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Design mode filtering interferometer using etched double clad fiber
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Abstract<p>Mode filtering technique is one of the most desired techniques in optical fiber communication systems, especially for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) coherent optical communications that have mode-dependent losses in communication channels. In this work, a special type of optical fiber sensing head was used, where it utilizes DCF13 that is made by Thorlabs and has two numerical apertures (NA’s). One is for core and 1st cladding region, while the 2nd relates the 1st cladding to the 2nd cladding. Etching process using 40 % hydro-fluoric (HF) acid was performed on the DCF13 with variable time in minutes. Investigation of the correlation between the degree of etching and the refractive index (RI) profile of double-clad fibers for low order linearly polarized (LP) modes is the focus of this work research. The used software programs to simulate the effect of etching are Comsol Multi-Physics V6 and Optigrating V4.2.2. It is seen that the optimum case that gave highest cladding power to core power ratio is the case of etching for 10 min, which can be used for detection applications. This ratio greatly affects the sensitivity of the system.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة مقدرات بيز لدالة المعولية لتوزيع باريتو من النوع الاول باستعمال دوال معلوماتية مضاعفة مختلفة
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The comparison of double informative priors which are assumed for the reliability function of Pareto type I distribution. To estimate the reliability function of Pareto type I distribution by using Bayes estimation, will be  used two different kind of information in the Bayes estimation; two different priors have been selected for the parameter of Pareto  type I distribution . Assuming distribution of three double prior’s chi- gamma squared distribution, gamma - erlang distribution, and erlang- exponential distribution as double priors. The results of the derivaties of these estimators under the squared error loss function with two different double priors. Using the simulation technique, to compare the performance for

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pulse Profile Rule in Laser Heating of Opaque Targets in Air
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A theoretical model is developed to determine time evolution of temperature at the surface of an opaque target placed in air for cases characterized by the formation of laser supported absorption waves (LSAW) plasmas. The model takes into account the power temporal variation throughout an incident laser pulse, (i.e. pulse shape, or simply: pulse profile).
Three proposed profiles are employed and results are compared with the square pulse approximation of a constant power.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal For Vascular Ultrasound
A Comparative Study of the Right and Left Carotid Arteries in Relation to Age for Patients With Diabetes and Hypertension
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Age, hypertension, and diabetes can cause significant alterations in arterial structure and function, including changes in lumen diameter (LD), intimal-medial thickness (IMT), flow velocities, and arterial compliance. These are also considered risk markers of atherosclerosis and cerebrovascular disease. A difference between right and left carotid artery blood flow and IMT has been reported by some researchers, and a difference in the incidence of nonlacunar stroke has been reported between the right and left brain hemispheres. The aim of this study was to determine whether there are differences between the right and left common carotid arteries and internal carotid arteries in patient

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