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The informatics adequacy on the spraying technology in Iraqi agricultural researches: A literature review
Abstract<p>Many of the Iraqi agricultural researches are used spraying technique to add chemical products including pesticides and growth regulators. Various studies were performed to study the effect of these substances at different concentrations to improve plant production. In order to adopt specific criteria of spraying researches and to replicate them easily, it is a necessary to mention all information related to the spraying processes and regulations for improving sprayer’s performance by increasing the amount of pesticide deposited on the target. The current study aims to survey Iraqi researches in details and analyse them randomly. Also, to highlight on the importance of information applied in spraying techniques and its relationship with improving of agricultural production. The survey showed most of these researches does not mention sufficiently the basic information, especially in the spraying or calibrating processes. These processes are important to ensure the best distribution of spraying in the field depending on type of sprayer, nozzle type, and operating pressure. Also, some of these researches do not show the application rate of pesticide and the factors affected on it, which may lead to imbalance in homogenization of the pesticide distribution. This study recommended using a power sprayer to avoid the misapplication in droplets distribution in comparison with packback sprayers, which have a complication in the operating pressure and nozzle height regulation. Another recommendation was a necessity to select the perfect nozzle type that agrees with the global publications.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Socio-Pragmatic Analysis of Lamentation in Selected Elegies of Gray and AL-Khansaa'

This research is an attempt to explore a social and pragmatic phenomenon of lamentation in elegies of Gray and AL-Khansaa' who represent two different cultures. It illustrates the intended meaning of lamentation in English and Arabic and finds how the two languages express this purpose of poetry by analysing it socio-pragmatically adopting Searle's models (1969),and its modifications. Lamentation is considered as a mournful poem lamenting the death of  whole humanity as Gray's elegy and of an individual as AL-Khansaa's elegy. So, Gray portrays a universal picture concerning his lamentation, while AL-Khansaa' portrays an individual and subjective picture regarding her lamentation. As  branches of linguistics, sociolinguistics de

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research And Developments
Development of natural convection heat transfer in heat sink using a new fin design

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Molecular Investigation of Phytoplasma (Candidatus Phytoplasma) Infecting Arabic Jasmine (Jasminum sambac) in Iraq

This study was conducted to investigate phytoplasma causing a virescence disease on Arabic jasmine Jasminum sambac based on microscopy and molecular approaches. Samples were collected from symptomatic Arabic jasmine plants grown in nurseries in Baghdad-Iraq. Specimens from infected plants were prepared and Dienes stained for light microscopy examination. Phytoplasma were detected in infected plants by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using P1/P7 and SecAfor1/SecArev3 Candidatus Phytoplasma specific primer sets. Light microscopy test showed symptomatic Arabic jasmine plants were phytoplasms infected when phloem tissues were stained with a dark blue color. PCR test confirmed the symptomatic plants were phytoplasms infected when SecAfor1/Sec

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
A critical success factors for software project manager in GVTs within covid-19 pandemic

The covid-19 pandemic sweeping the world and has rendered a large proportion of the workforce as they are unable to commute to work. This has resulted in employees and employers seeking alternative work arrangements, including the software industry. Then comes the need for the global market and international presence of many companies to implement the global virtual teams (GVTs). GVTs members are gradually engaged in globalized business environments across space, time and organizational boundaries via information and communication technologies. Despite the advancement of technology, the project managers are still facing many challenges in communication. Hense, to become a successful project manager still a big challenge for them. This study

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Zanco Journal Of Medical Sciences
Epidemiology of viral hepatitis B and C in Iraq: a national survey 2005-2006

Background and objective: Viral Hepatitis Type B&C is serious public health challenge throughout the world.Hepatitis B and C viruses still remain to be the major causes of chronic hepatitis.It is estimated that around 350-400 million people in the world are chronic carriers of HBV, which represents approximately 7% of the total populationwhereas infection with HCV is found in approximately 3% of the world population, which represents 160 million people. Hepatitis B infection has a wide range of seroprevalence in the Mediterranean countries ranging from intermediate (=>2% ) to high prevalence ( =>7%). World Health Organization estimated a prevalence rate for HCV infection of about 4.6% in Eastern Mediterranean in 1999. During the eightieths

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 02 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Role of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus acidophilus as a Treatment of Cryptosporidiosis in Mice

Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic activity of probiotics mixture of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus acidophilus towards Cryptosporidium infection in experimentally infected mice. Oocysts of Cryptosporidium were separated from the stool of humans to infect mice. Methods: Forty male albino mice were split equally into four groups, every group contained 10 mice, the group I (early treated group), were treated from the 1st day from infection to the 11th post-infection, group II (late treated group), were treated from the 4th day from infection to the 15th post-infection, and group (III) (untreated group), were mice considered as a positive control group. Results: It was showed that daily application of a mixture of L. plantarum w

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 25 2018
Journal Name
Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal
Anti CD20 Monoclonal Antibody (Rituximab) as a Rescue Treatment in Severe and Refractory SLE

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with polymorphic expression. B cells have an essential contribution in immune system activation via the production of different cytokines and functioning as potent antigen-presenting cells. Therefore, a drug that particularly targets B cells may represent an ideal therapeutic approach for SLE. Rituximab (RTX), an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody causing transient B-cell depletion, has been used to manage SLE. This study aims to assess Rituximab effects on lupus nephritis (LN) patients when added to conventional immunosuppressants. Twenty four patients, 15-32 years old, with class III/IV/V LN were involved in this study. All were on steroids before lupus nephritis occurrence. They were

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archive
A comparative taxonomic study of seeds of some plants of rosaceae family in Iraq

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Prothrombin Time role in Head Injury & Intracranial Hematomas, A prospective Study of 325 cases

Objective: Aimed to asses the role of PT estimation in early diagnosis and predicting the extent and the outcome of head injury with ICerH and/ or Contusion
Method :PT was measured by Digiclot 818
Group –1: One hundred consecutive head injured patients admitted at Neurosurgical and Al Ramadi teaching hospitals were initially estimated for prothrombin time and subsequently scanned
Group-2 : Two hundred twenty five consecutive non scanned head injured patients admitted to Neurosurgical and Al Ramadi teaching hospitals were estimated with prothrombin time at the time of insult and subsequently for the next two weeks Al – Kindy Col Med J 2012; Vol. 8 No. 1 P: 54
Clinical and neurological evaluation (GCS) score in addition to

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum

The skull is one of the largest bones in the body. It is classified into flat bones that maintain the important organic structures; which are the brain, eyes, and tongue. The skull is a strong support for preserving these organs but they are various according to the type of animals and the environments in which they live and the nature of their nutrition. There are many differences among living organisms in terms of the bones in the skull, their difference or disappearance and their length in the shape of the head. The samples were taken from the scientific storage in the Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum; Cape hare Lepus capensis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) and the study was conducted o

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