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A new pseudorandom bits generator based on a 2D-chaotic system and diffusion property
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A remarkable correlation between chaotic systems and cryptography has been established with sensitivity to initial states, unpredictability, and complex behaviors. In one development, stages of a chaotic stream cipher are applied to a discrete chaotic dynamic system for the generation of pseudorandom bits. Some of these generators are based on 1D chaotic map and others on 2D ones. In the current study, a pseudorandom bit generator (PRBG) based on a new 2D chaotic logistic map is proposed that runs side-by-side and commences from random independent initial states. The structure of the proposed model consists of the three components of a mouse input device, the proposed 2D chaotic system, and an initial permutation (IP) table. Statistical tests of the generated sequence of bits are investigated by applying five evaluations as well as the ACF and NIST. The results of five standard tests of randomness have been illustrated and overcome a value of 0.160 in frequency test. While the run test presents the pass value t0=4.769 and t1=2.929. Likewise, poker test and serial test the outcomes was passed with 3.520 for poker test, and 4.720 for serial test. Finally, autocorrelation test passed in all shift numbers from 1 to 10.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2010
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advancements In Computing Technology
Implementation of digital chaotic signal generator based on reconfigurable LFSRs for multiple access communications
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This paper describes the digital chaotic signal with ship map design. The robust digital implementation eliminates the variation tolerance and electronics noise problems common in analog chaotic circuits. Generation of good non-repeatable and nonpredictable random sequences is of increasing importance in security applications. The use of 1-D chaotic signal to mask useful information and to mask it unrecognizable by the receiver is a field of research in full expansion. The piece-wise 1-D map such as ship map is used for this paper. The main advantages of chaos are the increased security of the transmission and ease of generation of a great number of distinct sequences. As consequence, the number of users in the systems can be increased. Rec

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design of a Differential Chaotic on-off keying communication system
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Among the available chaotic modulation schemes, differential chaos shift keying (DSCK) offers the perfect noise performance. The power consumption of DCSK is high since it sends chaotic signal in both of 1 and 0 transmission, so it does not represent the optimal choice for some applications like indoor wireless sensing where power consumption is a critical issue. In this paper a novel noncoherent chaotic communication scheme called differential chaos on-off keying (DCOOK) is proposed as a solution of this problem. With the proposed scheme, the DCOOK signal have a structure similar to chaos on-off keying (COOK) scheme with improved performance in noisy and multipath channels by introducing the concept of differential coherency used in DCS

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Design a system for an approved video copyright over cloud based on biometric iris and random walk generator using watermark technique
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Lightwave Technology
A Random Number Generator Based on Single-Photon Avalanche Photodiode Dark Counts
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Studying the Effect of Initial Conditions and System Parameters on the Behavior of a Chaotic Duffing System
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This work presents a five-period chaotic system called the Duffing system, in which the effect of changing the initial conditions and system parameters d, g and w, on the behavior of the chaotic system, is studied. This work provides a complete analysis of system properties such as time series, attractors, and Fast Fourier Transformation Spectrum (FFT). The system shows periodic behavior when the initial conditions xi and yi equal 0.8 and 0, respectively, then the system becomes quasi-chaotic when the initial conditions xi and yi equal 0 and 0, and when the system parameters d, g and w equal 0.02, 8 and 0.09. Finally, the system exhibits hyperchaotic behavior at the first two conditions, 0 and 0, and the bandwidth of the chaotic

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
BER Performance Improvement of Dual Chaotic Maps Based on STBC Communication System
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Sensitive information of any multimedia must be encrypted before transmission. The dual chaotic algorithm is a good option to encrypt sensitive information by using different parameters and different initial conditions for two chaotic maps. A dual chaotic framework creates a complex chaotic trajectory to prevent the illegal use of information from eavesdroppers. Limited precisions of a single chaotic map cause a degradation in the dynamical behavior of the communication system. To overcome this degradation issue in, a novel form of dual chaos map algorithm is analyzed. To maintain the stability of the dynamical system, the Lyapunov Exponent (LE) is determined for the single and dual maps. In this paper, the LE of the single and dual maps

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Some Chaotic Properties of G- Average Shadowing Property
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 Let  be a metric space and  be a continuous map. The notion of the  -average shadowing property ( ASP )  for a continuous map on  â€“space is introduced  and the relation between the ASP and average shadowing property(ASP)is investigated. We show that if  has ASP, then   has ASP for every . We prove that if a map  be pseudo-equivariant with dense set of periodic points and has the ASP,  then  is weakly mixing. We also show that if   is a expansive pseudo-equivariant homeomorphism that has the ASP and  is topologically mixing,  then  has a  -specification. We obtained that the identity map  on  has the ASP  if and only if th

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Novel Technique for Secure Data Cryptosystem Based on Chaotic Key Image Generation
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The advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), within the previous decades, has significantly changed people’s transmit or store their information over the Internet or networks. So, one of the main challenges is to keep these information safe against attacks. Many researchers and institutions realized the importance and benefits of cryptography in achieving the efficiency and effectiveness of various aspects of secure communication.This work adopts a novel technique for secure data cryptosystem based on chaos theory. The proposed algorithm generate 2-Dimensional key matrix having the same dimensions of the original image that includes random numbers obtained from the 1-Dimensional logistic chaotic map for given con

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Darboux Integrability of a Generalized 3D Chaotic Sprott ET9 System
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In this paper, the first integrals of Darboux type of the generalized Sprott ET9 chaotic system will be studied. This study showed that the system has no polynomial, rational, analytic and Darboux first integrals for any value of . All the Darboux polynomials for this system were derived together with its exponential factors. Using the weight homogenous polynomials helped us prove the process.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
International Journal On Technical And Physical Problems Of Engineering
A Multiple System Biometric System Based on ECG Data
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A Multiple System Biometric System Based on ECG Data
