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مقارنة بين مخطط السيطرة النسبي و مخطط السيطرة الضبابي المتعدد مع تطبيق عملي
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تعد لوحات السيطرة الخاصة بالمراقبة والسيطرة على نوعية الانتاج احدى الاساليب العلمية الاحصائية التي تستخدم لمراقبة سير العملية الانتاجية اثناء سيرالعنلية الانتاجية اثناء سيرها في مراحل الانتاج والتي عادة ما تتكون من حد وسطي وحدين اعلى وادنى للسيطرة على نوعية ودقة الانتاج متمثلا بقيم عددية . ومن ثم فان العملية الانتاجية اما ان تكون تحت السيطرة او خارجها بالاعتماد على قيم المشاهادات العددية. وفي بعض الاحيان يكون احتساب حدود السيطرة العددية في حدود سيطرة مضببة باستخداملواحات السيطرة الضبابية المتعددة وتلك الحدود لهذا النوع من اللوحات تعطي تقييماً سريعاً ودقيقا وذا مرونة اكثر في اتخاذ القرار وهذا طبعا بدوره يؤدي السيطرة على العملية الانتاجية بشكل اسرع مقارنة بلوحات السيطرة النسبية . في هذا البحث تم اخذ البيانات من احد المعامل الانتاجية ( معمل الانتاج قناني الماء الصالح للشرب ) وتحديدا في مدينة النجف الاشرف بسبب الكثافة السكانية العالية خصوصا في استهلاك الماء في تلك المحافظة فانه عالي جدا وعلى مدار السنة وكان لمخطط السيطرة المضبب دورا مهما في مراقبة سير العملية الانتاجية وعملية تقليل عدد وحدات المعاينة في الخط الانتاجي بشكل اسرع وادق من مخطط السيطرة النسبي خصوصاً في حالات تغير في احجام العينات من حيث الانتاج وعدم استقرارية حجم العينة بشكل ثابت .

Publication Date
Sun Oct 23 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison Between Deterministic and Stochastic Model for Interaction (COVID-19) With Host Cells in Humans
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In this paper, the deterministic and the stochastic models are proposed to study the interaction of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) with host cells inside the human body. In the deterministic model, the value of the basic reproduction number   determines the persistence or extinction of the COVID-19. If   , one infected cell will transmit the virus to less than one cell, as a result,  the person carrying the Coronavirus will get rid of the disease .If   the infected cell  will be able to infect  all  cells that contain ACE receptors. The stochastic model proves that if  are sufficiently large then maybe  give  us ultimate disease extinction although ,  and this  facts also proved by computer simulation.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Environmental Taxes Effectiveness on controlling The Pollution reduction levels due To the Activity Contracted Foreign Oil Companies in Iraq: An applied research in the general commission of taxes
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     Environmental Tax is deemed as one of the most important tools that can be used to eliminate the problem of oil –based  environment pollution resulted out of oil products processes and this has been significantly approved by the experience in those leading countries in the field of protecting the environment against pollution whereas oil-producing countries which are rather awkward in maintaining the environment such as Iraq , suffer from notorious environmental effects pertaining to oil product processes.

     The problem of the research is represented the increased and constant rise in the volume of the environmental pollutants resulted from the processes managed by the intern

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
US-Russian Interventions in the Caspian-Caucasus Basin Countries after 2001: (Strategies to Re-Impose Control and Influence as a Model)
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Today, the five Caspian riparian states on the shores of the Caspian Sea (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Russia, and Iran) have become a front for ambitions and international and regional competition, especially in light of the features and characteristics that natural geography has endowed them with and their enjoyment of a group of economic and mineral wealth that are not optimally exploited so far which made it a strategic attraction area for international trends and interventions, especially Western ones. It is a battleground for major international companies aiming to monopolize promising industrial investments in order to impose control and influence on the region’s resources and economic wealth and thus impose their forei

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of Adolescents' Family Meal Eating Patterns upon their Weight Control Behaviors at Secondary Schools in Baghdad City
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Objective: The study aimed to identify the adolescents' family meal eating patterns, and find out the relationship between adolescents' family meal eating patterns and their weight control behaviors. Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted on impact of adolescents' family meal eating patterns upon their weight control behaviors in secondary schools at Baghdad city, starting from 20th of April 2013 to the end of October 2014. Non- probability (purposive) sample of 1254 adolescents were chosen from secondary schools of both sides of Al-Karkh and Al-Russafa sectors. Data was collected through a specially

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Continuous Classical Boundary Optimal Control of Couple Nonlinear Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problem with Equality and Inequality Constraints
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The paper is concerned with the state and proof of the existence theorem of a unique solution (state vector) of couple nonlinear hyperbolic equations (CNLHEQS) via the Galerkin method (GM) with the Aubin theorem. When the continuous classical boundary control vector (CCBCV) is known, the theorem of existence a CCBOCV with equality and inequality state vector constraints (EIESVC) is stated and proved, the existence theorem of a unique solution of the adjoint couple equations (ADCEQS) associated with the state equations is studied. The Frcéhet derivative derivation of the "Hamiltonian" is obtained. Finally the necessary theorem (necessary conditions "NCs") and the sufficient theorem (sufficient conditions" SCs") for optimality of the stat

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
A comparative study between the emotional responses in patients with blood pressure on a scale of music types characteristics compared with responses to some Healthy patients
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The problem of the study and its significance:

           Due to the increasing pressures of life continually, and constant quest behind materialism necessary and frustrations that confront us daily in general, the greater the emergence of a number of cases of disease organic roots psychological causing them because of severity of a lack of response to conventional treatments (drugs), and this is creating in patients a number of emotional disorders resulting from concern the risk of disease


     That is interested psychologists and doctors searchin

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2024
Journal Name
Journal Mustansiriyah Of Sports Science
The effect of using Daniel's model for people with two types of brain control (left and right) to learn the skill of the Cartwheel in artistic gymnastics for second-stage students
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The research problem focused through the researcher's experience in the gymnastics game and the lack of use of educational models that give the student an important role in the educational process, so it became necessary to identify the type of prevailing style for students, and the need for diversity in the use of educational models based on scientific theories, including the Daniel Document model. Based on three theories of learning, which are structural, behavioral, and meaningful learning. The research aimed to identify the effect of using the Daniel model for people with two types of brain control (left and right) to learn the skill of the Cartwheel in artistic gymnastics for students of the second stage. The researcher used the experi

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Education Program on Nursing Staffs' Knowledge about Infection Control Measures at Intensive Care Unit in Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital
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Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of the educational program on nursing staff knowledge about infection control measures at the Intensive Care Unit in Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital.

Methodology: A pre-experimental design (one group design: pre-test and post-test) was used. This study was conducted in Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital for the period from ( 20th February to 5th March, 2020) on a non-probability (purposive) sample consisting of (25 nurses) working in ICU. A questionnaire was built as a data collection tool and consisted of two parts:

First part: The demographic characteristics of the nursing staff (age, gender, level of education, years of experien

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
Expressive Topics in Plastic Art Achievement A comparative study between Gustav Klimt and Star Kauusch
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 Schools and artistic trends derive their themes from artistic styles and styles as methods followed by the artist to express his themes embodied in the values of artistic and plastic elements as symbols and signs that can be described according to the type of art school and the extent to which the artist is influenced in employing them as a goal to achieve the plastic achievement in the painting, and from those vocabulary (human beings nature Life) as encoded messages that have an appearance and an interior, the appearance of which are forms, colors, formats and distributions of space and their interior meanings and semantics embody attitudes, events and circumstances that stem from the social depth and daily life and derive their comp

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Money supply and the factors that affect it together with role central Bank of Iraq in controlling it Applicatory research of the Iraqi central bank for the period (2003- 2014)
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This research deals with the two item namely, the monetary policy central Bank of Iraqi and money supply . that contribute in up the problem of the paper that is concerned with the fact that to what extent the effectiveness of monetary policy conducted by the central Bank of Iraqi is valid in controlling money supply as well as the possibility of applying it in practical environment restricted to the scope of financial in stitiutions particularly in research population represented by central Bank of Iraqi .

For the purpose of a practical contribution for monetary and financial institutions . To achieve this , A hypothesis has been carried out and it suggested that the mon

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