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Which plow is more suitable for tillage farming in Iraq?
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There were two types of plows used widely in agricultural fields in the country. The first plow was moldboard plow, while the second one was chisel plow. There were large numbers of Iraqi farmers that used chisel plow for such farming practices. Researchers found that moldboard plows gave the highest rate of carbon dioxide emission. They observed that that with chisel plows they got the lowest carbon dioxide emission. Chisel plow saved energy as compared to moldboard plow and the cost of using the chisel plows was less than the moldboard plows. Chisel plow decreased carbon dioxide emissions from the soil and improve soil properties. The benefits of using chisel plows were more than using moldboard plows.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis and Characterization Graphene- Carbon Nitride Nanostructure in One Step
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Graphene-carbon nitride can be synthesized from thiourea in a single step at a temperature of four hours at a rate of 2.3 ℃/min. Graphene-carbon nitride was characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), scanning electron microscopy, and spectrophotometry (UV-VIS). Graphene-carbon nitride was found to consist of triazine and heptazine structures, carbon, and nitrogen. The weight percentage of carbon and the atomic percentage of carbon are 40.08%, and the weight percentage of nitrogen and the atomic percentage of nitrogen are 40.08%. Therefore, the ratio and the dimensions of the graphene-carbon nitride were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, and it was found that the

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 18 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Laser Induced Fluorescence of 1,3 Benzodioxole in a Supersonic Jet
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Fluorescence excitation by Nd:YAG pumped dye laser and single vibrational level fluorescence
spectra of 1,3 benzodioxole in a supersonic jet have been obtained and interpreted. The previous assignment of
the 0 0
0 band was incorrect. In addition, many other bands involving n20 and n19 vibrations of a2 symmetry were
confirmed. As far as a1 totally symmetric vibration is concerned. The n14 was assigned to be located in the fivemembered
ring whereas n13 seem to be located in the benzene ring as a result of the electronic transition in the
benzene ring which affects n13 and not n14 wavenumber.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
Aesthetic and dramatic dimensions of silence in the feature film
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        Which was entitled : Aesthetic and dramatic dimensions of silence in the feature film , and the researcher clearly define after removing the confusion existing in some authorized sources , as for the concept of silence , adopted in this research is : the death of the audio stream , Hence the researcher shed a light on the aesthetic and the dramatic role of silence in the feature film , through the handing of the silent scenes ( absolute silence ) in the film research divided this research into four chapters . This first Chapter includes : methodological framework , which represents the research problem , which came with the following question : what is the mechanism of productive silence to the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Antonia's Mannish Behavioral Transition in Willa Cather's Novel My Antonia
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This paper aims to study Antonia's character and  her mannish behavioral  transition  throughout the novel entitled My Antonia. Willa presents Antonia who shows her resolution and courage in facing and dealing with personal dilemmas and social circumstances. Willa portrays Antonia, who struggles in the new society and culture by working hard in changing the salty land of Nebreska and her destiny . Working in salty land day and night forces Antonia to lose her tender behavior and her  beauty as a woman is changed too. She achieves her goals to live with her family in a new place with a dignity and respect though she looks like a man in her strength and body built . Willa Cather tries to explain that the major&

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Radioactivity and annual effective dose in some types of drug
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The aim of this research is to know danger of radioactive isotopes
that are found in samples of drugs traded in Iraqi markets. The
samples are Iraqi Amoxicillin, English Amoxicillin, UAE
Amoxicillin, Indian Amoxicillin, Iraqi Paracetamol, English
Paracetamol, UAE Paracetamol and Indian Paracetamol. By high
purity germanium the activity of the following isotopes 40K, 214Pb,
228Ac and 137Cs is measured and the specific activity was used to
calculate the annual effective dose. Then the calculated annual
effective dose values are compared with the allowable annual
effective dose values of each part of digestive channel. This research
concluded that the measured annual effective dose values are not

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
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The category classes of presentations in the Iraqi popular theatre
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Many researchers ' views about class selectors popular theatre in the world, whom he found in political deals popular presentations while others in comedy shows or dealing with social problems, or simply build a direct pattern of relationship between actors and audience were popular, and certainly the Iraqi popular theatre has its own parameters, structural differences result of Iraqi society at all levels, so the researcher found the search problem is to answer the question that (what are category classes Or within the category of Iraqi popular theatrical-in the play of - the string and the bird which un – example ) , then select the aim has his research of detecting those parameters, and search scientific significance as to scholars

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 16 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
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Background : The aim of this work is to study the clinical features and causative fungi of tinea pedis in diabetic and non-diabetic patients. Result : Tinea pedis was estimated to be the second most common skin disease in the United States, after acne. Up to 15% of the U.S., population may have tinea pedis. Across Europe and East Asia, prevalence rates reach 20 %. Methods: The Complete history taking regarding: age, sex, occupation, residency, history of diabetes and diabetic profile (fasting blood sugar and post prandial).and Clinical examination of the feet Aim of the study : The aim of this work was to study the clinical features and causative fungi of tinea pedis in diabetic and non-diabetic patients Conclusion : Tinea pedis is more

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
A stylistic vision of the objection in the Quranic discourse
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The modern stylistic lesson has become more committed to the scientific limits in which it believed, and more confident in itself, and it is no longer just a scientific procedure that helps other curricula and sciences that preceded it.

Based on this, our modest research ((a stylistic vision of the objection in the Quranic discourse)) arose to explore an artistic rhetorical phenomenon that was included in the Holy Quran text. ; Because analysis is a situation that allows us to see a lot and absorb the stranger more clearly.

And since the horizontal arrangement of the linguistic elements in which stylistically undistinguished elements meet with distinct ones, the other trend has emerged that believes that the stylistic dis

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Commercial Banks in the Anti-Money Laundering
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Characteristic of money laundering phenomenon is a compound and complex nature like the style of regular crimes . These operations are planned and excuted with those who have high quality experiences to hide the evidences of their deeds so They ask the help of financials ,economicals and legists to plan for money laundering. Banks are important and suitable places for illegal circulation of money because of the different types of accounts , rapidity and overlap which emphasis of its main duty to dislocate illegal money which comes from illegal sources without adding legal characteristic to it . Here we should explain the important role of banks in striving the phenomenon –Bank should try to show and analyze inward proced

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
In Vitro Propagation of Albizia Lebbeck Through Axillary Bud Culture
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  The present study describes a protocol for rapid in vitro micropropagation of Albizia lebbeck during the period of October 2007 to October 2009 through nodal segments containing axillary buds. The buds induced to produce a large number of multiple shoots by culturing on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of BA (benzyladenine) and NAA (α-naphthalene acetic acid). The maximum number of shoots per explants was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/L BA and 0.1 mg/L NAA was (4.8) after 4 weeks of culture. Excised shoots were rooted on half strength MS medium fortified with 0.5 mg/L either IBA (indolbutyric acid) or NAA alone. The complete plantlets thus obtained were successfully transferred to soil.

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