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Synthesis, Characterization and Study Electrical Conductivity of New Poly Thiadizole Derivatives, Silica Nanocomposites
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Heterocyclic polymers / silica nanocomposite one of important materials because of excellent properties such as thermal , electrical , and mechanical properties , so that hybrid nanomaterial are widely used in many fields, in this paper nanocomposite had prepared by modification of silica nanoparticals by using acrylic acid and functionalized the surface of nanoparticles, and using free Radical polymerization by AIBN as initiators and anhydrous toluene as solvent to polymerize functionalize silica nanoparticles with heterocyclic monomers to prepare heterocylic polymers / silica nanocomposite and study electrical conductivity , The nanocomposite which had prepared characterized by many analysis technique to study thermal properties such as ( TGA , DSC ) and study surface morphology by use Scanning electron microscopy and atoms forces microscopy (SEM , and AFM ) ,and study structure of Nanocomposite by using (XRD) Analysis and study others advantages by other common methods.

Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Breakfast and its relationship to the curriculum daily diet of school-age children
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The breakfast key components of good nutrition and a large proportion of pupils to Ataatnol her breakfast at home and increase the failure rate breakfast increase the child's age research aims to study the importance of breakfast and emphasize the need to contain aggregates of basic food and its relationship to the curriculum daily diet and its impact on the balance of proteins, fats in food daily as well as the effect of some relevant factors such as the mother's level of education and the number of family members and summarized the most important results in that the percentage of 15.6% Neglected children eating breakfast as well as afternoon that Almaah percentages of calories coming from protein and fat at breakfast .....

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of risk factors for myocardial infarction and its relationship with some variables
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The aim of the study is to assess the risk factors which lead to myocardial infarction and relation to some variables. The filed study was carried out from the 1st of April to the end of Sept. 2005. The Sample of the study consisted of (100) patients in lbn-Albeetar and Baghdad Teaching Hospital. The result of the study indicated the following; 45% of patients with age group (41-50) were more exposed to the disease and there is no significant difference was seen in the level of education, Martial status, weight and height. The result shows that there are significant difference in risk factors like hypertension, cholesterol level in blood and diabetes. When analyzed by T.test at level of P < 0.01 and there are significant difference in smoki

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
identification of fungi and their toxins associated with imported rice grain to iraq
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The study included the investigation of fungi ringed and inventory and Aflatoxins in rice and recorded average temperatures and humidity 22.75 degree Celsius and 13.2% respectively were obtained 1356 isolation innate possible diagnosis 15 species inherent in rice imported back to 8 races represented races b Fusarium , Cladosporium, Aspergillus and Alternaria

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design And Analysis Performance of Liquid Petroleum Gases System in Residential Building; Review
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Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) consist of hydrocarbons obtained by refining crude oil, either from propane or butane or a mixture of the two. There are often other components such as propylene, butylene or other hydrocarbons, but they are not the main component. The study aims to review previous studies dealing with designing an LPG system to deliver gas to residential campuses and buildings. LPG is extracted from natural gas NG by several processes, passing through fractionation towers and then pressuring into CNG storage tanks. Gas contains several problems, including gas leakage through the pipes and leads to fires or explosions in LPG storage and distribution tanks, so safety conditions were taken in the design and implementation. T

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculation of Modes Properties for Single-Mode and Multimode Fibers at 633 nm
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The need for optical fibers has emerged for its ability to transmit information with less attenuation and over long distances. In this work, four optical fibers with core radii from 1 μm to 4.75 μm in steps of 1.25 μm and a numerical aperture of 0.17 were studied and their modes properties have been calculated at a wavelength of 633 nm by using RP Fiber Calculator (free version 2022). Also, the effect of increasing the core radius on these properties has been studied. Multimode fibers can be obtained when the radius of the fiber core is large compared to the operating wavelength of the fiber which is less than the cutoff wavelength of the mode. Otherwise, a single-mode fiber is obtained. It has been concluded that all the calculated p

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Some Active compounds and Vitamins Increasing in Aloe vera Callus culture
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This study was aimed to use plant tissue culture technique to induce callus formation of Aloe vera on MS. Medium supplied with 10 mg/l NAA and 5 mg/l BA that exhibit the best results even with subculturing. As the method of [1] 1g. dru weight of callus induced from A. vera crown and in vivo crown were extracted then injected in HPLC using the standards of Ascorbic acid (vit. C), Salysilic acid and Nicotenic acid (vit. B5) to compare with the plant extracts. Results showed high potential of increasing some secondary products using the crown callus culture of A. vera as compared with in vivo crown, Ascorbic acid was 1.829 ?g/l in in vivo crown and increased to 3.905 ?g/l crown callus culture . Salysilic acid raised from 3.54 ?g/l in in vivo c

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Kinetic diversity and its effectiveness in the formal variables of industrial product design
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The formal diversity in designs is achieved by creating shapes and lines with a distinct movement pattern, which are preceded by mental processes. The greatest source of diversity in design in general and industrial design in particular is the creation of multiple directions for the completion of designs and the diversification of intellectual proposals for the design idea. The human activity that takes place around us in various fields of life takes place due to the diversity of movement in the form of the design product and its effectiveness through the dynamic diversity in the form, which differs in the methods of designing and showing it. He invents material value as a distinct artistic product that he owns A specific form or system

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Left Flank Pain and Hydronephrosis as the Initial Presentations of Advanced Gastric Cancer
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Ureteric obstruction is rarely noted in cases of gastric cancer. Its involvement by distant metastasis from gastric adenocarcinoma without direct invasion is an exceptionally unusual occurrence. This is the story of a 58-year-old man who arrived at the emergency department with acute flank pain and fever. He was initially diagnosed with obstructive pyelonephritis after the discovery of a new onset, complete ureteric obstruction on the left side. Subsequent investigations and follow-up revealed the presence of gastric adenocarcinoma with possible ureteric metastasis bilaterally, flank pain and hydronephrosis were the first and only presentations of gastric cancer. The rarity of the condition and the unusual presentation encouraged us to r

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
a base The origin of permissive things And its impact on Islamic law
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So I present in the hands of the honorable reader what God Almighty has made easy for me in terms of what I dealt with in the rule (the principle of permissive things) and what branches from it and what is related to it.
This research was divided into an introduction, a preface, three demands, and a conclusion.
The preamble is to explain the meaning of the rule in language and terminology and the definition of the legal rule and what is related to it. The first requirement is to explain the rule that we have in our hands and the words related to its text - and is it a fundamentalist or jurisprudential rule? .
As for the second requirement - in the difference of scholars and their opinions in whether the origin of things is permi

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 08 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Inverse Kinematics Solution for Redundant Robot Manipulator using Combination of GA and NN
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A demonstration of the inverse kinematics is a very complex problem for redundant robot manipulator. This paper presents the solution of inverse kinematics for one of redundant robots manipulator (three link robot) by combing of two intelligent algorithms GA (Genetic Algorithm) and NN (Neural Network). The inputs are position and orientation of three link robot. These inputs are entering to Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN). The weights of BPNN are optimized using continuous GA. The (Mean Square Error) MSE is also computed between the estimated and desired outputs of joint angles. In this paper, the fitness function in GA is proposed. The sinwave and circular for three link robot end effecter and desired trajectories are simulated b

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