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The effects of big data, artificial intelligence, and business intelligence on e-learning and business performance: Evidence from Jordanian telecommunication firms
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This study sought to investigate the impacts of big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and business intelligence (BI) on Firms' e-learning and business performance at Jordanian telecommunications industry. After the samples were checked, a total of 269 were collected. All of the information gathered throughout the investigation was analyzed using the PLS software. The results show a network of interconnections can improve both e-learning and corporate effectiveness. This research concluded that the integration of big data, AI, and BI has a positive impact on e-learning infrastructure development and organizational efficiency. The findings indicate that big data has a positive and direct impact on business performance, including Big Data External and Internal, Innovative Usage, Indexing, and Sources Accuracy. In addition, Artificial intelligence positively affects business performance, including Data Accuracy, Data Transparency, Data Speed, and Creative Thinking and Learning. Moreover, business intelligence has a direct and positive impact on business performance, including Data Warehouse, Data Mining, Business Process Management, and Competitive Intelligence. In addition, the findings indicate that e-learning which represents system quality, information quality, and self-efficacy has a positive relationship on enhancing business performance. Interestingly, the present findings are inconsistent with those of previous studies showing the variables of interest which have no effect on e-learning and business performance. Taken together, the findings of this study suggest that firms should begin to apply processes related with applying e-learning and developing business performance. The novelty of the present study lies in highlighting the key dimensions of big data, artificial intelligence, and business intelligence when it comes to enhancing e-learning and business performance at Jordanian telecommunications industry.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Pathology - Research And Practice
Artificial intelligence in cancer diagnosis: Opportunities and challenges
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
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Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing
Optimal Prediction Using Artificial Intelligence Application
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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The role of artificial intelligence in revolutionizing the clothing and textile industry
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 The integration of AI technologies is revolutionizing various aspects of the apparel and textile industry, from design and manufacturing to customer experience and sustainability. Through the use of artificial intelligence algorithms, workers in the apparel and textile industry can take advantage of a wealth of opportunities for innovation, efficiency and creativity.
The research aims to display the enormous potential of artificial intelligence in the clothing and textile industry through published articles related to the title of the research using the Google Scholar search engine. The research contributes to the development of the cultural thought of researchers, designers, merchants and the consumer with the importance of integ

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Graphic Design
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If the Industrial Revolution has enabled the replacement of humans with machines, the digital revolution is moving towards replacing our brains with artificial intelligence, so it is necessary to consider how this radical transformation affects the graphic design ecosystem. Hence, the research problem emerged (what are the effects of artificial intelligence on graphic design) and the research aimed to know the capabilities and effects of artificial intelligence applications in graphic design, and the study dealt in its theoretical framework with two main axes, the first is the concept of artificial intelligence, and the second is artificial intelligence applications in graphic design. The descriptive approach adopted a method of content

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 05 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Pedagogy (ijep)
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Computational Thinking in Education at University
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This study aims to reveal the role of one of the artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, “ChatGPT,” in improving the educational process by following it as a teaching method for the subject of automatic analysis for students of the Chemistry Department and the subject of computer security for students of the Computer Science Department, from the fourth stage at the College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham), and its impact on their computational thinking to have a good educational environment. The experimental approach was used, and the research samples were chosen intentionally by the research community. Research tools were prepared, which included a scale for CT that included 12 items and the achievement test in b

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Applied Sciences
Comparison between Expert Systems, Machine Learning, and Big Data: An Overview
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Today, the science of artificial intelligence has become one of the most important sciences in creating intelligent computer programs that simulate the human mind. The goal of artificial intelligence in the medical field is to assist doctors and health care workers in diagnosing diseases and clinical treatment, reducing the rate of medical error, and saving lives of citizens. The main and widely used technologies are expert systems, machine learning and big data. In the article, a brief overview of the three mentioned techniques will be provided to make it easier for readers to understand these techniques and their importance.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Networks And Systems
Using Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse Techniques to Reduce Earning Management
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This study aims to demonstrate the role of artificial intelligence and metaverse techniques, mainly logistical Regression, in reducing earnings management in Iraqi private banks. Synthetic intelligence approaches have shown the capability to detect irregularities in financial statements and mitigate the practice of earnings management. In contrast, many privately owned banks in Iraq historically relied on manual processes involving pen and paper for recording and posting financial information in their accounting records. However, the banking sector in Iraq has undergone technological advancements, leading to the Automation of most banking operations. Conventional audit techniques have become outdated due to factors such as the accuracy of d

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
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Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Computerized Knowledge Operations in Improving Business Performance
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This research aimed at studying the role of calculated knowledge an its efficiency in improving the performance especially most of the organizations are living within knowledge era which concentrate on new technology investment in different fields of modern live . Under the scientific trends towards the economy of calculated knowledge which depend basically on new computer program in order to utilize the knowledge to raise the level of work performance exploiting different resources in the best way that helps the organizations to achieve their objectives because the information technology and computer programs became a means of survival and indispensible instrument within the developed world which depend on prosperity . progress

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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The effectiveness of artificial intelligence in contemporary digital graphic design
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In our world, technological development has become inherent in all walks of life and is characterized by its speed in performance and uses. This development required the emergence of new technologies that represent a future revolution for a fourth industrial revolution in various fields, which contributed to finding many alternatives and innovative technical solutions that shortened time and space in terms of making Machines are smarter, more accurate, and faster in accomplishing the tasks intended for them, and we find the emergence of what is called artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence), which is the technology of the future, which is one of the most important outputs of the fourth industrial revolution, and artificial inte

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2012
Journal Name
2012 International Conference On Advanced Computer Science Applications And Technologies (acsat)
Data Missing Solution Using Rough Set theory and Swarm Intelligence
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This paper presents a hybrid approach for solving null values problem; it hybridizes rough set theory with intelligent swarm algorithm. The proposed approach is a supervised learning model. A large set of complete data called learning data is used to find the decision rule sets that then have been used in solving the incomplete data problem. The intelligent swarm algorithm is used for feature selection which represents bees algorithm as heuristic search algorithm combined with rough set theory as evaluation function. Also another feature selection algorithm called ID3 is presented, it works as statistical algorithm instead of intelligent algorithm. A comparison between those two approaches is made in their performance for null values estima

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