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Comparison of the effects of Methotrexate and Etanercept on RANKL and OPG as Bone Metabolism Biomarkers in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune diseasecharacterized by chronic inflammationthat affects joints and cartilage. Bone complications such asRA-relatedosteoporosis are one of the most extra-articular manifestations. Many inflammatory mediators are released during RA disease pathophysiology; these mediators stimulate osteoclast genesis of bone by direct effects on RANKL and OPG. The study aimedto measure RANKL, OPG in RA patients treated with Etanercept only and other groups treated with Methotrexate onlyat baseline and after three months to evaluate bone state. An observational case-control prospective study was done on 30 RA patients who received MTX, 30 RA patients who received ETN, and 30 healthy,age-matched control groups. The level of RANKL and OPG was measured at baseline and after three months of therapy by immunoenzymatically assay (ELISA). The results were tabulated and statistically analyzed usingthe statistical package for social science. The result demonstrated that RANKL level had a positive correlation with age and disease duration in contrast to OPG level showed a negative correlation with age and duration of disease. In the patients group treated with MTX at baseline, the RANKL level was significantly higher (181.336±65.583) than post-therapy (166.097±69.229), while the OPG level at baseline significantly lower (594.398±133.238) than post therapy (614.499±150.879). In ETN treated patients, the level of RANKL in baseline was significantly higher than (231.247±73.134) RANKL level post-therapy (200.363±76.807), while OPG level in baseline waslower (463.263±96.392) than post therapy (503.608±107.692). The study demonstrated in baseline RANKL/OPG ratio significant higher (0.4340±0.234) than post therapy (0.3690±0.222). All RA patients had or were at high risk for osteoporosis.Both Etanarcept and methotrexate produce insignificant differences on OPG and RANKL levels, in the same time this biomarkers are not good indicators for bone state.

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Theoretical Estimation of Electronic Flow Rate at Al-TiO<sub>2</sub> Interfaces System
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Abstract<p>The mechanism of the electronic flow rate at Al-TiO<sub>2</sub> interfaces system has been studied using the postulate of electronic quantum theory. The different structural of two materials lead to suggestion the continuum energy level for Al metal and TiO<sub>2</sub> semiconductor. The electronic flow rate at the Al-TiO2 complex has affected by transition energy, coupling strength and contact at the interface of two materials. The flow charge rate at Al-TiO2 is increased by increasing coupling strength and decreasing transition energy.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Mathematics And System Science
Simulating Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Estimate Likelihood Function of ARMA(1, 1) Model
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Viii. International Scientific Congress Of Pure, Applied And Technological Sciences (minar Congress)
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The major goal of this research was to use the Euler method to determine the best starting value for eccentricity. Various heights were chosen for satellites that were affected by atmospheric drag. It was explained how to turn the position and velocity components into orbital elements. Also, Euler integration method was explained. The results indicated that the drag is deviated the satellite trajectory from a keplerian orbit. As a result, the Keplerian orbital elements alter throughout time. Additionally, the current analysis showed that Euler method could only be used for low Earth orbits between (100 and 500) km and very small eccentricity (e = 0.001).

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 26 2022
Journal Name
Efficiency Evaluation of Optical System Includes Different Stop Apertures When Using Relative Moving Factor
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In this work, optical system with different aperture shapes (circular, square, elliptical and triangle aperture) has been used for efficiency evaluation when the system involved moving factor in ideal case (aberration free). The optical system evaluate far moving object, therefore the image forming at image plane due to point spread function (image formula of incoherently illuminated point object). A mathematical treatment has been used to getting results by Gaussian numerical calculations method. The results show priority of circular aperture when optical system that submits of moving factor.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 05 2007
Journal Name
Neural Network World
A canonical generic algorithm for likelihood estimator of first order moving average model parameter
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The increasing availability of computing power in the past two decades has been use to develop new techniques for optimizing solution of estimation problem. Today's computational capacity and the widespread availability of computers have enabled development of new generation of intelligent computing techniques, such as our interest algorithm, this paper presents one of new class of stochastic search algorithm (known as Canonical Genetic' Algorithm ‘CGA’) for optimizing the maximum likelihood function strategy is composed of three main steps: recombination, mutation, and selection. The experimental design is based on simulating the CGA with different values of are compared with those of moment method. Based on MSE value obtained from bot

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Applications of Interior Space Design According to Shape Generation Systems: عبد الكريم علي حسين
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Treatises concerning analyzing the interior spaces multiplied and their directions varied, that some of them analyzed the interior space on the basis of the intellectual and philosophical affiliation or the historical period and others in the light of the concept and mechanisms of the shape. The researcher has not been able to find a research that dealt with analyzing the space within the systems of shape generation, thus it is possible to determine the research problem with the following question: to what extent is it possible to analyze the interior space based on systems of shape generation? As far as the importance of the research is concerned, it sheds light on five of the systems of the shape generation which are: Syntax, shape gra

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Trip generation is the first phase in the travel forecasting process. It involves the estimation of the
total number of trips entering or leaving a parcel of land per time period (usually on a daily basis);
as a function of the socioeconomic, locational, and land-use characteristics of the parcel.
The objective of this study is to develop statistical models to predict trips production volumes for a
proper target year. Non-motorized trips are considered in the modeling process. Traditional method
to forecast the trip generation volume according to trip rate, based on family type is proposed in
this study. Families are classified by three characteristics of population social class, income, and
number of vehicle ownersh

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design of Multi-Rate Multi-Zone Wireless Fuzzy Temperature Control System for Greenhouse Application
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sensor sampling rate (SSR) may be an effective and crucial field in networked control systems.  Changing sensor sampling period after designing the networked control system is a critical matter for the stability of the system. In this article, a wireless networked control system with multi-rate sensor sampling is proposed to control the temperature of a multi-zone greenhouse. Here, a behavior based Mamdany fuzzy system is used in three approaches, first is to design the fuzzy temperature controller, second is to design a fuzzy gain selector and third is to design a fuzzy error handler. The main approach of the control system design is to control the input gain of the fuzzy temperature controller depending on the cur

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Analysis of Magnetorheological Normally Close Directional Control Valve: Magnetorheological normally close directional control valve
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This valve is intended for use in valves for steering movement, using the qualities of the Magneto-rheological (MR) fluid to regulate the fluid, direct contact without the utilization of moving parts like a spool, a connection between electric flux, and fluid power was made, The simulation was done to employ the" finite element method of magnetism (FEMM)" to arrive at the best design. This software is used for magnetic resonance valve finite element analysis. The valve's best performance was obtained by using a closed directional control valve in the normal state normally closed (NC) MR valve, with simulation results revealing the optimum magnetic flux density in the absence of a current and the shedding condition, as well as the optimum

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Factors Affecting Birth Space Interval of Women Who Are Attending Primary Health Care Centers
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Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the factors affecting birth space interval in a sample of women.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study conducted in primary health centers in Al-Tahade and Al- Shak Omar in
Baghdad city. Data were collected by direct interview using questionnaire especially prepared for the study.
Sample size was (415) women in age group (20-40) years who were chosen randomly.
Results: Analysis of data shows highest rate of women (31.8%) had a birth space interval of (8-12) months
followed by (26.7%) had a birth space interval of (19-24) months, (20.2%) had a birth space interval of (>24)
months and (16.1%) had a birth space interval of (13-18) months respectively, while lower rate of w

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