يتناول هذا البحث موضوع مهم في تاريخ العراق في العهد الملكي يتمثل في الانقلاب العسكري الذي قام به عدد من قادة الجيش العراقي بقيادة الفريق بكر صدقي رئيس أركان الجيش العراقي سنة 1936م وتم تشكيل حكومة من الانقلابيين استمرت حوالي تسعة أشهر وكتب عنها الكثير بعض هذه الكتابات كانت مع الانقلاب وبعضها كانت ضده وجاء هذا البحث ليسلط الضوء على ألصوره الذهنية التي حاولت ان ترسمها الصحف العراقية في حينها وتم دراسة الموضوعات التي تتحدث عن الانقلاب في واحده من أهم الصحف العراقية في ذالك الوقت وهي جريدة الأهالي التي كانت تصدر عن جماعة الأهالي وهي جريده يوميه سياسيه جامعة صاحبها ومديرها المسؤول المحامي عبد القادر اسماعيل كما جاء في ترويسة الجريدة وجاء هذا البحث في ثلاثة محاور تناول المحور الاول الإطار المنهجي واشتمل عل مشكلة البحث وأهميته وأهدافه والمنهج المستخدم فيه وأدوات وطرائق البحث العلمي وعينة البحث . اما المحور الثاني فكان الاطار النظري للبحث حيث قام الباحث فيه بوصف متغيرات البحث الاساسيه وهي الصورة الذهنيه حيث اشتمل على تعريف الصورة الذهنيه حيث تناول الباحث عدد من التعريفات التي تناولها الخبراء والباحثين في مجال الصورة كما تناول وظائف الصورة الذهنيه وخصائصها وعوامل بنائها وتناول ايضا وسائل الاعلام وبناء الصورة الذهنيه كما تناول المحور الثاني وصفا كاملا للانقلاب حيث شمل نبذة عن حياة بكر صدقي والاعداد للانقلاب وتنفيذه وتشكيل حكومة من الانقلابين وحل المجلس النيابي ومقتل بكر صدقي اما المحور الثالث فتضمن الاطار التحليلي حيث شمل تحليل موضوعات الانقلاب في جريدة الاهالي والبالغه(260) موضوعا تراوحت بين الاتجاهات السياسية والاجتماعية والوضع الاقتصادي والوضع الثقافي والتعليمي والوضع العسكري وفي النهاية توصلت الدراسة الى عدد من الاستنتاجات في ضوء نتائج التحليل التي تناولها المحور الثالث.
The study problem is about the role of Shaqra University in building the mental image of the Kingdom’s 2030 vision among its female students. The study aims to examine the university’s role in providing information about the Kingdom’s 2030 vision, its role in shaping the vision’s image, the university’s role in the behavioral aspect of the vision, along with studying the extent of differences in answers of the sample individuals towards the study themes attributed to the personal variables. The researcher adopted the descriptive survey method. A sample of (1399) female students was used to achieve the study objectives. The results showed that university’s role in building the mental image of the Kingdom’s 2030 vision, among
... Show MoreMedia studies have focused mostly on the issue of the mental image because the image that is formed in the mind has become not only a photo of a human being and having kept for himself. This image has an outside influence which may sometimes up to the formation of the fate of others and it sometimes includes individuals and groups together.
This study comes in the context of identifying the image of Iraqi political parties among Iraqi university students and the nature of the view that students have in their minds about these parties.
Chapter one includes the problem of the research, the importance of the study, the goals and method used. Chapter two is divided into two sections: section one deals with the concept of the mental i
The first section of this research discussed the manner of the research from many sides like the problem it faces, importance of it , its targets ,boundaries, the way to collect and get information's and its assumption.
When the second chapter discussed the press – manufacturing and the development ,importance and types of newspapers, also its merits and weaknesses.
The third chapter talked about the scientific side and how to choose an assumption for the research . as it talked also about the apparent honest and stability tests that help in analyzing the research until getting results and so the right assumption for the research will be chosen.
And finally, the fourth chapter put highlight on the be
... Show MoreIn October 2019, Iraq and Lebanon witnessed widespread protests, which aroused the interest of the media, as they began with demands for the provision of services, then escalated with the overthrow of the political system. The researchers chose a satellite channel that represents a direction for a country accused of entering the line of protests. This paper aims to analyze the main bulletin of Al-Alam channel to find out how it deals with the protests in the news. It is classified descriptively, using the survey method and the method of content analysis. The study community was represented by the main news bulletin of Al-Alam channel. The researchers adopted a deliberate sample for the period from 1/10/2019 to
... Show MoreNació en fuentevaqueros (granada),de familia hacendada, muy de
la tierra. Estudió derecho en la universidad de granada y luegro estuvo en
madrid en la residencia de estudiantes . conoce bien a españa , sobre todo
los pueblos, llevado a ellos por su afición a la música popular, en cuyo
conocimiento e interpretación personalísima dentro de la fidelidad a la
esencia popular no le iguala nadie. Su preparación musical, tanto popular
como culta, es uno de los fundamentos esenciales de su obra literaria.
Pinta y dibuja también, y ha hecho ensayos cinematográficos. Dirige "la
barraca ", compañía dramática de aficionados para la difusion del teatro
clásico por los pueblos de España. Recita , da conferenci
The researcher seeks to know the extent of applying the concept of design by Iraqi electronic press sites to provide media product with the acceptance of their browsers and ensure their repeated visits to such sites in the framework of the guiding rules for laser browsing. The researcher uses analytical study on a sample of six Iraqi electronic newspaper sites to identify the general features of their design and the methods of distribution of the structural elements of the pages. The researcher also conducts a field study on a sample of the surfers of electronic newspaper sites to see the extent of their evaluation to their design and the degree of their satisfaction.
The electronic press is one of the distinctive media due to its unique features such as instant publishing and interactivity, uses multimedia, the use of hypertext, the personalization of media content, getting echo of the media messages provision of electronic archive of previous numbers of the newspaper.
The richness theory means that media are different depending on its wealth aspects which distinguish it from other media. The aspects of wealth here represent the features that characterize online press and constitute factors of media richness.
The researcher studies the properties of Iraqi media richness of their users. The researcher uses a field study to get the goals of the research and tests the hypotheses of media ric
... Show MoreThe role of Iraqi newspapers in instilling political culture among the public after 2003, a field study on the audience of the city of Baghdad, University of Baghdad, College of Information, Department of Journalism, 2019,
The problem of research is to investigate the role of Iraqi newspapers in instilling the political culture of individuals after 2003, and monitor this role Through the contents and messages provided by the Iraqi newspapers to the public. the research is classified within descriptive research, it adopts the survey methodology and used the questionnaire tool. In fact, the questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 400 individuals that was selected according to the method of multi-stage cluster sample of those who re
The subject of marketing culture and mental image is one of the important topics in the field of management. There is no study that combines these two variables. The research is important because of the increasing importance of the subject. The future direction of the company in question will support the company's economic and marketing responsibilities. And reflect the company's mental image, as a culture that contributes to changing the reality of the organization investigated by polling the views of a sample of managers in the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry, which (30) out of the (65) individual, and There are two hypotheses of research: There is a significant
... Show MoreThe aim of this research is subjected to discover The Dictation mistakes which occur
widely in the Arabic Language written by Iraqi – News papers.
The research classified These Mistakes in Three groups as Follows:
1. The first group dealing with distinguishing between the Arabic – letter ) ا ( When Written
or ) أ ( at The beginning The word and as ) ئ ( which differ in meaning from each other .
2. The second group dealing with the writing of The Arabic ) ٙ( and as ) ٛ( at the end of The
word which differ in meaning from each other.
3. The Third group dealing with distinguishing in written The Arabic letter as ) ض( or as ) )ظ
which differ in meaning From each other.
4. The fourth group dealing with Th