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CFD Investigation of the Soldering Process for a Small Spherical PCM Made of Lead-tin Alloy
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Unlike welding, soldering does not involve melting the work pieces. Soldering is a process in which two or more items are joined together by melting and putting a filler metal (solder) into the joint. Failure in the solder joint may make the system components lose their functions. Electrical wiring and electronic components are joined to devices and printed circuit boards using soldering. Soldering and brazing are both used in the assembly of musical instruments. Lead-tin alloy solder employed in the current investigation which has a diameter of 4 mm and a density of 11.0103 kg/m3 with continuous heat flux heating from the domain's left side and complete insulation on the other side. The melting of PCM was simulated using the ANSYS (Fluent) melting model. Three procedures were followed during the heating stage of the reflow process to perform the melting heat-transfer analysis. The simulation's results were recorded at regular intervals of 15 seconds. The results show melting rate increases as time proceeds. It is almost the same at the initial stages and increases in the middle and the end of the melting process. Heat transfer happens mostly through conduction during the first 0–30 seconds of the melting process, changing to natural convection as the material continues to heat up.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The personality of the woman and her role in the products of Agnon: דמותה ותפקידה של האישה ביצירותיו של עגנון
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  Shmuel Yosef Agnon, a well-known Jewish writer, wrote many literary works, including poetry, story, etc. In the field of story, this writer used two areas: the first: a simple exterior, and the second: an inner full of secrets and mysteries. This area is common when Agnon is affected by his symbolic method of purpose. In his productions, we find the political and historical significance embodied in his characters, where there is almost no story without it.

    Agnon and all his productions gave the character a large area, Agnon’s characters often play the center and cornerstone in those productions, where the author dealt deeply and stated the fines details of the external and internal of that ch

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Carbon Fiber Volume Fraction and their Orientations on the Thermal Conductivity of the Polymer Composite Materials.
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      The effect of fiber volume fraction of the carbon fiber on the thermal conductivity of the polymer composite material was studied. Different percentages of carbon fibers were used (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%). Specimens were made in two groups for unsaturated polyester as a matrix and carbon fibers, first group has parallel arrangement of fibers and the second group has perpendicular arrangement of fibers on the thermal flow, Lee's disk method was used for testing the specimens. This study showed that the values of the of thermal conductivity of the specimens when the fibers arranged in parallel direction was higher than that when the fibers arranged in the perpendicular direction  


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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The mediator role of the psychological contract in light of the linking between training needs and organizational commitment - exploratory search
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  The purpose of this research shed light on the analysis of the relationship between training needs and organizational commitment and the role of a variable contract psychological, and start search of a dilemma thought provoking fundamental questions revolve around the search was the answer to all those questions of tricks theoretical framework to the variables of research first and test models of the relationship and impact secondly During six hypotheses major, The objective of the research the impact of the factors that affect training needs in organizational commitment center the psychological contract, and applied research on a sample of 100 individuals working in the engineering department and maintenance at the D

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 25 2023
Journal Name
Enterprenuership Journal For Finance And Bussiness
Argumentative Accounting conservatism and the performance of institutions listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange in light of the Coronavirus pandemic
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This study aims to test whether the institutions listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange have a significant correlation between the level of conservative accounting practice with the level of market share returns during the Coronavirus pandemic period as one of the policies to confront the economic repercussions of the Coronavirus pandemic. Furthermore, the sample included institutions listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange during the 2019 and 2020 years, i.e., the period before the Coronavirus pandemic and during the Coronavirus pandemic for the purpose of comparison. The market value to book value model was used, and the study found that conservative institutions had achieved the highest level of market share prices compared to non-conservat

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of the Spectral Energy Distribution Model of the Protoplanetary Disk Geometric around the Brown Dwarf CFHT-BD-Tau 4
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The accretion circumstellar disk of young stars and the Brown dwarf plays an essential role in the formation and evaluation of the planet. Our main work in this paper is to investigate the geometrical shape model for the protoplanetary disk around one of the Brown Dwarfs. The photometric measurements for the brown dwarf CFHT-BD-Tau 4 were extracted from the Vizier archive. We used a numerical simulation to build a model of the spectral energy distribution of our target CFHT-BD-Tau 4. The spectral energy distribution model was fitted with observational data for the brown dwarf CFHT-BD-Tau 4. A transitional disk has been assumed around CFHT-BD-Tau 4. We obtained physical properties of the two disks and the size of the gap between them

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 22 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Corrosion And Scale Inhibition
Role of vitamin C in the protection of the gum and implants in the human body: theoretical and experimental studies
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The article describes a study on the role of vitamin C as a protective agent for the teeth, gum, and implants using quantum chemical calculations and polarization tests. The Density Functional Theory (DFT) at 6-311G (d, p) basis set is used to estimate the ability of vitamin C to inhibit the corrosion of the abovementioned parts. The experimental study was performed in a at human body media simulator (Hank’s balanced salt solution) at a temperature of 37°C. The compound was optimized for its ground state, physical properties, and corrosion parameters. Further, HOMO, LUMO, energy gap, dipole moment, and other parameters were used to predict the inhibitor’s efficiency. Gaussian 09, UCA-FUKUI, MGL tools, DSV, and LigPlus software was used

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Duration of each developmental stage of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus together with the mortality percentage were observed at a combination of five different temperatures namely 20C°, 22.5C°, 25C°, 27.5C° and 30C° and four different humidities namely 55%, 75%, 85% and 95% r. h. Results showed that temperature had the greatest effect on the life cycle period. The higher the temperature the shorter the life cycle was aid versa verea. On the other hand, humidity seems to be less effectiveness, though at the higher temperature and humidity no development was occured. Mortality among all temperatures and humidities appeared nearly the same, but at higher temperature and higher humidity and because of mould g

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determination of the lot size using the Wagner-Whitin algorithm under the Constraint Theory / Case Study of Diyala Public Company
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         International companies are striving to reduce their costs and increase their profits, and these trends have produced many methods and techniques to achieve these goals. these methods is heuristic and the other Optimization.. The research includes an attempt to adapt some of these techniques in the Iraqi companies, and these techniques are to determine the optimal lot size using the algorithms Wagner-Whitin under the theory of constraints. The research adopted the case study methodology to objectively identify the problem of research, namely determining lot size optimal for each of the products of electronic measurement laboratory in Diyala and in light of the bottlenecks in w

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Research In Higher Education
The nexus between green human resource management processes and the sustainability of educational institutions: the mediating effect of strategic excellence
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This study aims to propose a novel research model to test the nexus between green human resource management processes, strategic excellence and the sustainability of educational institutions in Iraqi academic settings.


This examination in Iraqi higher education is finalised across three key stages: determining the knowledge gaps, reviewing the literature and building the hypothesised conceptual model. A case study complemented by a quantitative methodology using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Analysis of Moment

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Scopus (14)
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The composition of the vocabulary and passages in the poems of Saadi: بررسی ترکیب‌ سازی در قصاید و قطعات سعدی
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The importance of research and study of classical Persian literature is not overlooked.  So far, there have been many studies in this area.  But there are still some things that need more research.  Persian grammar is one of the most important branches of Persian literature.  This section has always been converted at different times.  One of the issues that has been neglected in the studies of classical literature is the study of the technical tales of past and past poetry.  These texts can be studied from different perspectives.  Because Persian is a mixed language, it is possible to combine language terms with each other or to add prefixes and suffixes to express new concepts. They can be used by exam

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