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Use Citrus aurantium plant as bio-indicator of air pollution in Baghdad city

The current study was conducted to demonstrate the effects of air pollution on different biochemical parameters inCitrus aurantium plant and calculation the Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI). Five sites were selected tocollect plant leaves, four of them within the city of Baghdad, namely Al-Jadriya, Al-Andlous, Al-Doura and closeto the private generators to represent the urban areas and Abu Ghraib site to represent the rural area. Seasonalsamples were collected for the period from October 2016 to June 2017. Eleven biochemical parameters totalchlorophyll, ascorbic acid, leaf extract pH, relative water content, total nitrogen, total protein content, total sugarcontent, proline, electrical conductivity, cadmium and lead. The results of Citrus plant showed high chlorophyllconcentration and ascorbic acid content in private generator site reached to (10.620 mg/g and 0.403 mg/g)respectively. While relative water content recorded high concentration (57.563 %) at Al-Jadriya site. pH recordedhigh value (6.358) at Al-Doura site. In addition, values of APTI of the Citrus plant were calculated to determinethe sensitivity of the plant to air pollution. Highest value of APTI (6.23) was recorded at Al-Jadriya site, whilelowest value of APTI (5.03) was recorded at Al-Andlous site. The results of present study revealed that Citrusaurantium is sensitive to air pollution and can be used as bio-indicator under pollution stress. (PDF) Use Citrus aurantium plant as bio-indicator of air pollution in Baghdad city. Available from: [accessed May 07 2024].

Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Tectonic Boundaries and Depth Estimate of Some Gravity Sources in Diyala Area, East Central Iraq

 The Bouguer gravity and magnetic RTP anomalies data were used to detect the main tectonic boundaries of middle and south of Diyala Province, east Iraq. Window method   was used to separate the residual anomalies using different space windows for the Bouguer and Magnetic RTP maps. The residual anomaly processed in order to reduce noise and give a more comprehensive vision about subsurface lineaments structures. Results for descriptive  interpretation presented as contour maps in order to locate directions and extensions of  lineaments feature which may interpret  as faults. The gradient technique is used for depth estimation  of some gravity source which shows that the sources depth range between (13.65

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Picture of the romantic hero in: A Bridge Towards the Basific and The Lover

This research deals with number of novels for Marguerit Doras , specially A Bridge Towards Basfic and The Lover . we specialize the first chapter for discussing a very important issue , which is the Maraguerit Doras novelist world in another word the most important themes . that we discuss and through that we tried to clerify the privacy the characters of Marguerit Doras in comparative with her own generation and in the second chapter we discussed the most important characteristics of the romantic hero spedially the characteristics of women in her novels.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Cultivation of Microalgae Chlorella vulgaris in Airlift photobioreactor for Biomass Production using commercial NPK Nutrients

Airlift reactors are widely used in the chemical and biochemical applications as effective contactors for mass and heat transfer. The main advantages of airlift contactor compared with simple bubble column are ease of construction, low shear rate, high capacity, good mixing and liquid circulation without mechanical agitators and circulating pumps.

In this work, growth characteristics of Chlorella vulgaris microalgae were studied in an internal loop airlift photobioreactor for biomass production. The bioreactor operated under batch and semi-continuous culture mode using commercially available 20:20:20+TE NPK fertilizer as nutrients. The experiments were conducted to evaluate the growth rate and biomass productivity of

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Stock Exchange and its Impact on Economic Development In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)

this research paper aims at measuring and analyzing the influence of the stock exchange on the economic development in the Kingdom. This is done through comparing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a changeable factor affiliated with some independent variables in the KSA stock exchange. These variables are (All Share Index {TASI}, Market Value, Trade Volume Index, number of companies and number of shares). The study covers the period from 2003 to 2017 and adapts the measuring method in analyzing this relation using the Multiple Linear Regression (Stepwise) and (SPSS). The study affirmed the validity of the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Alcoholic extract effect of Withania somnifera roots on cholesterol diet induced hyperlipidemia in male rabbits

     The current study was used 20 male rabbits that divided into four groups (consist of five rabbits in each group), The first group was considered as control and fed normal diet and given tap water, The second group was consisted of rabbits that fed on high cholesterol diet for six weeks, The third group was consisted of rabbits that fed on high cholesterol diet and 50mg root extract for six weeks, The forth group was consisted of rabbits that fed on high cholesterol diet and 100mg root extract for six weeks. The male rabbits that feeding on high cholesterol diet showed significant increased (P < 0.05) the levels of cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, VLDL, MDA and HMG-CoA reductase while HDL and GSH levels were sig

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Quantitative assessment of Mutans Streptococci adhesion to coated and uncoated orthodontic archwires(In vitro study)

Background: The development of orthodontic biomaterials that attract less biofilm has been a goal for decades. Adhesion and colonization of cariogenic streptococci are considered to play key roles in the development of enamel demineralization related to orthodontic materials. The aim of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the Mutans streptococci adhesion to coated orthodontic archwires (Epoxy and Teflon) and uncoated archwires (stainless steel and nickel-titanium) with respect to incubation time in the presence and absence of saliva. Material and Method: Six types of archwires stainless steel and nickel titanium with two type of coating (Epoxy, Teflon) were used in this study. Twelve specimens of each archwire were incubated in steri

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Delineation of K-3 Cavity Using 2D Imaging Resistivity Technique in Haditha Area (Western Iraq)

The 2D imaging survey was conducted across an unknown K- 3 cavity that is located in Haditha area-Western Iraq.2D measurements are collected along two intercrossing traverses above the cavity with 105m length of each one. Dipole-dipole array is performed with n-factor of 6 and a-spacing equals to 5m. The inverse models of 2D imaging technique showed clearly that the resistivity contrast between the anomalous part of cavity and background resistivity of rocks is about 800:100 Ωm .In addition, the invers models showed that the depth from ground surface to the upper roof of cavity approximately equals to 11m near the cavity operator. So, the K-3 cavity is well defined from 2D imaging with Dipole –dipole array in comparison with the actua

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Manufacturing and Study the performance of Selective Surfaces that used in flat plate Solar Collectors

In this research an experimental study has done for testing the thermal performance of selective surfaces used in solar collectors for substrate of iron, galvanized iron and aluminum which are commercially available. The coating process for the samples has done in two ways, the electroplating and the chemical spray pyrolysis. The results of the thermal performance test of these samples are comparing with the thermal performance of a sample without paint and other paint with black paint without shines commercially available. For the electroplated samples, the performance study has done for different immersion time in plating bath, the
distance between electrical poles, the current density, and area ratio of the sample plated area to

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimation the Missing Data of Meteorological Variables In Different Iraqi Cities By using ARIMA Model

In this paper, ARIMA model was used for Estimating the missing data(air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed) for mean monthly variables in different time series at three stations (Sinjar, Baghdad , AL.Hai) which represented different parts of Iraq from north to south respectively

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Differential Screening of Randomly Amplified cDNAs Using RAPD Primers in Salt Tolerance and Sensitive Wheat

 The identification of salinity-tolerance genes is a critical aspect of the new molecular technology. In this work cDNA-RAPD is used for the identification of genes expressed in salt tolerant but not in salt sensitive wheat. Two cultivars wheat, salt tolerance (Dijla) and sensitive (Tamooz2) were used for the preparation of RNA and cDNA synthesis. Eight primers were used for random amplification of cDNA constructed from RNA and three primers were differentially expressed in salt tolerant cultivars. Genes related to salt tolerant were predicted using NCBI blast for the three primers. The predicted genes were involved in salt tolerance of wheat and other plants as well. This indicates the suitability of the primers and the method for

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