تم في هذا البحث استخدام المحفز الجديد المصنع من تحميل دقائق البلاتين النانوية على سطح الصفائح النانوية للكرافين كمحفز ضوئي واختباره لدراسة التجزئة الضوئية لملوثات المياه وازالتها بشكل نهائي من مصادر المياه لما لها من تأثير سلبي على البيئة. حيث تم استخدام صبغة البروموفينول الأزرق كمثال على أحد الملوثات. في البدء تم التأكد من تحضير المحفز بالطريقة المستخدمة في طريقة العمل من خلال تشخيصه باستخدام عدد من التقنيات ومنها تقنية المجهر الالكتروني النافذ عالي الدقة، تقنية طاقة تشتت الاشعة السينية الطيفي عن طريق قياس الامتزاز/ الامتزاز باستخدام غاز النتروجين. كذلك تم قياس المساحة السطحية للمحفز المصنع، بالإضافة الى فحص التركيب الكريستال للمحفز باستخدام تقنية حيود الاشعة السينية. وبعد ان تم التأكد من التركيب النهائي للمحفز الضوئي تضمن الجزء الثاني من العمل دراسة قدرة المحفز المصنع على استخدامه في التجزئة الضوئية لصبغة البروموفينول الأزرق تحت الاشعة فوق البنفسجية حيث تم تحضير عدة تراكيز من صبغة البروموفينول الأزرق، تم تشعيع الصبغة بدون وجود المحفز ووجد بان التجزئة الضوئية لم تكن فعالة وبعد ذلك تم استخدام المحفز مع المحلول المائي للصبغة وبتركيز 15 جزء من المليون وأجريت التجارب باستخدام عدة اوزان من المحفز لتحديد افضل وزن يمكن استخدامه من المحفز في كمية محددة من محلول الصبغة ووجد ان 0.01 غرام من الصبغة لكل 250 ملليتر من المحلول المائي للصبغة هو افضل نسبة يمكن الحصول عليها. كما تم اختبار الوسط للتفاعل في الوسطين الحامضي والقاعدي ووجد ان تفكك الصبغة يزداد بشكل ملحوظ في الوسط القاعدي. تم اقتراح ميكانيكية التفاعل التي بينت ان تكون الجذور الحرة لها دور كبير في مهاجمة الاواصر المزدوجة في الصبغة.
This paper presents the non-linear finite element method to study the behavior of four reinforced rectangular concrete MD beams with web circular openings tested under two-point load. The numerical finite elements methods have been used in a much more practical way to achieve approximate solutions for more complex problems. The ABAQUS /CAE is chosen to explore the behavior of MD beams. This paper also studies, the effect of both size and shape of the circular apertures of MD beams. The strengthening technique that used in this paper is externally strengthening using CFRP around the opening in the MD beams. The numerical results were compared to the experimental results in terms of ultimate load failure and displace
... Show MoreThis study aimed to obtain an isolate of a mold that has well characteristic for production of citric acid from raw materials available locally by solid-state fermentation and determination of the optimum conditions for production .Fourteen mold isolates producing acid were obtained from different sources, involved decayed fruits and soils. These isolates were subjected to initial qualitative screening followed by secondary quantitative screening In secondary screening a method combined between the submerged fermentation and solid-state fermentation was followed using a piece of sponge saturated by nutrients required for growth and production of acid. It was found that the isolate of A7 was the highest producer for citric acid tha
... Show MoreThis paper presents a vibration suppression control design of cantilever beam using two piezoelectric patches. One patch was used as an actuator element, while the other was used as a sensor. The controller design was designed via the balance realization reduction method to elect the reduced order model that is most controllable and observable. the sliding mode observer was designed to estimate six states from the reduced order model but three states are only used in the control law. Estimating a number of states larger than that used is in order to increase the estimation accuracy. Moreover, the state estimation error is proved bounded. An optimal LQR controller is designed then using the estimated states with the slid
... Show MoreThe current research aims at extracting the standard characteristics of the emotional balance of the university students according to the response theory. This was accomplished by following accredited scientific steps, to achieve this goal, the researcher followed scientific steps in the procedures of the analysis of the scale. She translated the scale from English to Arabic and then made a reverse translation. it was presented to a committee of experts in English to ensure and verify the validity of the paragraphs logically and prove the face validity of the scale, which consists of (30) paragraphs, it was presented to (6) experts who are specialists in the educational and psychological sciences and in the light of their observations ha
... Show MoreAccurate calculation of transient overvoltages and dielectric stresses from fast-front excitations is required to obtain an optimal dielectric design of power components subjected to these conditions, which are commonly due to switching and lightning, as well as utilization of power-electronic devices. Toroidal transformers are generally used at the low voltage level. However, recent investigations and developments have explored their use at the medium voltage level. This paper analyzes the model-based improvement of the insulation design of medium voltage toroidal transformers. Lumped and distributed parameter models are used and compared to predict the transient response and dielectric stress along the transformer winding. The parameters
... Show MoreIncorporating the LiDAR sensor in the most recent Apple devices represents a substantial development in 3D mapping technology. Meanwhile, Apple's Lidar is still a new sensor. Therefore, this article reviews the potential uses of the Apple Lidar sensor in various fields, including engineering and construction, focusing on indoor and outdoor as-built 3D mapping and cultural heritage conservation. The affordable cost and shorter observation times compared to traditional surveying and other remote sensing techniques make the Apple Lidar an attractive choice among scholars and professionals. This article highlights the need for continued research on the Apple LiDAR sensor technology while discussing its specifications and limitations. A
... Show MoreAn experimental study was carried out to improve the surface roughness quality of the stainless steel 420 using magnetic abrasive finishing method (MAF). Four independent operation parameters were studied (working gap, coil current, feed rate, and table stroke), and their effects on the MAF process were introduced. A rotating coil electromagnet was designed and implemented to use with plane surfaces. The magnetic abrasive powder used was formed from 33%Fe and 67% Quartz of (250µm mesh size). The lubricant type SAE 20W was used as a binder for the powder contents. Taguchi method was used for designing the experiments and the optimal values of the selected parameters were found. An empirical equation representing the r
... Show MoreShabak is one of minority related to Kurdish nation , speaking Bajalan variety especially Goran Dialect.
This study is a historic and diactological study about Kurdish Bajalan variety.The study is composed an introduction and tw0 chapters. The first chapter talks about Bajalan variety , and it has two axes . In the first axe , I talk about the geography of Bajalan variety and in the second axes the map of goran dialect . The second chapter is about Shabak variety and it is constituted of three axes : The first section is about Shabak variety , in the second section is allocated to the domicile of Shabak variety and in the third section , talks about the saint of shabak and in the end the
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