إن أهم مايميز النص الأدبي شعراً كان أم نثراً نسيجه اللغوي الجمالي الذي يعبر عن التجارب الحياتية والمشاعر الوجدانية وترجمة ما يجول في الخاطر من أفكار واحاسيس الى صور انفعالية تؤثر في المتلقي. . يحاول هذا البحث الخوض في شعرية الخطاب الروائي في رواية ( النوم في حقل الكرز ) للكاتب العراقي ( أزهر جرجيز ) وهي واحدة من أهم الروايات الحائزة للجائز العالمية ( البوكر ) ودراسة الصورة الشعرية بانماطها المتنوعة التشبيهية والاستعارية والكنائية . فيما يتعلق بـ(شعرية التشبيه) توجه البحث الى استقراء الصورة التشبيهية والتعرف على الوظيفة الشعرية التي يؤديها التشبيه فضلا عن التعرف على مرجعياتها ومصادرها في خطاب الكاتب الروائي وقد انمازت صوره التشبيهية بالتناول الواضح الحسي غالباً وهي تركز في تصويرها على هيأة الشخصيات وطبيعة تمظهرها وتحركاتها وما يصدر منها من تصرفات تسهم في بناء الحدث القصصي وترصد تحولات الشخصية وما يرافق ذلك من استبطان العوالم الداخلية للشخصيات الروائية. وفي (شعرية الاستعارة ) حاول البحث تتبع الصور الاستعارية ورصدها في الخطاب الروائي للوقوف على اهم سمات الصورة الاستعارية لمعرفة أسلوب الكاتب في توظيف الصور الاستعارية وقد تبين ان الكاتب وظف الاستعارة في سياقات متنوعة وأساليب مختلفة بما يخدم البناء الدلالي للنص الروائي . لا يكتفي السرد الروائي بالصورة التشبيهية والاستعارية في تغذية الخطاب الشعري وانما لجأ الى ( شعرية الكناية ) بما تحمله من إمكانية بلاغية وقدرة على نقل الخطاب السردي من المعنى الصريح الى المعنى الايحائي الذي قد يتنوع وتتعدى أبعاده الى مستويات متنوعة ويفتح أفاق التلقي . وقد وجدنا ( ازهر جرجيس ) كغيره من كتاب السرد الروائي والقصصي يلجأ الى ( الكناية ) في التعبير عن المشاهد المخيفة أو المرعبة مثل الموت ومشاهد التعذيب والعنف أو التعبير عن العلاقات الجنسية التي يتنافى مبدأ التصريح بها مع الذوق العام والبيئة المحافظة في المجتمعات الشرقية أو التعبير عن بعض الظواهر المسكوت عنها في الادب فضلا عما يمكن أن تقوم به الكناية من وظائف متنوعة في البناء السردي
The purpose of this study is to investigate the histopathological response of dentinopulpal
response of human teeth to the Er: YAG laser cavity preparation in comparison with the conventional
class I cavity preparation. Thirty five sound human upper and lower first premolar teeth which were
needed to be extracted for orthodontic purposes were used in the study. Regarding to the method of
cavity preparation, the teeth were grouped into three groups; Group1; Control group which consists of
seven sound teeth without cavity preparation, Group2; Conventional cavity preparation group and group
3; Er: YAG laser cavity preparation group. Each of Group2 and3 consists of fourteen teeth that is
subdivided into: A. 7teeth that e
يتضمن البحث تعيين عنصر الزئبق السام بتراكيزنزرة عالية الدقة (نانوغرام) باستخدام منظومة يخار الزئبق البارد لنماذج غذائية (لحوم حمراء ، لحوم بيضاء ) مختلفة ونماذج مائية (ماء النهر، مياه صناعية ، ماء الشرب) وربط المنظومة بتقنية الامتصاص الذري اللهبي.
ان عنصر الزئبق من اشد العناصر سمية وان التراكيز المسموح بها عالميا لايتعدى جزء واحد
A literary-educational work is a work that explains wisdom to the reader and presents moral, educational and instructional issues in a literary form. Qaboos-nameh or Nasihat al-Muluk is an educational and educational book that has a special place in the field of ethics and guidance, where the author guides his children. Also, Ibn al-Wardi's Lamiyah or Nasihat al-Akhwan is a poem containing moral advice and advice in 77 verses that Ibn al-Wardi wrote to his son.
It seems that the main goal of Ibn al-Wardi and Onsur AL-maali in Lamia and Qaboos-nameh was to express educational and moral issues and spread and convey them to future generations. Ibn al-Wardi, like Onsur AL-maali, listed moral points such as knowledge, humility
... Show MoreThe researcher aims to Diagnose the reality of research variables, strategic leadership and decision support systems, and their impact on crisis management in the General Company for Steel Industries because of their important role in preventing crises and reducing their occurrence for the research company in particular and other companies in general affiliated with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, as well as clarifying theoretical concepts of research variables As it included the answer to questions related to the research problem, including (Is there an impact of the strategic leadership in managing crises if decision support systems are used), and the researcher adopted the descriptive and analytical approach in its comp
... Show MoreThe study titled “The role of the social media sites of Iraqi satellite channels in prioritizing the public” is a field study for the public of Dhi Qar.
The emergence of the social networking sites we are currently experiencing has undergone radical and important changes in the role of the mass media in light of the growth and rapid spread of modern technologies Or the so-called new media، which led the media organizations to create satellite channels on the social networks، which led to bypass the traditional lines between the public and media institutions with the public gain the possibility of The purpose of the research is to determine the habits and patterns of public use of the social media sites of the Iraqi satellite cha
The aim of the research is to determine the impact of profit management practices on the quality of profits through the use of flexibility in determining accounting methods and practices profit information is one of the most important information that concerns current users in general and observing users in particular. Some corporations managements manipulate the results of the company's profit or loss (income statement) and financial position statement with multiple reasons, including capital market motivations to raise their share prices in the stock market and attract investors, and on the other hand the motives of funding and borrowing loans, and the use of the flexibility in accounting policies and estimates to change the in
... Show MoreThe present paper is devoted to studying the imitation of some Quran phrases and words in the tale of "The Leprous Girl". The paper aims at identifying the common ground between the tale and some great stories related in the verses of the holy Quran, and comparing the original work with the present translation. First, we translated the tale from Russian into Arabic so as to be tackled in study, and then an identification of the commonalities between this tale and the Quran wording is made. It was found that texting is clear in the original text of the tale, hence the need for this paper. By studying the texts and phrases employed by the writer, we observe that the text is influenced by the Quranic stories whose effects have been reflecte
... Show MoreAbstract
Oil is considered a commodity and is still an important and prominent role in drawing and shaping the Iraqi economic scene. The revenues generated from the export of oil are considered the main source of the general budget in cash flows.
Since the revenues consist of quantity and price and the latter is an external factor which is difficult to predict, The effect of any commodity on its price, which is proven in the theory of micro-economic, but it is observed through the research that the response is slow, which means not to take advantage of the rise in prices, by increasing the quantity exported, the result of several facto
... Show MoreThe current study aims to identify the feeling of job alienation and organizational commitment among free lecturers in secondary schools, as well as to identify the significance of the differences in the feeling of job alienation according to the gender and the significance of the differences in organizational commitment according to the gender. It also aims to identify the correlation between the feeling of job alienation and organizational commitment. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher developed two scales: one consisted of (24) items to measure the vacancy in job alienation and the other consisted of (24) items to measure the organizational commitment. The two tools were applied to a sample of (200) male and fem
... Show MoreDrawbacks of Implementing Electronic Management in the Ministry of Education (A sample: Oman Educational Portal) from the Point of View of IT Staff. The study aimed at discovering the drawbacks of implementing electronic management in the Ministry of Education (a sample: Oman Educational Portal) from the point of view of IT staff, and that is by answering the following questions: - What are the main drawbacks (administrative, financial, technical and drawbacks related to human resources) that hinder implementing the electronic management in the Ministry of Education (a sample: Oman Educational Portal) from the point of view of IT staff? - Are there any statistical significance differences at the level (0.05) between study samples on the
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