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Capacitance and Resistivity Measurements of Polythiophene /Metallic Nanoparticles-based Humidity Sensors
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Capacitive–resistive humidity sensors based on polythiophene (P3HT) organic semiconductor as an active material hybrid with three types of metallic nanoparticles (NP) (Ag, Al, and Cu) were synthesized by pulsed laser ablation (PLA). The hybrid P3HT/metallic nanoparticles were deposited on indium-tin-oxide (ITO) substrate at room temperature. The surface morphology of theses samples was studied by using field emission scanning electron micrographs (FE-SEM), which indicated the formation of nanoparticles with grain size of about 50nm. The electrical characteristics of the sensors were examined as a function of the relative humidity levels. The sensors showed an increase in the capacitance with variation in the humidity level.  While the resistivity While the resistivity decrease nonlinearity in the variation of humidity level from 10% to 100%.. The results show that the recovery and response times were higher for the Al/P3HT/Cu/Al sensor compared with those of the other nanoparticles.   

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Chemical Engineering Research And Design
Ternary glycerol-based deep eutectic solvents: Physicochemical properties and enzymatic activity
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The present study investigates deep eutectic solvents (DESs) as potential media for enzymatic hydrolysis. A series of ternary ammonium and phosphonium-based DESs were prepared at different molar ratios by mixing with aqueous glycerol (85%). The physicochemical properties including surface tension, conductivity, density, and viscosity were measured at a temperature range of 298.15 K – 363.15 K. The eutectic points were highly influenced by the variation of temperature. The eutectic point of the choline chloride: glycerol: water (ratio of 1: 2.55: 2.28) and methyltriphenylphosphonium bromide:glycerol:water (ratio of 1: 4.25: 3.75) is 213.4 K and 255.8 K, respectively. The stability of the lipase enzyme isolated from porcine pancreas (PPL) a

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Publication Date
Sun May 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Color Image Steganography Based on Discrete Wavelet and Discrete Cosine Transforms
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        The secure data transmission over internet is achieved using Steganography. It is the art and science of concealing information in unremarkable cover media so as not to arouse an observer’s suspicion. In this paper the color cover image is divided into equally four parts, for each part select one channel from each part( Red, or Green, or  Blue), choosing one of these channel depending on the high color ratio in that part. The chosen part is decomposing into four parts {LL, HL, LH, HH} by using discrete wavelet transform. The hiding image is divided into four part n*n then apply DCT on each part. Finally the four DCT coefficient parts embedding in four high frequency sub-bands {HH} in

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Publication Date
Fri May 16 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Lossless Image Compression based on Predictive Coding and Bit Plane Slicing
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design and Implement an EC-Application Based on Multi Database Environment
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 The vast majority of EC applications are the web-based deployed in 3-tire Server-Client environment, the data within such application often resides within several heterogeneous data sources. Building a single application that can access each data sources can be a matter of challenging; this paper concerns with developing a software program that runs transparently against heterogeneous environment for an EC-application.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Image encryption algorithm based on the density and 6D logistic map
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One of the most difficult issues in the history of communication technology is the transmission of secure images. On the internet, photos are used and shared by millions of individuals for both private and business reasons. Utilizing encryption methods to change the original image into an unintelligible or scrambled version is one way to achieve safe image transfer over the network. Cryptographic approaches based on chaotic logistic theory provide several new and promising options for developing secure Image encryption methods. The main aim of this paper is to build a secure system for encrypting gray and color images. The proposed system consists of two stages, the first stage is the encryption process, in which the keys are genera

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 07 2022
Journal Name
Cogent Engineering
A partial image encryption scheme based on DWT and texture segmentation
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Probit and Improved Probit Transform-Based Kernel Estimator for Copula Density
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Copula modeling is widely used in modern statistics. The boundary bias problem is one of the problems faced when estimating by nonparametric methods, as kernel estimators are the most common in nonparametric estimation. In this paper, the copula density function was estimated using the probit transformation nonparametric method in order to get rid of the boundary bias problem that the kernel estimators suffer from. Using simulation for three nonparametric methods to estimate the copula density function and we proposed a new method that is better than the rest of the methods by five types of copulas with different sample sizes and different levels of correlation between the copula variables and the different parameters for the function. The

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.
Finger Vein Recognition Based on PCA and Fusion Convolutional Neural Network
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Finger vein recognition and user identification is a relatively recent biometric recognition technology with a broad variety of applications, and biometric authentication is extensively employed in the information age. As one of the most essential authentication technologies available today, finger vein recognition captures our attention owing to its high level of security, dependability, and track record of performance. Embedded convolutional neural networks are based on the early or intermediate fusing of input. In early fusion, pictures are categorized according to their location in the input space. In this study, we employ a highly optimized network and late fusion rather than early fusion to create a Fusion convolutional neural network

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Multiwavelet and Estimation by Interpolation Analysis Based Hybrid Color Image Compression
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Nowadays, still images are used everywhere in the digital world. The shortages of storage capacity and transmission bandwidth make efficient compression solutions essential. A revolutionary mathematics tool, wavelet transform, has already shown its power in image processing. The major topic of this paper, is improve the compresses of still images by Multiwavelet based on estimation the high Multiwavelet coefficients in high frequencies sub band  by interpolation instead of sending all Multiwavelet coefficients. When comparing the proposed approach with other compression methods Good result obtained

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Goal Conflict among Twelfth-Grade Students based on Gender and Major
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The aim of the current study is to identify the level of goal conflict with twelfth-grade students in South Sharqiah/ Sultanate of Oman according to gender and specialization. The study used the descriptive method. A scale of (28) items was developed and divided into six dimensions: time pressure, goal achievement, limit of power, limit of budget, incompatible strategies, and unclear task. To validate the scale, it was piloted (40) students. The scale was administered to a sample of (402) students (209) males in the Governorate of South Sharqiah. The results showed that the conflict level was high in “unclear task”, and an average conflict level in “limit of power”. Other dimensions (goal achievement, time pressure, limit of powe

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