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Discriminatory and Racist Discourse in American TV Channels: The Image of Arab Immigrants
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The present study examines critically the discursive representation of Arab immigrants in selected American news channels. To achieve the aim of this study, twenty news subtitles have been exacted from ABC and NBC channels. The selected news subtitles have been analyzed within van Dijk’s (2000) critical discourse analysis framework. Ten discourse categories have been examined to uncover the image of Arab immigrants in the American news channels. The image of Arab immigrants has been examined in terms of five ideological assumptions including "us vs. them", "ingroup vs. outgroup", "victims vs. agents", "positive self-presentation vs. negative other-presentation", and "threat vs. non-threat". Analysis of data reveals that Arab immigrants are portrayed negatively in the American channels under investigation and the televised discourse is greatly loaded with racist ideologies and perceptions towards Arab immigrants reflecting the standpoint of their owners. Finally, a number of conclusions and implications are presented.             

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Metadiscourse Markers in Linguistic Abstracts by American and Iraqi Students of English
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Metadiscourse markers are means for organizing a writer’s information and create a connection with her/his readers. When students write, they usually focus on one type of these markers that is the interactive markers and belittling the use of the other type which is the interactional markers. That is to say, they emphasize on presenting and organizing their information only. Therefore, this study is conducted to bridge this gap. The researchers have selected 18 thesis abstracts. Nine of them are written by Iraqi students of English and the rest by American students. The aims of the study are to examine the types and sub-types of metadiscourse markers used by American and Iraqi students; investigate comparatively the impact of the metad

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 02 2019
Journal Name
Izvestiya Of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Philology. Journalism
The Taxonomy of Political Discourse in Contemporary World in the Context of the Anthropocentric Paradigm
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The article discusses political discourse as a communicative space of modern politics in the context of the anthropocentric paradigm. The following components of the political discourse have been outlined: the character of the subject and that of the addressee, genres of oral and written speech, the opposition of monologue and dialogue, the functions, the amount of information among the genres, the aim of speech.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
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The Aesthetics of Sound Use in Cinematography Discourse: مهيمن اسماعيل افرام
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The sound in the cinema and television occupies a large space in the level of use and expression. In addition to the functional aspect of the elements of the sound such as the dialogue, music, effects and silence, in shaping and supporting the narrative structure of the image in the dramatic work, it has today become and in light of the technical developments of the sound, an aesthetic value in the structure and formulation of the contents and ideas presented in the work. The sound also created a variety of forms before the work-factories in the artistic functioning, which enhances the emotional and expressive dimension of the image, and the researcher, as a result of many new developments in the expression o

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 24 2023
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
The Construction of Racism in Cartoon Films: A Critical Discourse Analysis
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Animation is an industry that is expanding more quickly than ever. Every child’s favorite activity is watching cartoons. Therefore, it is essential to be cautious of the kinds of cartoon films children and teenagers tend. Because children and teenagers are the target audience for these films. This study aims at exposing a hidden enactment, namely racism, in a well-known cartoon film, Lion King, which has been selected accurately by the researchers because it shapes a set of ideas about black people and constructs prejudiced beliefs in their minds. This study is to answer the inquiry ‘Is the ideology of racism imposed in Lion King? And how?’ The significance of the present paper lies in highlighting the educational function of

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Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Postmodern Architecture between the pillars of philosophical discourse and architectural practice
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Postmodern arguments, formed a critic case of what modernity brought in several levels. Postmodern practice was considered as a proactive case having amorphous concepts and features to what entiled as an intellectual trends postmodern philosophically and intellectually. But, what postmodernism architecture broughts in it essence, was not isolation from the intellectual context and entrepreneurship case, and it was not disconnecting from the intellectual and philosophical era of that period. Lliteratures and philosophical argument precede what (Robert Venturi) and (Charles A Jencks) had brought, albeit it was closer to critics and correction the path of modernity from crystallizing a direction that exceeds modrinity to wh

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Apr 13 2024
Journal Name
مجلة واسط للعلوم الریاضیة
The development of the leading Arab scouting movements and their role in the development of youth and society
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the history of the Scouting movement reflects the global social cultural and technological change over more than a century. scouting aims to develop young people worldwide through educational programs based on specific principles and values. in arab countries, the scouting movement is considered one of the most important platforms contributing to developing young people and enhancing their rule. positive in society, began with the establishment of the first Scout camp in the region and witnessed great growth and prosperity over the decades the research reveals the historical roots and development of the scout movement in the leading arab countries and analyzes the positive impact of scout movement in the leading arab countries on the develo

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
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Mechanics ofintertextuality in the series TV historical (mekhtarAlthagafi) a modelseries: سلوان بهاء كاظم الموسوي
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It was not coincidene that much talk about intertxtuality prescription phenomenon tzms the creative process but have directed their tracks beyond the litery taxs prior or contemporaneous as the mechanics of in tertexuality able to contain all the pattems of expression in literary texts and fee structures ofher text copable of understanding and in terpretaion especially as the phenomenon of in twrtexuality actually depends on the existence of Understanding and interpretation, especially as the phenomenon of intertextuality actually depends on the existence of systems indicative independent but carries processes rebuild text templates one way or another are included in the templates and visions of other intellectual, Mstmjh languages cultu

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Discourse Markers in English spoken Language
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English, like any other language, has a number of such discourse markers including well, yes, surely, on the contrary, so and nevertheless. They are lexical items or grammatical forms typically serve to relate one utterance to another in discourse.
Discourse markers are considered as cues or signals for the reader or the hearer that make cohesion and coherence, In fact, these markers are found in various grammatical forms such as interjections, linking adverbials, greetings and farewells….etc. Discourse markers. Play a very important role, not only in conversation, but in written text as well.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 16 2019
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The effectiveness of satellite channels in spreading the culture of volunteering among youth / applied study
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The study deals with the effectiveness of satellite channels in spreading the culture of volunteer work among young people. It is an applied study aimed at understanding the extent to which the sample understands the culture of volunteering, determining the type of relationship between the satellite channels programs and the perception of the sample of the culture of voluntary work and the relationship between the characteristics of the sample and the effect of satellite channels in their directions, And to identify the relationship between the demographic variables of the sample and to participate in voluntary work.
A sample study was conducted for students of faculties of the University of Baghdad, consisting of (150) single male an

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
Transformation of Slogans and Stereotypes in Response to Shifts in Political Discourse
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This study examines the transformation of political slogans, clichés, and stereotypes in Russia and Iraq during periods of political regime change in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The main objective of the work is to identify and comparatively analyze the linguistic and cultural changes that accompanied political transformations in both countries. The research is based on theoretical concepts of political myth, framing, and critical discourse analysis. The research methodology includes content analysis of political texts, comparative analysis of linguistic transformations, and analysis of statistical data on cultural consumption. The main hypothesis is that, despite the presence of common trends in linguistic and cultural

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