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Plagiarism in Theses and Dissertations: Methods of Detecting and Avoiding
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The present study aims at identifying the styles, procedures of Iraqi universities to avoid plagiarism and evaluate these steps, also to evaluate the form prepared by the Directory of Scientific Supervision and Evaluation, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The study uses documentary style, 150 teachers in the following colleges (Education Ibn Rushd, Languages and Arts) in university of Baghdad whom already used the aforementioned list were the sample of the study and they asked to give their opinions about the list.The study consists of five sections, first one deals with general view, second explains plagiarism and its types, shapes and reasons,third tackles with ways of detecting plagiarism, its programs, consequences and avoidance, while the fourth one deals with plagiarismin Arabic and international institutes, the last one represents results, recommendations and suggestion. The main results are: 1- There is no available database of theses and dissertations for all Iraqi Universities. 2- One list for all majors humanities and scientific is an obstacle due to the huge differences between two majors in the methodology and using the references.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Iterative Methods for Approximation of Fixed Points Via Like Contraction Mappings
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Abstract<p>The aim of this paper, is to study different iteration algorithms types two steps called, modified SP, Ishikawa, Picard-S iteration and M-iteration, which is faster than of others by using like contraction mappings. On the other hand, the M-iteration is better than of modified SP, Ishikawa and Picard-S iterations. Also, we support our analytic proof with a numerical example.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 17 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mechanics And Engineering
Analysis of structural concrete bar members based on secant stiffness methods
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In this paper, the behavior of structural concrete linear bar members was studied using numerical model implemented in a computer program written in MATLAB. The numerical model is based on the modified version of the procedure developed by Oukaili. The model is based on real stress-strain diagrams of concrete and steel and their secant modulus of elasticity at different loading stages. The behavior presented by normal force-axial strain and bending moment-curvature relationships is studied by calculating the secant sectional stiffness of the member. Based on secant methods, this methodology can be easily implemented using an iterative procedure to solve non-linear equations. A comparison between numerical and experimental data, illustrated

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison of Different DEM Generation Methods based on Open Source Datasets
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Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is one of the developed techniques for relief representation.  The definition of a DEM construction is the modeling technique of earth surface from existing data. DEM plays a role as one of the fundamental information requirement that has been generally utilized in GIS data structures. The main aim of this research is to present a methodology for assessing DEMs generation methods. The DEMs data will be extracted from open source data e.g. Google Earth. The tested data will be compared with data produced from formal institutions such as General Directorate of Surveying. The study area has been chosen in south of Iraq (Al-Gharraf / Dhi Qar governorate. The methods of DEMs creation are kriging, IDW (inver

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison of Different DEM Generation Methods based on Open Source Datasets
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Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is one of the developed techniques for relief representation.  The definition of a DEM construction is the modeling technique of earth surface from existing data. DEM plays a role as one of the fundamental information requirement that has been generally utilized in GIS data structures. The main aim of this research is to present a methodology for assessing DEMs generation methods. The DEMs data will be extracted from open source data e.g. Google Earth. The tested data will be compared with data produced from formal institutions such as General Directorate of Surveying. The study area has been chosen in south of Iraq (Al-Gharraf / Dhi Qar governorate. The methods of DEMs creation are kri

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 17 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mechanics And Engineering
Analysis of Structural Concrete Bar Members Based on Secant Stiffness Methods
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Abstract<p>In this paper, the behavior of structural concrete linear bar members was studied using numerical model implemented in a computer program written in MATLAB. The numerical model is based on the modified version of the procedure developed by Oukaili. The model is based on real stress-strain diagrams of concrete and steel and their secant modulus of elasticity at different loading stages. The behavior presented by normal force-axial strain and bending moment-curvature relationships is studied by calculating the secant sectional stiffness of the member. Based on secant methods, this methodology can be easily implemented using an iterative procedure to solve non-linear equations. A compari</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Comparison of some reliability estimation methods for Laplace distribution using simulations
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In this paper, we derived an estimator of reliability function for Laplace distribution with two parameters using Bayes method with square error loss function, Jeffery’s formula and conditional probability random variable of observation. The main objective of this study is to find the efficiency of the derived Bayesian estimator compared to the maximum likelihood of this function and moment method using simulation technique by Monte Carlo method under different Laplace distribution parameters and sample sizes. The consequences have shown that Bayes estimator has been more efficient than the maximum likelihood estimator and moment estimator in all samples sizes

Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
A New Iterative Methods For a Family of Asymptotically Severe Mappings
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Abstract<p>The aim of this paper is to introduce the concepts of asymptotically p-contractive and asymptotically severe accretive mappings. Also, we give an iterative methods (two step-three step) for finite family of asymptotically p-contractive and asymptotically severe accretive mappings to solve types of equations.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Study the Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori Infection by Different Diagnostic Methods
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A total of 41 patients with gastro duodenal symptoms (show signs of inflammation with or without duodenal ulcer) . 21 males (51.2%) and 20 female (48.8%) with an average age 0f  (20 – 80) years old under  going gastrointestinal endoscopy at Baghdad teaching hospital in internal disease clinical laboratory , between (February – June)  2009 . Biopsies specimen of antrum , gastric fundus ,& duodenal bulb were examined by the following methods (rapid urease test , Giemsa stain section to detect bacteria , & Haematoxilin and Eosin stained section for pathological study which are considered the gold standard methods , sera or plasma from these patients were tested by immunochromotography (ICM),serological m

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Study of different geostatistical methods to model formation porosity (Cast study of Zubair formation in Luhais oil field)
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Abstract<p>This study is concerned with making comparison in using different geostatistical methods for porosity distribution of upper shale member - Zubair formation in Luhais oil field which was chosen to study.</p><p>Kriging, Gaussian random function simulation and sequential Gaussian simulation geostatistical methods were adopted in this study. After preparing all needed data which are contour map, well heads of 12 wells, well tops and porosity from CPI log. Petrel software 2009 was used for porosity distribution of mentioned formation in methods that are showed above. Comparisons were made among these three methods in order to choose the best one, the comparing cri</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Moderne Lehrmethodenzum Hörverstehen im Deutschunterricht Schlüsselwort: Lehrmethode-Hörverstehen-Deutschunterricht Modern methods for teaching listening comprehension in German language
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Diese Forschungsarbeit versteht sich als ein Versuch zur Bestimmung einer der neuen Unterrichtsmethoden, die den Lernenden im Fach Deutsch besonders interessant vorkommen.Der Unterricht soll in einer Atmosphäre, die frei von Zeitdruck, Angst und Zensurdruck ablaufen lassen, damit werden die Studenten ermutigt, die Nutzung von Spiel zu ihrer eigenen Sache machen, um die Spielziele Spaß, Empathie, Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation zu realisieren. Das Hauptlernziel des Fremdsprachenunterrichts ist es, Lernenden zu ermöglichen, in der Zielsprache zu kommunizieren.

Wir konzentrieren uns in diesem Beitrag auf eine wichtige sprachliche Fertigkeit, die den rezeptiven Fertigkeiten gehört, die ist das Hörverstehen.

Das Hörvers

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