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Rigid trunk sewer deterioration prediction models using multiple discriminant and neural network models in Baghdad city, Iraq

The deterioration of buried sewers during their lifetime can be affected by several factors leading to bad performance and can damage the infrastructure similar to other engineering structures. The Hydraulic deterioration of the buried sewers caused by sewer blockages while the structural deterioration caused by sewer collapses due to sewer specifications and the surrounding soil characteristics and the groundwater level. The main objective of this research is to develop deterioration models, which are used to predict changes in sewer condition that can provide assessment tools for determining the serviceability of sewer networks in Baghdad city. Two deterioration models were developed and tested using statistical software SPSS, the multiple discriminant model (MDM) and neural network model (NNM). Zublin trunk sewer in Baghdad city was selected as a case study. The deterioration model based on the NNDM provide the highest overall prediction efficiency which could be attributed to its inherent ability to model complex processes. The MDDM provided relatively low overall prediction efficiency, this may be due to the restrictive assumptions by this model. For the NNDM the confusion matrix gave overall prediction efficiency about 87.3% for model training and 70% for model validation, and the overall conclusion from these models may predict that Zublin trunk sewer is of a poor condition.

Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Enhanced Performance of Consensus Wireless Sensor Controlled System via Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

     This paper describes the application of consensus optimization for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) system. Consensus algorithm is usually conducted within a certain number of iterations for a given graph topology. Nevertheless, the best Number of Iterations (NOI) to reach consensus is varied in accordance with any change in number of nodes or other parameters of . graph topology. As a result, a time consuming trial and error procedure will necessary be applied
to obtain best NOI. The implementation of an intellig ent optimization can effectively help to get the optimal NOI. The performance of the consensus algorithm has considerably been improved by the inclusion of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). As a case s

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Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Cities of Lebanon from "Planning to Congestion Towards a "flexible mobility culture

This paper examines the change in planning pattern In Lebanon, which relies on vehicles as a semi-single mode of transport, and directing it towards re-shaping the city and introducing concepts of "smooth or flexible" mobility in its schemes; the concept of a "compact city" with an infrastructure based on a flexible mobility culture. Taking into consideration environmental, economical and health risks of the existing model, the paper focuses on the four foundations of the concepts of "city based on culture flexible mobility, "and provides a SWOT analysis to encourage for a shift in the planning methodology.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Mathematics And System Science
Simulating Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Estimate Likelihood Function of ARMA(1, 1) Model

Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Semi Parametric Logistic Regression Model with the Outputs Representing Trapezoidal Intuitionistic Fuzzy Number

In this paper, the fuzzy logic and the trapezoidal fuzzy intuitionistic number were presented, as well as some properties of the trapezoidal fuzzy intuitionistic number and semi- parametric logistic regression model when using the trapezoidal fuzzy intuitionistic number. The output variable represents the dependent variable sometimes cannot be determined in only two cases (response, non-response)or (success, failure) and more than two responses, especially in medical studies; therefore so, use a semi parametric logistic regression model with the output variable (dependent variable) representing a trapezoidal fuzzy intuitionistic number.

the model was estimated on simulati

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 21 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
New techniques to estimate the solution of autonomous system

This research aims to solve the nonlinear model formulated in a system of differential equations with an initial value problem (IVP) represented in COVID-19 mathematical epidemiology model as an application using new approach: Approximate Shrunken are proposed to solve such model under investigation, which combines classic numerical method and numerical simulation techniques in an effective statistical form which is shrunken estimation formula. Two numerical simulation methods are used firstly to solve this model: Mean Monte Carlo Runge-Kutta and Mean Latin Hypercube Runge-Kutta Methods. Then two approximate simulation methods are proposed to solve the current study. The results of the proposed approximate shrunken methods and the numerical

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Publication Date
Thu May 10 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
E-Government Public Cloud Model (EGPCM)

   The concept of implementing e-government systems is growing widely all around the world and becoming an interest to all governments. However, governments are still seeking for effective ways to implement e-government systems properly and successfully. As services of e-government increased and citizens’ demands expand, the e-government systems become more costly to satisfy the growing needs. The cloud computing is a technique that has been discussed lately as a solution to overcome some problems that an e-government implementation or expansion is going through. This paper is a proposal of a  new model for e-government on basis of cloud computing. E-Government Public Cloud Model EGPCM, for e-government is related t

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Daniel's Model on the Achievement of Chemistry Among Fifth Grade Student

The aim of this research is to find out the influence of Daniel's model on the skills of the twenty-first century among the students of the scientific-fifth grade at the secondary and preparatory government morning schools for the academic year 2022- 2023. Two groups were chosen out of five groups for the fifth-scientific grade, one of which represents the experimental group that is taught by the Daniel model, and the other is the control group that is taught in the traditional method. The equivalence of the two research groups was verified with a set of variables. As for the research tool, a scale was developed by the researchers for the skills of the twenty-first century, in which they adopted the framework of the Partnership Organizat

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 09 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation,
The Violation of Religious Human Rights: A sample Analysis of an Offensive Image of Islamic Concept

The purpose of this paper is to investigate Religious Human Rights Violations. Religious liberty is essential for everyone, everywhere. Because religion is significant to everyone, everywhere. Humans are religious by nature. Our nature drives us to seek answers to deep questions about ultimate things. We cannot live a fully human life unless we are free to seek those answers and live according to the truths we discover. In this study, the researcher used Marsh and White model for analysis A sample of an offensive image of an Islamic concept from the book "Mohammad believes it or else." this book is a comic book written by pseudonym Abdullah Aziz and published by Crescent Moon Publishing company. The book is marked with anti- Mohammad, preju

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Mathematics
The Dynamics of a Delayed Ecoepidemiological Model with Nonlinear Incidence Rate

In this paper, the general framework for calculating the stability of equilibria, Hopf bifurcation of a delayed prey-predator system with an SI type of disease in the prey population, is investigated. The impact of the incubation period delay on disease transmission utilizing a nonlinear incidence rate was taken into account. For the purpose of explaining the predation process, a modified Holling type II functional response was used. First, the existence, uniform boundedness, and positivity of the solutions of the considered model system, along with the behavior of equilibria and the existence of Hopf bifurcation, are studied. The critical values of the delay parameter for which stability switches and the nature of the Hopf bifurcat

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Analytical Study of Cartoon picture AL-Mada Newspaper is a model

The researcher studies and explains the content of some pictures that are published in al-Mada newspaper. The research is important as it deals with a topic that has a relation with visual culture and its role to transfer the press letter to the audience. The researcher finds that cartoonist exposed the security services through important people who have a major role in state policy and reveals the level of corruption and the weak treatments for this phenomenon and its reflection on the whole society and individuals. In addition to that, cartoonists try to encourage the public for going on the peaceful demonstrations since it is a good tool to make pressure on the government to punish the corrupts.

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