تم في هذا البحث استخدام المحفز الجديد المصنع من تحميل دقائق البلاتين النانوية على سطح الصفائح النانوية للكرافين كمحفز ضوئي واختباره لدراسة التجزئة الضوئية لملوثات المياه وازالتها بشكل نهائي من مصادر المياه لما لها من تأثير سلبي على البيئة. حيث تم استخدام صبغة البروموفينول الأزرق كمثال على أحد الملوثات. في البدء تم التأكد من تحضير المحفز بالطريقة المستخدمة في طريقة العمل من خلال تشخيصه باستخدام عدد من التقنيات ومنها تقنية المجهر الالكتروني النافذ عالي الدقة، تقنية طاقة تشتت الاشعة السينية الطيفي عن طريق قياس الامتزاز/ الامتزاز باستخدام غاز النتروجين. كذلك تم قياس المساحة السطحية للمحفز المصنع، بالإضافة الى فحص التركيب الكريستال للمحفز باستخدام تقنية حيود الاشعة السينية. وبعد ان تم التأكد من التركيب النهائي للمحفز الضوئي تضمن الجزء الثاني من العمل دراسة قدرة المحفز المصنع على استخدامه في التجزئة الضوئية لصبغة البروموفينول الأزرق تحت الاشعة فوق البنفسجية حيث تم تحضير عدة تراكيز من صبغة البروموفينول الأزرق، تم تشعيع الصبغة بدون وجود المحفز ووجد بان التجزئة الضوئية لم تكن فعالة وبعد ذلك تم استخدام المحفز مع المحلول المائي للصبغة وبتركيز 15 جزء من المليون وأجريت التجارب باستخدام عدة اوزان من المحفز لتحديد افضل وزن يمكن استخدامه من المحفز في كمية محددة من محلول الصبغة ووجد ان 0.01 غرام من الصبغة لكل 250 ملليتر من المحلول المائي للصبغة هو افضل نسبة يمكن الحصول عليها. كما تم اختبار الوسط للتفاعل في الوسطين الحامضي والقاعدي ووجد ان تفكك الصبغة يزداد بشكل ملحوظ في الوسط القاعدي. تم اقتراح ميكانيكية التفاعل التي بينت ان تكون الجذور الحرة لها دور كبير في مهاجمة الاواصر المزدوجة في الصبغة.
YouTube is not just a platform that individuals share, upload, comment on videos; teachers and educators can utilize it to the best maximum so that students can have benefits. This study aims at investigating how active and influential YouTube can be in the educational process and how it is beneficial for language teachers to enhance the skills of students. The study demonstrates different theoretical frameworks that tackle the employment of technology to enhance the learning/teaching process. It relies on the strategies of Berk (2009) for using multimedia media, video clips in particular to develop the abilities of teachers for using technology in classrooms. To achieve the objective of the study, the researchers develop a questionnair
... Show MoreIn this paper, third order non-polynomial spline function is used to solve 2nd kind Volterra integral equations. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the applications of this method, and to compare the computed results with other known methods.
In this paper, the dynamic behaviour of the stage-structure prey-predator fractional-order derivative system is considered and discussed. In this model, the Crowley–Martin functional response describes the interaction between mature preys with a predator. e existence, uniqueness, non-negativity, and the boundedness of solutions are proved. All possible equilibrium points of this system are investigated. e sucient conditions of local stability of equilibrium points for the considered system are determined. Finally, numerical simulation results are carried out to conrm the theoretical results.
In this paper a stage structure prey-predator model with Hollimg type IV functional response is proposed and analyzed. The local stability analysis of the system is carried out. The occurrence of a simple Hopf bifurcation and local bifurcation are investigated. The global dynamics of the system is investigated with the help of the Lyapunov function. Finally, the analytical obtained results are supported with numerical simulation and the effects of parameters system are discussed. It is observed that, the system has either stable point or periodic dynamics.
Adsorption of lead ions from wastewater by native agricultural waste, precisely tea waste. After the activation and carbonization of tea waste, there was a substantial improvement in surface area and other physical characteristics which include density, bulk density, and porosity. FTIR analysis indicates that the functional groups in tea waste adsorbent are aromatic and carboxylic. It can be concluded that the tea waste could be a good sorbent for the removal of Lead ions from wastewater. Different dosages of the adsorbents were used in the batch studies. A random series of experiments indicated a removal degree efficiency of lead reaching (95 %) at 5 ppm optimum concentration, with adsorbents R2 =97.75% for tea. Three mo
... Show MoreProduction sites suffer from idle in marketing of their products because of the lack in the efficient systems that analyze and track the evaluation of customers to products; therefore some products remain untargeted despite their good quality. This research aims to build a modest model intended to take two aspects into considerations. The first aspect is diagnosing dependable users on the site depending on the number of products evaluated and the user's positive impact on rating. The second aspect is diagnosing products with low weights (unknown) to be generated and recommended to users depending on logarithm equation and the number of co-rated users. Collaborative filtering is one of the most knowledge discovery techniques used positive
... Show MoreExcessive intake of fluoride, mainly through drinking water is a serious health hazard affecting humans worldwide. In this study, the defluoridation capacities of locally available raw waste beef bones have been estimated. Several experimental parameters including contact time, pH, bone dose, fluoride initial concentration, bone grains size, agitation rate, and the effect of co-existence of anions in actual samples of wastewater were studied for fluoride removal from aqueous solutions. Results indicated excellent fluoride removal effeciency up to 99.7% at fluoride initial concentration of 10 mg F/L and 120 min contact time. Maximum fluoride uptake was obtained at neutral pH range 6-7. Fluoride removal kinetic was well described by the ps
... Show MoreThis paper is used for solving component Volterra nonlinear systems by means of the combined Sumudu transform with Adomian decomposition process. We equate the numerical results with the exact solutions to demonstrate the high accuracy of the solution results. The results show that the approach is very straightforward and effective.