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Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Measuring Vegetation Cover Change from Satellite Imagery in Mosul City, North of Iraq
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Abstract<p>The aim of the study is the assessment of changes in the land cover within Mosul City in the north of Iraq using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing techniques during the period (2014-2018). Satellite images of the Landsat 8 on this period have been selected to classify images in order to measure normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to assess land cover changes within Mosul City. The results indicated that the vegetative distribution ratio in 2014 is 4.98% of the total area under study, decreased to 4.77% in 2015 and then decreased to 4.54 <italic>%</italic> in 2016, after then decreased to 3,59% in 2017,then increased to 4.39% in 2018. Land cover change of the area was identified using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) technique. Highest NDVI value was found in 2015 (6.26%) which denotes presence of moderate-high vegetation cover at that time period. After 2015, highest NDVI value was found following a decreasing trend (6.05% in 2016 and 5.96% in 2018) which clearly represents the vegetation cover change in the study area, also Green Normalized. Difference Vegetation Index (GNDVI) is studied in this paper. Statistical properties for NDVI and GNDVI were illustrated has been computed. From the results of this study one can clearly notice that there are the spatial variation in the vegetal cover from 2014 to 2018 in Mosul city, north of Iraq.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Analysis the effect of economic conditions on the vegetative change in Baghdad using GIS and remote sensing techniques
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The study of vegetative change of cities is one of the most important studies related to human life because of its direct correlation with the temporal conditions that occur. These include the economic problems that force people to move and look for job opportunities in the city, which leads to an increase in the population density of cities, especially for cities with an important economic and administrative location as in the capital city of Baghdad. In this study, the effect of the increasing in population density was analyzed on the urban planning of Baghdad city. The decreasing in vegetation was due to the increasing of urban areas on the outskirts of the city, which led to an increase in its area. Moreover, urban cities increased t

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees20
Change detection of the land cover for three decades using remote sensing data and geographic information system
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 19 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Inventions In Engineering & Science Technology
Biodiversity in the Northern Region using GIS and Remote Sensing
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Biodiversity, biological diversity, biological diversity, biological diversity, biological diversity, biological diversity, biological diversity (by developmental factors) environmental factors and environmental factors environmental factors and environmental factors and environmental factors Correlation between biology and the succession of geological and historical factors of living organisms and geological and historical factors to the site and what It is surrounded by natural and tourist attractions and the pursuit of scientific methods in order to advance the studies of biological diversity in the region .

Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Assessment of vegetable cover in south Iraq by remote sensing methods
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The vegetable cover plays an important role in the environment and Earth resource sciences. In south Iraq, the region is classified as arid or semiarid area due to the low precipitations and high temperature among the year. In this paper, the Landat-8 satellite imagery will be used to study and estimate the vegetable area in south Iraq. For this purpose many vegetation indices will be examined to estimate and extract the area of vegetation contain in and image. Also, the weathering parameters must be investigated to find the relationship between these parameters and the arability of vegetation cover crowing in the specific area. The remote sensing packages and Matlab written subroutines may be use to evaluate the results.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Natural Sciences Research
Implementation of remote sensing for vegetation studying using vegetation indices and automatic feature space plot
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Land Use/Cover Change Analysis Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study, Zhengzhou Area, Henan Province, China
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In the last two decades, arid and semi-arid regions of China suffered rapid changes in the Land Use/Cover Change (LUCC) due to increasing demand on food, resulting from growing population. In the process of this study, we established the land use/cover classification in addition to remote sensing characteristics. This was done by analysis of the dynamics of (LUCC) in Zhengzhou area for the period 1988-2006. Interpretation of a laminar extraction technique was implied in the identification of typical attributes of land use/cover types. A prominent result of the study indicates a gradual development in urbanization giving a gradual reduction in crop field area, due to the progressive economy in Zhengzhou. The results also reflect degradati

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Investigation of surface area of lakes and marshes from satellite images by using remote sensing and geographic information system integration in Iraq
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Water level and distribution is very essential in almost all life aspects. Natural and artificial lakes represent a large percentage of these water bodies in Iraq. In this research the changes in water levels are observed by calculating the areas of five different lakes in five different regions and two different marshes in two different regions of the country, in a period of 12 years (2001 - 2012), archived remotely sensed images were used to determine surface areas around lakes and marshes in Iraq for the chosen years . Level of the lakes corresponding to satellite determined surface areas were retrieved from remotely sensed data .These data were collected to give explanations on lake level and surface area fluctuations. It is imp

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Crossref (6)
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Using remote sensing techniques to monitoring and evaluate the water cover in AL_Razzaza lake: Iraq at deferent periods
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Multi-spectral satellite images of the Landsat satellite by the tow sensitive Thematic Mapper (TM) and Thematic Mapper Enhancement (ETM+), which covered the study area located south east of Iraq. In this research; used the sixth thermal spectral band (Thermal Band) for study the water cover in the AlRazzaza Lake located within the province of Karbala. We intended to study the cover a case of the study area, used satellite images showing the status of region during the period from 1990 to 2001 and 2007. From this study we conclude that cover the water of the study area change in sequence case to decrease during these years.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Using remote sensing techniques to monitoring and evaluate the water cover in AL_Razzaza lake: Iraq at deferent periods
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Multi-spectral satellite images of the Landsat satellite by the tow sensitive Thematic Mapper (TM) and Thematic Mapper Enhancement (ETM+), which covered the study area located south east of Iraq. In this research; used the sixth thermal spectral band (Thermal Band) for study the water cover in the Al-Razzaza Lake located within the province of Karbala. We intended to study the cover a case of the study area, used satellite images showing the status of region during the period from 1990 to 2001 and 2007. From this study we conclude that cover the water of the study area change in sequence case to decrease during these years.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Monitoring the Vegetation and Water Content of Al-Hammar Marsh Using Remote Sensing Techniques
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The object of the presented study was to monitor the changes that had happened in the main features (water, vegetation, and soil) of Al-Hammar Marsh region. To fulfill this goal, different satellite images had been used in different times, MSS 1973, TM 1990, ETM+ 2000, 2002, and MODIS 2009, 2010. A new technique of the unsupervised classification called (Color Extracting Technique) was used to classify the satellite images. MATLAP programming used the technique and separated Al-Hammar Marsh from other water features (rivers, irrigated lands, etc.) when calculated the changes in the water content of the study region. ArcGIS 9.3 (arcMAP, arcToolbox) were used to achieve this work and calculate area of each class.

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