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A Proposed Method for Generating a Private Key Using Digital Color Image Features
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In this paper, the goal of proposed method is to protect data against different types of attacks by unauthorized parties. The basic idea of proposed method is generating a private key from a specific features of digital color image such as color (Red, Green and Blue); the generating process of private key from colors of digital color image performed via the computing process of color frequencies for blue color of an image then computing the maximum frequency of blue color, multiplying it by its number and adding process will performed to produce a generated key. After that the private key is generated, must be converting it into the binary representation form. The generated key is extracted from blue color of keyed image then we selects a cover that is digital color image for hiding a text in that selected cover for testing a proposed method of generating the private key. The hiding algorithm used is least significant bit (LSB). Finally, the generated key is tested by hiding process and changing the extension of image, after that notice the generated key is not changed or modified. the Matlap language is used to design and implement a proposed method.

Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Vertical variations of Atmospheric Methane (CH4) concentrations over selected cities in Iraq based on AIRS data
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The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on EOS/Aqua satellite provides diverse measurements of Methane (CH4) distribution at different pressure levels in the Earth's atmosphere. The focus of this research is to analyze the vertical variations of (CH4) volume mixing ratio (VMR) time-series data at four Standard pressure levels SPL (925, 850, 600, and 300 hPa) in the troposphere above six cities in Iraq from January 2003 to September 2016. The analysis results of monthly average CH4VMR time-series data show a significant increase between 2003 and 2016, especially from 2009 to 2016; the minimum values of CH4 were in 2003 while the maximum values were in 2016. The vertical distribution of CH4<

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
FPGA Realization of Two-Dimensional Wavelet and Wavelet Packet Transform
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The Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) approach is the most recent category, which takes the place in the implementation of most of the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications. It had proved the capability to handle such problems and supports all the necessary needs like scalability, speed, size, cost, and efficiency.

In this paper a new proposed circuit design is implemented for the evaluation of the coefficients of the two-dimensional Wavelet Transform (WT) and Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) using FPGA is provided.

In this implementation the evaluations of the WT & WPT coefficients are depending upon filter tree decomposition using the 2-D discrete convolution algorithm. This implementation w

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The footnote of The Scholar Abdul Rahman Al-Penjawni on collecting mosques and explaining it to the local by the scholar Abdul Rahman Ibn Mulla Mohammed Ibn Mulla Tahir Al-Penjweni Died in: 1319 AH School: (Absolute and restricted) Study and Observation
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Indeed, being busy with the understanding of religion is the best sort of worship that the almighty God has given each period of time a number of scholars and wise men. They receive what has been passed down to them from their great ancestors, and those who are willing to learn will learn, their students preserve their knowledge through teaching and writing. Thus, the scholars were pioneers in this field due to the value and importance of their knowledge. They have strived in learning, explaining, and writing new subjects.

One of those scholars is sheikh (Abdulrahman Al-Penjweni) who passed away 1319 AH in one of the villages of the city of Sulaimani in Iraq. He was one of the wisest scholars, a br

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Interaction Adsorptive Behavior of Sunset Yellow Dye and Loratadine Drug: Kinetics and Thermodynamics Study
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The performance of drug treatment and assessments of different drugs' side effects both can be affected by the interaction between food additives and drugs. Organic compounds such as food colorants dyes are utilized as additives in a wide range of foods. In this study, the adsorption interaction behavior between the colorant food dye sunset yellow (SY) and the drug loratadine was examined. The adsorption procedure is conducted at different drug dosages, various SY dye concentrations, and different temperature (288-318K). The equilibrium data were explained by using Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms, but Langmuir offering the best fit model. Kinetics adsorptive behavior of sunset yellow on loratadine matched pseudo-second order

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Iraoi Journal Of Statistical Sciences
حول تقليص تقدير المركبات الرئيسة مع التطبيق
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This research deals with a shrinking method concerned with the principal components similar to that one which used in the multiple regression “Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection: LASS”. The goal here is to make an uncorrelated linear combinations from only a subset of explanatory variables that may have a multicollinearity problem instead taking the whole number say, (K) of them. This shrinkage will force some coefficients to equal zero, after making some restriction on them by some "tuning parameter" say, (t) which balances the bias and variance amount from side, and doesn't exceed the acceptable percent explained variance of these components. This had been shown by MSE criterion in the regression case and the percent explained

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 29 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Statistics Applications & Probability
Analyzing Skewed Data with the Epsilon Skew Gamma distribution
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A new distribution, the Epsilon Skew Gamma (ESΓ ) distribution, which was first introduced by Abdulah [1], is used on a near Gamma data. We first redefine the ESΓ distribution, its properties, and characteristics, and then we estimate its parameters using the maximum likelihood and moment estimators. We finally use these estimators to fit the data with the ESΓ distribution

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ruling on selling big data (Authentical Fiqh Study): Ruling on selling big data (Authentical Fiqh Study)
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Research Topic: Ruling on the sale of big data

Its objectives: a statement of what it is, importance, source and governance.

The methodology of the curriculum is inductive, comparative and critical

One of the most important results: it is not permissible to attack it and it is a valuable money, and it is permissible to sell big data as long as it does not contain data to users who are not satisfied with selling it

 Recommendation: Follow-up of studies dealing with the provisions of the issue

Subject Terms

Judgment, Sale, Data, Mega, Sayings, Jurists


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Publication Date
Tue Mar 03 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of repetitive estimation methodsSelf-data
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In this study, we review the ARIMA (p, d, q), the EWMA and the DLM (dynamic linear moodelling) procedures in brief in order to accomdate the ac(autocorrelation)  structure of data .We consider the recursive estimation and prediction algorithms based on Bayes and KF (Kalman filtering) techniques for correlated observations.We investigate the effect on the MSE of  these procedures and compare them using generated data.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The variability of Candaharia levanderi (Simroth, 1902)(Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Parmacellidae) in two biotopes (southern and northern slopes, the Kampirtepa gorges, the Kugitang Tau ridge) has been investigated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with the implementation of primers, the 18S DNA of the region is amplified, the variability (sharply differing in color) of two populations of C. levanderi is studied .
The first population is in the suburbs of Namangan, (Namangan Region); the second population is in Kampirtepa gorges, Kugitang Tau ridge (Surkhandarya Region). It is established that, most often, the variability of morphological signs is observed on the coloration of mollusks. The development of body coloration is an ad

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying the Classification of Texture Images by K-Means of Co-Occurrence Matrix and Confusion Matrix
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In this research, a group of gray texture images of the Brodatz database was studied by building the features database of the images using the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), where the distance between the pixels was one unit and for four angles (0, 45, 90, 135). The k-means classifier was used to classify the images into a group of classes, starting from two to eight classes, and for all angles used in the co-occurrence matrix. The distribution of the images on the classes was compared by comparing every two methods (projection of one class onto another where the distribution of images was uneven, with one category being the dominant one. The classification results were studied for all cases using the confusion matrix between every

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