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Thermo-elastic and optical properties of molybdenum nitride
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This contribution aims to investigate volume-dependent thermal and mechanical properties of the two most studied phases of molybdenum nitride (c-MoN and h-MoN) by means of the quasi-harmonic approximation approach (QHA) via first-principles calculations up to their melting point and a pressure of 12 GPa. Lattice constants, band gaps, and bulk modulus at 0 K match corresponding experimental measurements well. Calculated Bader’s charges indicate that Mo–N bonds exhibit a more ionic nature in the cubic MoN phase. Based on estimated Gibbs free energies, the cubic phase presents thermodynamic stability higher than that detected for hexagonl, with no phase transition observed in the selected T–P conditions as detected experimentally. The elastic stiffness coefficients of MoN in hexagonal structure revealed that it is stable elastically; in contrast to the cubic structure. The temperature dependence on the bulk modulus is more profound on the dense cubic phase than on the hexagonal phase. Overall, the two considered structures of molybdenum nitride display very minimal harmonic effects, evidenced by the slight variation of thermal and mechanical properties with the increase of pressure and temperature. The optical conductivity of both phases near a zero photon energy coincides well with their metallic character inferred by their corresponding DOS curves. It is expected that the thermo-elastic properties of saturated molybdenum nitrides reported in this study will aid in the continuous pursuit to enhance their catalytic and mechanical utilizations.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical Properties of GaN Thin Flim
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GaN thin films were deposited by thermal evaporation onto
glass substrates at substrate temperature of 403 K and a thickness of
385 nm . GaN films have amorphous structure as shown in X-ray
diffraction pattern . From absorbance data within the range ( 200-
900 ) nm direct optical energy gap was calculated . Also the others
optical parameters like transmittance T, reflectance R , refractive
index n , extinction coefficient k , real dielectric constant 1 Î , and
imaginary dielectric constant 2 Î were determined . GaN films
have good absorbance and minimum transmittance in the region of
the visible light .

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Optical Properties of PVA/K2CrO4 Composite
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     The change in the optical properties for samples of pure PVA and PVA /K2CrO4composite have been studied .The samples were prepared with different percentage (1,3,5,and 7)%wt of K2CrO4 by casting method technique .In this work ,we are study the absorption ,reflectance spectra ,absorption  coefficient, energy gap ,extinction coefficient ,and transmittance spectra as a function of wavelength range (200-800)nm ,Also  real and imaginary part of dielectric constant have been studied in the range of wave length .The results exhibit the optical properties change by the increase of K2CrO4 concentration, and the values of energy gap for indirect transitions decrease by the increase of the concentration of  K2CrO4

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optical properties of CdO thin films
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Cadmium Oxide thin films were deposited on glass substrate by spray pyrolysis technique at different temperatures (300,350,400, 500)oC. The optical properties of the films were studied in this work. The optical band-gap was determined from absorption spectra, it was found that the optical band-gap was within the range of (2.5-2.56)eV also width of localized states and another optical properties.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The structure and optical properties of CdSe:Cu Thin Films
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A polycrystalline CdSe thin films doped with (5wt%) of Cu was fabricated using vacuum evaporation technique in the substrate temperature range(Ts=RT-250)oC on glass substrates of the thickness(0.8?m). The structure of these films are determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The X-ray diffraction studies shows that the structure is polycrystalline with hexagonal structure, and there are strong peaks at the direction (200) at (Ts=RT-150) oC, while at higher substrate temperature(Ts=150-250) oC the structure is single crystal. The optical properties as a function of Ts were studied. The absorption, transmission, and reflection has been studied, The optical energy gap (Eg)increases with increase of substrate temperature from (1.65

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of Optical Properties of HgTe Films
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Alloy of (HgTe) has been prepared succesful in evacuated qurtz ampoule at pressure 4×10-5torr, and melting temperature equal to 823K for five days. Thin films of HgTe of thickness 1μm were deposited on NaCl crystal by thermal evaporation technique at room temperature under vacuum about 4×10-5torr as well as investiagtion in the optical porperties included (absorption coefficient , energy gap) of HgTe films and The optical measurements showed that HgTe film has direct energy gap equal to 0.05 eV. The optical constants (n, k, εr, εi) have been measured over will range (6-28)μm.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis and Characterization Graphene- Carbon Nitride Nanostructure in One Step
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Graphene-carbon nitride can be synthesized from thiourea in a single step at a temperature of four hours at a rate of 2.3 ℃/min. Graphene-carbon nitride was characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), scanning electron microscopy, and spectrophotometry (UV-VIS). Graphene-carbon nitride was found to consist of triazine and heptazine structures, carbon, and nitrogen. The weight percentage of carbon and the atomic percentage of carbon are 40.08%, and the weight percentage of nitrogen and the atomic percentage of nitrogen are 40.08%. Therefore, the ratio and the dimensions of the graphene-carbon nitride were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, and it was found that the

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 23 2021
Journal Name
Reviews In Chemical Engineering
Molybdenum nitrides from structures to industrial applications
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Owing to their remarkable characteristics, refractory molybdenum nitride (MoN x )-based compounds have been deployed in a wide range of strategic industrial applications. This review reports the electronic and structural properties that render MoN x materials as potent catalytic surfaces for numerous chemical reactions and surveys the syntheses, procedures, and catalytic applications in pertinent industries such as the petroleum industry. In particular, hydrogenation, hydrodesulfurization, and hydrodeoxygenation are essential processes in the refinement of oil segments and their conversions into commodity fuels and platform chemicals. N-vacant sites over a catalyst’s surface are a significant driver of diverse chemical phenomena. Studies

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 23 2021
Journal Name
Reviews In Chemical Engineering
Molybdenum nitrides from structures to industrial applications
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Owing to their remarkable characteristics, refractory molybdenum nitride (MoNx)-based compounds have been deployed in a wide range of strategic industrial applications. This review reports the electronic and structural properties that render MoNx materials as potent catalytic surfaces for numerous chemical reactions and surveys the syntheses, procedures, and catalytic applications in pertinent industries such as the petroleum industry. In particular, hydrogenation, hydrodesulfurization, and hydrodeoxygenation are essential processes in the refinement of oil segments and their conversions into commodity fuels and platform chemicals. N-vacant sites over a catalyst’s surface are a significant driver of diverse chemical phenomena. Studies on

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Electrical behavior and Optical Properties of Copper oxide thin Films
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In this work the structural, electrical and optical Properties of CuO semiconductor films had been studied, which prepared at three thickness (100, 200 and 500 nm) by spray pyrolysis method at 573K substrate temperatures on glass substrates from 0.2M CuCl2•2H2O dissolved in alcohol. Structural Properties shows that the films have only a polycrystalline CuO phase with preferential orientation in the (111) direction, the dc conductivity shows that all films have two activation energies, Ea1 (0.45-0.66 eV) and Ea2 (0.055-.0185 eV), CuO films have CBH (Correlated Barrier Hopping) mechanism for ac-conductivity. The energy gap between (1.5-1.85 eV).

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical and Electrical Properties of Glass/Graphene Oxide Thin Films
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The study effect Graphene on optical and electrical properties of glass prepared on glass substrates using sol–gel dip-coating technique. The deposited film of about (60-100±5%) nm thick. Optical and electrical properties of the films were studied under different preparation conditions, such as graphene concentration of 2, 4, 6 and 8 wt%. The results show that the optical band gap for glass-graphene films decreasing after adding the graphene. Calculated optical constants, such as transmittance, extinction coefficient are changing after adding graphene. The structural morphology and composition of elements for the samples have been demonstrated using SEM and EDX. The electrical properties of films include DC electrical conductivity; we

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