تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بحث ظاهرة الاغتراب في رواية " ديك الفداء " لايلي عامير ، لأن هذه الظاهرة تبدو أكثر وضوحا في هذه الرواية ، وتمثل تیارا مسيطرة على معطياتها واتجاهاتها الفكرية والفنية، خاصة أن الكاتب استطاع أن يجسد هذه الظاهرة المحورية تجسيدا فنيا متميزا ، وكشف عن طبيعة العلاقة بين عالم الواقع وعالم الحلم لدى الشخصيات، وعما تتسم به من تناقض و تعارض وتصادم و شعور بالإحباط والضياع والاغتراب. وقد اشتملت الدراسة على المحاور التالية : واقع عامير وظروف حياته . مفهوم الاغتراب . الاغتراب في الأدب الروائي . المعطيات الفكرية في الرواية . مظاهر الاغتراب في الرواية . التقنيات السردية ودورها في إبراز تجربة الاغتراب .
This study aims to track and analysis Hitler's personality by explaining the impact of the social environment in shaping his behavior and addressing the defeat of Germany in the World War 1 and its impact on building his political personality and included his political activism and his policy to get rid of the terms of the Versailles Military Treaty in the light of his plans in his book ( Kifahi) The nature of the study had to be divided into an introduction and two topics followed by the conclusion of the most important results, in addition to a list of references and a summary in English and from God the Good luck.
The research deals with metaphors as being one of the primary means used by Lyudmila Ulitskaya when writing the novel " Sincerely Yours Shurik ", to form diverse and multifaceted collective female images of representatives of the classic psychological patterns presented in the work. This research reflects the results of the study related to the work of Lyudmila Yevkinevna Ulitskaya, an actress of modern Russian prose. The novel "The Sincerely to You Shorek" is one of Ludmila Ulitskaya's creations (the year of writing - 2003), which, like her other works, is distinguished by a unique presentation style, rich vocabulary, lexical and semantic diversity, and a special style of writing. writer. The main objective of the research is to look at th
... Show MorePolyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of aromatic compounds that contain at least two rings. These compounds are found naturally in petroleum products and are considered the most prevalent pollutants in the environment. The lack of microorganism capable of degrading some PAHs led to their accumulation in the environment which usually causes major health problems as many of these compounds are known carcinogens. Xanthene is one of the small PAHs which has three rings. Many xanthene derivatives are useful dyes that are used for dyeing wood and cosmetic articles. However, several studies have illustrated that these compounds have toxic and carcinogenic effects. The first step of the bacterial degradation of xanthene is conducted by d
... Show Moreيهدف هذا البحث الى التطرق الى صورة العربي كما يعرضها ادب اليافعين العبري في رواية " نادية " للكاتبة العبرية " كاليلا رون فيدر " . والتي تعد من الاديبات العبريات اللواتي تطرقن بصورة مباشرة الى موضوع ما خلف الجدار ، والصراع العربي – الإسرائيلي وانعكاساته على المجتمع الإسرائيلي بصورة عامة والمجتمع العربي بصورة خاصة . ينقسم هذا البحث إلى ثلاثة فصول، تطرق الفصل الأول إلى "ادب اليافعين"، و تاريخه ، مميزاته والفئ
... Show MoreThe novel was generally distinguished from other literary arts in its connection with the living reality as an imaginative practice that relies on political, economic, social, intellectual and cultural references and as a crucial tool in reading cultural references and dive deep into reality. As every novelist has a vision to embody this reality. As every novelist has a vision to embody this reality. The novel of ("Exceeded border by Hammed Al-Kafa’i) is a considered a fertile field for presenting social issues in their apparent structure and revealing the cultural patterns behind them which lies in its deep structure. The novel here moves its characters in its imaginary world in a way that it becomes more capable of adaptation and crysta
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