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Assessment of the Healthy Women by Detection and Determination of Cells in Conventional Pap Stained Cervical Smear Images
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Introduction: A Pap test can detect pre-cancerous and cancerous cells in the vagina and uterine cervix. Cervical cancer is the easiest gynecologic cancer to be prevented and diagnosed using regular screening tests and follow-up. This study aimed to estimate the cytological changes and the precancerous lesions using Pap smear test and visual inspection of the cervices of Iraqi women, and also to determine the possible relationship of this cancer with patients’ demographic characteristics. Methods: The study included 140 women aged (18-67) years old referred to the National Cancer Research Center (NCRC), Baghdad, Iraq, during the period 2011-2016. Both visual inspections of the uterine cervix and Papanicolaou smear screening were performed for all of the participants. Results: Only 14% of the women under study were in postmenopausal, and 86% were in premenopausal period. Visual inspection of the cervix showed that 48.6% of the women had erosion lesions. Upon cytology examination, 92.8% of the women showed non-specific inflammation, 70% revealed reactive squamous metaplasia, 27% had Koilocytotic atypia, and 17% suffered from cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN1) or low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL). Contraception was used by 68% of those women, while 34.3% of them used pills. Most women, 79%, had multiple births. The abnormal vaginal discharge occurred in 34% of the participants that is why they attended the center compared with only 25.7% who came for routine checking. Finally, 67% of the participated women did not make this test previously. Conclusion: We conclude routine screening and Pap smear testing for uterine cervix and vagina might be useful especially for sexually active women for preventing the occurrence of precancerous and later cancerous lesions in these organs.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing
Echo Amplitude Normalization of Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning Data Based on Robust Incidence Angle Estimation
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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Shear wave velocity is an important feature in the seismic exploration that could be utilized in reservoir development strategy and characterization. Its vital applications in petrophysics, seismic, and geomechanics to predict rock elastic and inelastic properties are essential elements of good stability and fracturing orientation, identification of matrix mineral and gas-bearing formations. However, the shear wave velocity that is usually obtained from core analysis which is an expensive and time-consuming process and dipole sonic imager tool is not commonly available in all wells. In this study, a statistical method is presented to predict shear wave velocity from wireline log data. The model concentrated to predict shear wave velocity fr

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Generation of Truly Random QPSK Signal Waveforms for Quantum Key Distribution Systems Based on Phase Coding
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In this work a model of a source generating truly random quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) signal constellation required for quantum key distribution (QKD) system based on BB84 protocol using phase coding is implemented by using the software package OPTISYSTEM9. The randomness of the sequence generated is achieved by building an optical setup based on a weak laser source, beam splitters and single-photon avalanche photodiodes operating in Geiger mode. The random string obtained from the optical setup is used to generate the quadrature phase shift keying signal constellation required for phase coding in quantum key distribution system based on BB84 protocol with a bit rate of 2GHz/s.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Characterization of some New 1, 3, 4-Oxadiazole derivatives based on 4- amino benzoic acid
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In this research various of 2,5-disubstituted 1,3,4-oxadiazole (Schiff base, oxo-thiazolidine , and other compounds) were synthesized from 2,5-di(4,4?- amino-1,3,4-oxadiazole ) which use quently synthesized from mixture of 4-amino benzoic acid and hydrazine in the presence of polyphosphorus acid. The synthesized compounds were characterized by using some Spectral data (UV, FT-IR, and 1H-NMR).

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
Green synthesis of iron nanoparticle using tea leave extract for removal ciprofloxacin (CIP) from aqueous medium
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The approach of green synthesis of bio-sorbent has become simple alternatives to chemical synths as they use for example plant extracts, plus green synthesis outperforms chemical methods because it is environmentally friendly besides has wide applications in environmental remediation. This paper investigates the removal of ciprofloxacin (CIP) using green tea nano zero-valent iron (GT-NZVI) in an aqueous solution. The synthesized GT-NZVI was categorized using SEM, AFM, BET, FTIR, and Zeta potentials techniques. The spherical nanoparticles were found to be nano zero-valent, with an average size of 85 nm and a surface area of 2.19m2/g. The results showed that the removal efficiency of ciprofloxacin depends on the initial pH (2.5-10),

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
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Medicinal plants are a source for a wide variety of natural active compounds and are used for the treatment of diseases throughout the world. Conocarpus erectus L. widely planted all over Iraq and has different secondary metabolites, which has been used in treatment of anemia, cancer, fever and diarrhea. The present study aims to estimate the antibacterial activity of Conocarpus erectus leaves extracts on some microorganisms collected from patients with burn infection. The study began with the collection of Conocarpus erectus leaves in June 2018 from the trees in university of Baghdad. Maceration method was used to prepare aqueous extract, while Soxhelt apparatus was used to prepare methanolic extract. The results of phytochemical test show

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates with General Boundary Elastic Supports Under Initial Thermal Load
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Free vibration behavior was developed under the ratio of critical buckling temperature of laminated composite thin plates with the general elastic boundary condition. The equations of motion were found based on classical laminated plate theory (CLPT) while the solution functions consists of trigonometric function and a continuous function that is added to guarantee the sufficient smoother of the so-named remaining displacement function at the boundaries, in this research, a modified Fourier series were used, a generalized procedure solution was developed using Ritz method combined with the imaginary spring technique. The influences of many design parameters such as angles of layers, aspect ratio, thickness ratio, and ratio of initial in-

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of sulcular green tea extract irrigation on experimental rabbit’s gingivitis (A histopathological study)
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Background: Considering the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties of green tea, this study aimed to evaluate the histopathological effect of the sulcular irrigation of green tea extract in the treatment of experimental gingivitis in rabbit.

Materials and methods: For this experimental study, 45 male rabbits, separated in two groups, control non- irrigated group (5rabbits) and study group (40 rabbits), gingivitis induced by ligatures was packed subgingivally in the lower right central incisors of the experimental group for seven days. Then, the animals were randomly designated to two irrigated groups (20 rabbits

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Speech Acts Analysis of English COVID-19 News Headlines: مثنى نجيب المرسومي, جمعة قادر حسين
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News headlines are key elements in spreading news. They are unique texts written in a special language which enables readers understand the overall nature and importance of the topic. However, this special language causes difficulty for readers in understanding the headline. To illuminate this difficulty, it is argued that a pragmatic analysis from a speech act theory perspective is a plausible tool for a headline analysis. The main objective of the study is to pragmatically analyze the most frequently employed types of speech acts in the news headlines covering COVID-19 in Aljazeera English website. To this end, Bach and Harnish's (1979) Taxonomy of Speech Acts has been adopted to analyze the data. Thirty headlines have been collected f

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering
Structural Performance Under Monotonic Static Loading of Reinforced Concrete Gable Roof Beams with Multiple Web Openings
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