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Iraqi Experience of Factor VII use in Children
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Bleeding disorders in pediatrics is an important issue and can be lifethreatening if not diagnosed and treated appropriately. We aimed to evaluate Iraqi pediatric practice (as an example of resource-limited settings) about the use of Recombinant Activated Factor VII (RFVIIa) in bleeding disorders, with emphasis on its effectiveness and safety, in comparison with adjuvant therapy. Budget restrictions may affect the availability of even lifesaving drugs such as (RFVIIa). Therefore, we tried to investigate the local experience of pediatric bleeding, with the evaluation of the potential ability of adjuvant therapy of blood products and vitamin K to substitute RFVIIa in case of non-availability. During a complete one year‘s period, 35 patients were recruited prospectively and divided into two categories; study group (on RFVIIa, with or without adjuvant therapy) and control group (only on adjuvant therapy of blood products, and vitamin K), involving 19, and 16 patients, respectively. The mortality rate in the study group was signiϐicantly less than the control group; (36.84%) versus (56.25%). Larger drops in prothrombin time (PT) (42%), and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) (47%), with less multi-organ dysfunction (29%) were noticed with the use of RFVIIa. Septicemia-associated disseminated intravascular coagulation was the most frequent indication of both groups; (31.58%) versus (37.50%), with a signiϐicant positive outcome in the study group. Total serum bilirubin levels were found to be lower in all neonates with jaundice within the study group. One patient had venous thrombosis following the RFVIIa administration. In conclusion, RFVIIa has the potential to stop pediatric bleeding episodes signiϐicantly better than adjuvant therapy alone, with signiϐicantly less mortality. Safety was ensured in all survived cases except one who had thromboembolism. Neonatal jaundice was improved by the use of RFVIIa.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 28 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
HLA-B genotype and Escherichia coli association in Iraqi patients with reactive arthritis
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Reactive arthritis (ReA) has been as joint developing after infection, it belongs to spongylo arthritis (SpA). The etiology of this disease was multi factorial, the combination between genetic and environmental factors for triggering this disease. This study included 75 Iraqi Arab patients and 39 healthy control. Urine samples and blood were collected from each subject. The results showed that Escherichia coli bacteria (E. coli) was isolated from 32% of urine samples. HLA-B*27 allele frequencies was higher in ReA patients infected with E. coli. This lead to suggest that E. coli may be trigger factor in ReA patients with UTI which had HLA-B*27 positive.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Directive Vision Transformations in Iraqi Political Theatre: محمد عبدالرضا حسين-سهى طه سالم
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  The creative arts in general and the theatre in specific represent man's rushing and carving for freedom, goodness and beauty, and the relation between creativity and freedom has always been fluctuating following the censorship pressures of all types and shapes the political, religious and social. Since the theatre is the closest and more touching creative art to the problems of the society of numerous types and levels and it was and has always been playing an enlightening role in shedding light on what the societies experiencing with crises and problems in all directions. The theatre, thus, derives the essence of existence from life, through topics concerned with what the human being is. It seeks to be the real witness and partne

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
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Information Sources and their Role in E-learning from Iraqi College Students’ Viewpoint
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The study aims at identifying the sources of information and explaining their role in e-learning from the viewpoint of the Iraqi college students. The researchers relied on the descriptive method of the survey method to collect data and know the point of view of undergraduate students from the Department of Information in the College of Arts / Tikrit University and the Department of Quranic Studies at the College of Arts / University of Baghdad. The questionnaire was used as an instrument of the study, the research sample is (120) students; each section has (60) male and female students. The study concluded that there are many types and forms of information sources that students receive through electronic educational platforms from text con

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 04 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
paratexte in specialized literary journals : AL ADEEB AL IRAQI magazine is a model
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Post-structural critical studies highlighted the importance of studying the texts surrounding the text as an important part in the process of receiving and understanding texts, and although this topic was dealt with by the ancient Arabs and Europeans, interest in it appeared clearly after the appearance of Gerard Genet's book (SEUILS), which separated it Text Thresholds. Or what he called paratexte, and dealt with them with interest as he reads them on books. With the development of semiotic studies, interest in paratexte studies began in a broader way and in various literary and non-literary texts, including journalistic texts. And since specialized magazines are one of the press releases that enjoy their privacy in terms of topics and

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Civil Engineering
Using AHP to prioritize the corruption risk practices in the Iraqi construction sector
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Discourse And Interaction
Refusal and politeness strategies favoured among Iraqi and Malaysian learners in marriage proposals
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The study targets exploring the similarities and differences between Iraqi and Malaysian learners of English in refusing marriage proposals. Also, it examines the favored politeness strategies that learners use to protect their interlocutors’ face, heeding both their social distance and status. Data were gathered by a Discourse Completion Task (DCT) which contained six marriage situations. Responses were analyzed based on Beebe et al.’s (1990) refusal taxonomy and Scollon et al.’s (2012) politeness system. The findings indicated that both the Iraqi and Malaysian learners preferred the indirect refusal strategies in marriage proposals, as well as the hierarchical politeness in the form of independence strategies regardless of t

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Beyond Individual Ownership: Women's and Men's Land Tenure Rights in Iraqi Heritage Systems
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This paper delves into the significant role played by local social and traditional structures in shaping Traditional Community Tenure (TCT) within Iraqi Land Tenure Legislation (ILTR), and examines their impact on gender inequalities, with a specific focus on women's land tenure rights. The methodological approach employed in this study identified the sources of barriers to gender equality within TCT as outlined in ILTR at two different bilateral levels, with input obtained from key stakeholders in a selected city in Iraq. The case study survey encompassed three districts, which served as local layers within the historic sectors of the Iraqi city of Al-Nasiriya. the study employed quantitative methods, including a household surveyو with

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
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Explainable Artificial Intelligence In The Digital Sustainability Administration
Harnessing Technological Innovation and Artificial Intelligence in Iraqi Commercial Banks to Achieve Sustainability
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
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Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Interleukin-32(IL-32) gene expression in Iraqi chronic hepatitis B virus patients
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Hepatitis B infection is a prominent infectious disease caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV), which infect liver and is considered as the main cause of liver cirrhosis, fibrosis and liver cancer worldwide. A pro-inflammatory cytokine Interleukin32 is believed to have a role in chronic HBV infections. Since its role in CHB infections is remain unclear, this study was done to detect IL-32 gene expression in CHB patients in order to identify its exact role. A total number of 110 blood samples were collected from Gastroenterology and Hepatology Teaching Hospital in Baghdad Medical City from CHB patients for both males and females with different age groups according to the research ethics form then sent to Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL),

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 08 2020
Journal Name
Medical Sciens
COVID-19 clinical characteristics and outcomes in 60 hospitalized Iraqi patients -Case series
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Background: since December 2019, China and in particularly Wuhan, faced an unprecedented an outbreak challenge of coronavirus disease 2019, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Clinical characteristics of Iraqi patients with COVID-19 and risk factors for mortality needed to be shared with the health care providers to improve the overall disease experience. Methods: prospective, single-center study recruited patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection who were admitted to Al-Shifaa Isolation Center / Baghdad Medical City between the mid of March and the end of April 2020 until had been discharged or had died. Demographic data, information on clinical signs, symptoms, at presentation, treatment, have been collected

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