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Experimental and finite element analysis of mechanical behavior of concrete damaged by Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR) and repaired with CFRP Layers
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Abstract<p>Concrete structures is affected by a deleterious reaction, which is known as Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR). AAR can be defined as a chemical reaction between the alkali content in the pore water solution of the cement paste and reactive forms of silica hold in the aggregate. This internal reaction produces expansion and cracking in concrete, which can lead to loss of strength and stiffness. Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) is one of the methods used to suppress further AAR expansion and rehabilitate and support damaged concrete structures. In this research, thirty-six cylindrical specimens were fabricated from non-reactive and reactive concrete, which contained fused silica as 7.5%. In addition, twelve concrete prisms were fabricated from non-reactive and reactive concrete in which three different percentages of fused silica are used, 5%, 7.5% and 10% of the total aggregate. This paper investigates the impact of AAR expansion on the physical and mechanical properties of concrete. It also reports the effective use of one and two CFRP layers on wrapping concrete cylinders. The experimental results show that CFRP is effective in confining damaged concrete by AAR and results in concrete strength enhancement of up to 560%. A comparison of finite element (FE) analysis using ATENA 3D software and the experimental results indicated that FE analysis is capable of modelling the behavior of AAR-damaged concrete repaired with CFRP.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 06 2019
Journal Name
Mechanics Of Advanced Materials And Structures
Finite element modeling of RC gable roof beams with openings of different sizes and configurations
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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Bridge Engineering
Torsional Analysis of Multicell Concrete Box Girders Strengthened with CFRP Using a Modified Softened Truss Model
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences 318, 03002 (2021)
A Comparative Study on Behavior of RC Columns Strengthened by CFRP and Steel Jacket
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This paper studies the behavior of axially loaded RC columns which are confined with carbon fiber reinforced polymers’ sheet (CFRP) and steel jackets (SJ). The study is based on twelve axially loaded RC columns tested up to failure. It is divided into three schemes based on its strengthening type; each scheme has four columns. The main parameters in this study were the compressive strength of the concrete and steel reinforcement ratio. Furthermore, the results of the experimental test showed a substantial enhancement in the column's load-carrying capacity. When compared to the original columns, the CFRP sheet had a significant effect on improving the ductility of the column by increasing the axial deformation by about 59.2 to 95.7

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Punching Shear Resistance Strengthening of Concrete Flat Plates by Steel Collars
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In this study, six square reinforced concrete flat plates with dimensions of (1500×1500×100) mm were tested under a concentrated load applied on a column located at the center of the slabs. One of these slabs was the control specimen, whereas, in the others, steel angles (steel collars) were used, fixed at the connection region between the slab and the column to investigate the effect of the presence of these collars on punching shear strength. Five thicknesses were used (4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm) with constant legs of angles (75×75) mm of the steel collars to investigate the effects on the punching shear resistance with respect to the control slab. The results of the experimental study show that the punching shear resistance increased b

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Scopus (7)
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study of Pre-Cast Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams (Hallow Core section) Retrofitting with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)
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Experimental programs based test results has been used as a means to find out the response of individual elements of structure. In the present study involves investigated behavior of five reinforced concrete deep beams of dimension (length 1200 x height 300 x width150mm) under two points concentrated load with shear span to depth ratio of (1.52), four of these beams with hallow core and
retrofit with carbon fiber reinforced polymer CFRP (with single or double or sides Strips). Two shapes of hallow are investigated (circle and square section) to evaluated the response of beams in case experimental behavior. Test on simply supported beam was performed in the laboratory & loaddeflection, strain of concrete data and crack pattern of

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Use Recycled Coarse Aggregate on the Behavior of Axially Loaded Reinforced Concrete Columns
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Nowadays, the use of recycled waste construction materials instead of aggregates is becoming popular in construction owing to its environmental benefits. This paper presents an experimental and analytical campaign to study the behavior of axially loaded columns constructed from recycled aggregates. The latter was used instead of natural aggregates, and they were collected from the waste of previous concrete constructions. Different concrete mixtures made from varying amounts of recycled aggregates ranged from 0 to 50% of the total coarse aggregate were conducted to achieve 28 MPa. The effect of steel fibers is another investigated variable with volumes ranged from 0 to 2% concerning concrete’s mixture. The experimental

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Finite Element Method With Linear Rectangular Element for Solving Nanoscale InAs⁄GaAs Quantum Ring Structures
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        This paper is concerned with the solution of the nanoscale structures consisting of the   with an effective mass envelope function theory, the electronic states of the  quantum ring are studied.  In calculations, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons in and out the rings are included. The energy levels of the electron are calculated in the different shapes of rings, i.e., that the inner radius of rings sensitively change the electronic states. The energy levels of the electron are not sensitively dependent on the outer radius for large rings. The structures of  quantum rings are studied by the one electronic band Hamiltonian effective mass approximati

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Advances In Civil Engineering
Equivalent Modulus of Asphalt Concrete Layers
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A flexible pavement structure usually comprises more than one asphalt layer, with varying thicknesses and properties, in order to carry the traffic smoothly and safely. It is easy to characterize each asphalt layer with different tests to give a full description of that layer; however, the performance of the whole; asphalt structure needs to be properly understood. Typically, pavement analysis is carried out using multi-layer linear elastic assumptions, via equations and computer programs such as KENPAVE, BISAR, etc. These types of analysis give the response parameters including stress, strain, and deflection at any point under the wheel load. This paper aims to estimate the equivalent Resilient Modulus (MR) of the asphalt concrete

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Equivalent Modulus of Asphalt Concrete Layers
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A flexible pavement structure usually comprises more than one asphalt layer, with varying thicknesses and properties, in order to carry the traffic smoothly and safely. It is easy to characterize each asphalt layer with different tests to give a full description of that layer; however, the performance of the whole; asphalt structure needs to be properly understood. Typically, pavement analysis is carried out using multi-layer linear elastic assumptions, via equations and computer programs such as KENPAVE, BISAR, etc. These types of analysis give the response parameters including stress, strain, and deflection at any point under the wheel load. This paper aims to estimate the equivalent Resilient Modulus (MR) of the asphalt concrete

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Impact of Anchored CFRP Composites on the Strengthening of Partially Damaged PC Girders
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This manuscript investigated the effect of anchorage CFRP wrapping sheets, bolts, and laminate interlock on increasing the efficiency of flexural strengthening for the post-tension girder using CFRP composites techniques longitudinal laminates at the soffit for partially damaged loss of about 14.3% from its area of prestressed concrete beams, and the impact on restoring the original flexural capacity of PC girder. Mitigating delamination of the soffit of horizontal laminates (CFRP). The texture of the laminate and anchorages influenced the stress of the laminate carbon fiber, the mode of crack propagation and failure, and consequently, the beam's attitude has been investigated in this manuscript. The experimental findi

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