Earthquakes in the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith of the Noble Prophet, an intellectual approach
Research summary
Informing means informing and informing, which is conveying information to someone and confirming his narration with it. Accordingly, information is its main content..and it has multiple means, including visual, audio and read, and it has become the dominant role in the process of socialization, and much of what we hear, read, or watch in the media is not devoid of a goal, and expresses that scientifically as “charged with values” ( Value Loaded)..Values that are: the set of beliefs that the individual holds towards things, meanings, and various aspects of activity, which direct his desires and attitudes towards them, and determine for him acceptable and unacceptable behavior, right and wrong, and all of this
... Show MoreThis research aims to find out the phonemic, dialect and semantic ailments that were interrogated by the book of the parsing of thirty surahs of the Noble Qur’an by Ibn Khalawiyeh, by examining some phonemic phenomena of Qur’anic expressions and their explanatory relationships that resulted in their occurrence, such as substitution and compression, as the sounds in a word are affected by one another, especially during performance and composition. This influence and influence is the tendency of the human being to the law of ease, facilitation, and the reduction of muscular effort in speech often, all for the purpose of obtaining phonemic harmony for the compound letters; To facilitate pronunciation; And get rid of the muscular effort
... Show MoreThe present study is entitled “Problems of Translating Holy Qur’an Antonyms into German: An Analytical Study”. It discusses some of the problems of translating Holy Qur’an verses that contain words so opposite in meaning to another word. The main concern of the study stresses some of the errors in translating the oppositeness of certain words of Holy Qur’an from Arabic into other languages like German, a problem that can be traced back to the fact that such words may have two opposites in meaning, one is considered and the other is completely neglected.
The errors in translating al Qur’an Antonyms can be summarized for several reasons: literal translation, ignorance of the different view
... Show MoreTriump is a happy end and a positive outcome of any good deed on the part of a human
being, or of any competition or contest in any field. A human being’s life abounds with gain
and loss. If one succeeds one will be happy psychologieally, physieally, etc. if one the other
hard one loses, one wil be in a state. Between loss and gain there are many a step.
However humans work hard to be a great success and a read winner.The life of the world constitutes a huge race-track where people try hard to head towards
the hereafter. Therefore, we find people who succed and gain the Garden, and people whose
habitation is the fire, The Glorious Qur’an has shown us in many a surah the way to success
when Allah mentions ‘great
The sacred totem is one of the social phenomena that occupied the ideas of researchers, and took up a wide area of their research, and it is one of those phenomena that emerged from one of the translations of the Tabu; Who took a psychological and anthropological analysis Because it is one of the social practices, and the main focus of it is the human group and its source is religion. Therefore, this research came with demands, the first of which is to give a semantic concept of the Tommy sanctuary, and then the analytical aspect by standing on the sacred things in the Qur’anic text that God Almighty sanctified, and the third requirement is to examine what people have sanctified, as an analysis of the verses that have
... Show MorePraise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the outcome is for the righteous, and prayers and peace be upon the author of the clear communication, to whom was revealed the saying of the Lord of the worlds (And We have sent down to you the message that you may make clear to the people what has been sent down to them, and that they may reflect.)
His family, companions and followers, as for what follows:
Among the Qur’anic studies related to Islamic matters, ancient and modern, (the clear and similar in the Holy Qur’an), and due to the importance of the topic, we found the attention of scholars to it.
With many studies and research on it, and their efforts in overcoming its major obstacles, you will not find a scho
... Show MoreThe lexical connotation is one of the types of connotation that linguists have dealt with, and stipulated in their studies, meaning access to the real meanings of the words, that the lexicon can address after tracing the real meaning of the metaphorical meanings, if any, and this is known to the semantics additional significance, and the rhetorical meaning Figuratively.
The miraculous Qur'an in its systems often refers to the metaphorical uses of the words as well as the real use. The significance of the words in the Holy Qur'an came in a variety of contexts, making each word a special significance that belongs to it exclusively. This is the miracle of the Holy Qur'an. The coming of the slow walk, with its eight words (came, came, cam
This study aims to apply the theory of "Text from Text and the Plus Dimension" in the analysis of the Prophetic discourse found in the section on the virtues of knowledge and scholars from Imam Sahih al-Bukhari's book. This section covers several topics, including the virtue of gathering for the sake of learning, the superiority of a scholar over a worshipper, the excellence of jurisprudence in the religion of Allah, the acquisition of knowledge through the passing away of scholars, the merit of inviting people to Allah, the continuing benefit of beneficial knowledge after a scholar's demise, the warning against seeking knowledge for purposes other than Allah, and the Prophet seeking refuge from knowledge tha
... Show MorePraise be to God, who made the pegs of the earth and entrusted them with the task of keeping the earth from tilting, and prayers and peace be upon the one to whom the Qur’an was revealed, Muhammad, and upon his family and all his companions.
The topic of mountains is one of the important topics in human life, as God has associated great miracles with them that indicate the perfection of the power of God Almighty. God Almighty says: (And to the mountains, my palms have turned. This is worthy of every rational person to contemplate His signs, the Almighty, in this solid part and safety belt of the earth, in order to reveal the secrets of the mountains and uncover their treasures. The more the researcher studies the mountains and
... Show MoreThis study is based on the basic idea: that human communication does not stop at the limits of words spoken, but extends to include the movements of the body and its members, such as the face, hand, eye, hearing, touch, taste, sensation and the public body.
The human movements represented by polarization, frowns, tattoos, and movements are all auxiliary tools that reach meanings and affect others greatly.
Perhaps their importance is also in their ability to translate what is going on in the soul, and to show it to the outside body members, without the control of the human in many cases, it is thus an important factor in the process of human communication.
The purpose of this study is to show the senses of the senses in the