تعد رواية (غراب الطاهرة ) من الروايات المعاصرة التي ركزت على الواقع المعاصر، وهي تمثل حقلاً بكراً صالحاً لدراسة العلاقة الحميمة بين ( الواقع ) و ( الشكل البنائي ) وأثره في بنية النص الروائي، بمعنى آخر دراسة القوانين التي توجه أنماط التأليف، وحرية الأختيار في صياغة العمل الفني.إذ إن اهتمام المؤلف بالتوثيق التاريخي، وتسجيل أهم المظاهر الواقعية، ومايرتبط بها من ممارسات النظام السابق أثرت في البناء الروائي، فمن حيث بناء الزمن لجأ المؤلف إلى تقسيم المادة الروائية على وحدات سردية تبدو مستقلة، ولاسيما مع وجود العناوين الفرعية التي تتصدرها، مما يضمن لها تجاوز الأزمنة الخالية من الحدث.أما من حيث بناء الشخصية وتقديمها، تحاول الرواية أن تعرض قضية (الانسان العراقي ) ضمن الواقع المعاصر بصورة عامة بعيدا عن الخصوصية الفردية، ولذلك عمد المؤلف إلى تجريدها من الخصائص الفردية، والاكتفاء بالخطوط العامة.وللتعبير عن رفض المؤلف لسلبيات الواقع المعاصر عمد إلى توظيف ( الراوي العليم ) الذي يسرد بضمير الغائب مما يسمح بتماهي صوت الراوي مع صوت المؤلف الحقيقي، ولاسيما وهو يتبنى وجهة النظر الساخرة في تقديم عالمه الروائي معتمدا في ذلك على توظيف المفارقة بأنواعها المختلفة وهو يصوغ مفردات المشهد السياسي.
Old New York was Wharton's term to describe this wealthy and elite class at the top of
the developing city's social hierarchy, a society which was utterly intent on maintaining its
own rigid stability. Even though, the roles of women in American society changed drastically
from 1820’s to 1860’s due to the civil war and such a progression was due in part to the
revolutionary thoughts. Women started taking their right to speak up openly and frankly and
become more like men. The role of many women had changed from being homemaker to
being able to provide for the family by either getting a job or start to be allowed to have a
voice. They had important roles not only in helping the family, but in sharing to rebuild th
The present paper applies Fanon Psychological reading of the problem of the Black introduced in his book Black Skin White Mask to Crooks, The black Character in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. The analysis of this character infers three essential points regarding the artistic achievement of the author. First, he uses a fictional character that offers a psychological interpretation of the black problem of alienation and loneliness in a way that does not disgrace the black. Second, he applies Fanon’s way of showing the various attitudes that the black adopts in contact with the white society. Third, he affirms that the black inferiority complex comes as a result of double proc
... Show MoreThe present study investigates the use of intensifiers as linguisticdevices employed by Charles Dickens in Hard Times. For ease of analysis, the data are obtained by a rigorous observation of spontaneously occurring intensifiers in the text. The study aims at exploring the pragmatic functions and aesthetic impact of using intensifiers in Hard Times.The current study is mainly descriptive analytical and is based on analyzing and interpreting the use of intensifiers in terms ofHolmes (1984) andCacchiani’smodel (2009). From the findings, the novelist overuses intensifiers to the extent that 280 intensifiers are used in the text. These intensifiers(218) are undistinguished
... Show Moreلا يستطيع كل كائن حي أو كيان اجتماعي أداء دوره الذي يفترض أن يقوم به ما لم يمتلك الوسائل الكافية والضرورية لأداء ذلك الدور قال سبحانه وتعالى ((قال ربنا الذي أعطى كل شيء خلقه ثم هدى – طه 50)).
والنشاط الاقتصادي كجزء من الكيان الكلي للمجتمع لا يختلف عن هذه القاعدة، إذ عندما يراد من النظام الاقتصادي أداء دور فاعل فلا غنى له عن الوسائل التي تمكنه من أداء دوره المنشود. للنظام الاقتصادي مجمو
... Show Moreالمؤلف / د. محمود أحمد شاكر غضيب تدريسي في جامعة بغداد / كلية العلوم الإسلامية / قسم اللغة العربية / حاصل على شهادة الدكتوراه عام 2019 في الادب العربي الإسلامي
This study revolves around the rapid changes of science and a comparison of the formal and practical aspects and the reason behind summoning the changes and their types, which are subject to the influence of the recipient. This transformation represents formal and intellectual production cycles and formal functional generation that is subject to the goals of the system of multiple differences at the level of time and place. It meets the needs and the request for change, but access to it comes through multiple systems and portals that are different from the normal and the usual, so this study was called (meta and its dimensions in the designed biological formation (virtual reality environment - a model). The research seeks to find solutio
... Show MoreGlobalization as phenomena has affected all aspects of life and reflected its impacts to the Arab world politically, economically, and culturally and became a vital field that related directly to our life. This field of searching needs as many studies and Academics as for employing the means that needed to face a national challenge which targeting the Arabic man Character in its ethics and values. This very important thing needs a very important reaction to face that challenge to protect the cultural ARABIC & ISLAMIC characteristics and to take care of education in all its levels and forms as it is an invincible fort. For that, this field has become as the priority of the studying and researches if the
... Show MoreThe semiotic trend of recent monetary trends task that took a wide range of attention of critics and readers alike, especially after the deployment, which accompanied him after widespread acts critic Grimas and powers applicable to the literary texts and is thus expanded its care circle, hence the choice of the novel (absent) woman Iraqi novelist (Mahdi ‘Issa falcon) model to be applied to the study chose to be a semiotic approach through the use of procedural mechanisms for its critical tool (Paris School of semiotics), cash and views of its founder critic Grimas.The research in the introduction and pave came we made it a vision for literary semiotic and its impact trend in cash and cash is and what it desire to clarify some poked suc
... Show MoreMaintaining the manuscript, keep on national identity are a means to write history, so states seek to maintain, through a set of legal rules that criminalize the abuse as well as the development of national and international legal mechanisms. Algeria, was a state of the colony
El color es uno de los elementos novelísticos que ayudan los autores para desarrollar las acciones y llevarlas al desenlace adecuado. Y Blasco Ibáñez depende al color para pintar las escenas artísticas dentro sus novelas, especialmente, sus novelas que pertenecen al siglo de naturaleza. Él conocido con la abundancia de los colores para describir el ambiente y los personajes, como indica el autor catedrático José A. Balseiro:
"su pluma no supo__ como el pincel de los primitivos__ del matiz logrado a toques mínimos, pacientes. ¿No era, a caso, coterráneo de Joaquín Sorolla, en cuya paleta mediterránea celebrábase, día tras día, el milagro del f
... Show More