the aqueous and methanolic Laurus nobilis leaves extracts was done by using the maceration method and Soxhlet appara

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Biotechnology Research Center
Candida and Candidiasis - A review of Virulence Factors
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   The occurrences of invasive candidiasis has increased over the previous few decades. Although Candida albicans considers as one of the most common species of organisms, that cause acquired fungal infections. Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen and inherent in as a lifelong, the yeast is present in healthy individuals as a commensal, and can reside harmlessly in human body. However, in immuno-compromised individuals, the fungus can invade tissues, producing superficial infections and, in severe cases, life-threatening systemic infections. This review wills emphasis on virulence factor of C. albicans including (adhesion, invasion, candida proteinase, and phenotypic switching and biofilm formation. I

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures
Nanostructured silicon trapping for single Escherichia coli bacteria detection
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The detection for Single Escherichia Coli Bacteria has attracted great interest and in biology and physics applications. A nanostructured porous silicon (PS) is designed for rapid capture and detection of Escherichia coli bacteria inside the micropore. PS has attracted more attention due to its unique properties. Several works are concerning the properties of nanostructured porous silicon. In this study PS is fabricated by an electrochemical anodization process. The surface morphology of PS films has been studied by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). The structure of porous silicon was studied by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Details of experimental methods and results are given and discussed

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Euromediterranean Biomedical Journal
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NA Nasir, SHM Ali, HQMA AL-Ess, WA Hussein, MKW Al-Janabi, KIA Mohammed, JM Mosa, Euromediterranean Biomedical Journal, 2020

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Pathological And Immunological Study On Infection With Escherichia Coli In ale BALB/c mice
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 02 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
[PDF] from Isolation of tRNA From Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli
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Thirty uropathogenic E. coli isolates were isolated from hospitalized and non hospitalized patients, complaining of urinary tract infections, of Al-Kadhymia Teaching Hospital and subjected to tRNA extraction. A method of tRNA extraction was modified by adding sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) instead of urea. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and two methods of staining, ethidium bromide staining and silver staining, as well as spectrophotometric detection were used.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Direct Damaging Effect of Some Agricultural Chemicals Used Locally in Iraq on the DNA of Escherichia coli
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      Agricultural chemicals on a large scale of use throughout the world, and there are many studies about these chemicals and its disadvantages, but most of them were limited to its impact on mammals such as rodents in determine. This study was designed to determine the impact of these chemicals on DNA damage for E. coli bacteria from Iraq. The DNA is similar in terms of structure and function in all living organisms with a different in number and sequence of the nitrogenous bases among living organisms.            This study showed that snails and slugs killer material Metaldehyde are strongly bind with the DNA extracted from bacteria, and herbicides Glyph

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Influence of 805 nm Diode Laser on Plasmid Content of Some Locally Isolated Escherichia coli and Proteus Mirabilis
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This work aimed to investigate the effect of Diode laser 805 nm on plasmid DNA and RNA
contents of some Gram negative bacteria represented by Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis isolates
.Plasmid extraction was done using two methods (Salting out and CTAB method).Different powers and
pulse repetition rates for 805 nm Diode Laser were used to study this effect. Results revealed that the
plasmid profile of the two species were highly affected using (2, 3) W at different frequencies including
5and 10 kHz as compared with 1 kHz while plasmids were gradually disappeared at 1W, 10 kHz. In the
same time the shining of RNA was also decreased gradually then disappeared with increasing powers
especially at 2W and 10 kHz cau

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