يتناول هذا البحث موضوع مهم في تاريخ العراق في العهد الملكي يتمثل في الانقلاب العسكري الذي قام به عدد من قادة الجيش العراقي بقيادة الفريق بكر صدقي رئيس أركان الجيش العراقي سنة 1936م وتم تشكيل حكومة من الانقلابيين استمرت حوالي تسعة أشهر وكتب عنها الكثير بعض هذه الكتابات كانت مع الانقلاب وبعضها كانت ضده وجاء هذا البحث ليسلط الضوء على ألصوره الذهنية التي حاولت ان ترسمها الصحف العراقية في حينها وتم دراسة الموضوعات التي تتحدث عن الانقلاب في واحده من أهم الصحف العراقية في ذالك الوقت وهي جريدة الأهالي التي كانت تصدر عن جماعة الأهالي وهي جريده يوميه سياسيه جامعة صاحبها ومديرها المسؤول المحامي عبد القادر اسماعيل كما جاء في ترويسة الجريدة وجاء هذا البحث في ثلاثة محاور تناول المحور الاول الإطار المنهجي واشتمل عل مشكلة البحث وأهميته وأهدافه والمنهج المستخدم فيه وأدوات وطرائق البحث العلمي وعينة البحث . اما المحور الثاني فكان الاطار النظري للبحث حيث قام الباحث فيه بوصف متغيرات البحث الاساسيه وهي الصورة الذهنيه حيث اشتمل على تعريف الصورة الذهنيه حيث تناول الباحث عدد من التعريفات التي تناولها الخبراء والباحثين في مجال الصورة كما تناول وظائف الصورة الذهنيه وخصائصها وعوامل بنائها وتناول ايضا وسائل الاعلام وبناء الصورة الذهنيه كما تناول المحور الثاني وصفا كاملا للانقلاب حيث شمل نبذة عن حياة بكر صدقي والاعداد للانقلاب وتنفيذه وتشكيل حكومة من الانقلابين وحل المجلس النيابي ومقتل بكر صدقي اما المحور الثالث فتضمن الاطار التحليلي حيث شمل تحليل موضوعات الانقلاب في جريدة الاهالي والبالغه(260) موضوعا تراوحت بين الاتجاهات السياسية والاجتماعية والوضع الاقتصادي والوضع الثقافي والتعليمي والوضع العسكري وفي النهاية توصلت الدراسة الى عدد من الاستنتاجات في ضوء نتائج التحليل التي تناولها المحور الثالث.
A study of interactivity in the Iraqi newspaper sites_ An analytical study of the website of Al-Mada, Al-Zaman, Al-Sabah and Tariq Al-Shaab newspaper sought to determine the amount of interactivity in the sites of Iraqi newspapers that have been published since 2003, which consists of (15) newspapers according to the statistics of the Iraqi Books and Documents House.
and the researcher conducted an analytical survey on these sites, and the percentage of interactivity in general was weak, not more than (47.1%), and this weakness in interactivity contributed greatly to the decline in surfers of the websites of those electronic newspapers.
The highest aggregate rate of the research sample was in the simple interactive tools
... Show MoreInternational news websites, including Russia Today, pay special attention to the media image of Afghan women, especially after the Taliban movement took control of Afghanistan. Therefore, it was necessary to know the image of the Afghan woman, the fate of the rights she acquired in recent years, and the transformations that affected her after the Taliban took control of the government, and studied them on international news sites, specifically Russia Today.
The researcher summarized the problem of this study in the following question: What is the media image of the Afghan woman on the Russia Today news site?
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This study aims to inspect the marginalization strategies implemented by Iraqi newspapers, with a focus on the daily newspaper (Al-Sabah) and its coverage of the October 2019 protests in Iraq, by employing the “Paradigm” Module. The research is descriptive the researcher implemented a descriptive-analytical survey method by using a non-probability sampling represented by (74) issues of Al-Sabah newspaper and used (content analysis form) as a tool to analyze (93) news content related to the October protests.
The Researcher reached several conclusions:
1- Al-Sabah newspaper mainly depends on “Economic Reforms” as a marginalization strategy in its news coverage of the October 2019 protests.
The researcher studies and explains the content of some pictures that are published in al-Mada newspaper. The research is important as it deals with a topic that has a relation with visual culture and its role to transfer the press letter to the audience. The researcher finds that cartoonist exposed the security services through important people who have a major role in state policy and reveals the level of corruption and the weak treatments for this phenomenon and its reflection on the whole society and individuals. In addition to that, cartoonists try to encourage the public for going on the peaceful demonstrations since it is a good tool to make pressure on the government to punish the corrupts.
This study aims to study the political caricature and its indications in the Palestinian newspapers, to know its subjects, the active characters, the artistic styles, and the symbols the caricaturists use.
The study concluded that there is a variety of subjects that the political caricature handled in the studied newspapers and the degree of interest in every subject. The subjects related to the international subjects came first (% 24.5) and the other subjects came next (% 22.2).
The results showed the caricaturists relied on unnamed symbolic active characters that came first (% 62.3) and named symbolic characters (% 11.1). The positive characteristics of the Palestinian figures were higher than the negative ones, and the
... Show MoreMedia plays an important role in shaping the mental image of their audiences for individuals, groups and organizations, States and peoples. It is the window through which overlooks the masses on events and issues, and in the light of their exposure to these means are their opinions and impressions.
Despite the importance of direct experiences in shaping opinions, drawing pictures and impressions, it is inevitable to rely on these means as individuals can not engage in direct experiences with thousands of events, issues and topics that concern their community and other societies.
There is no doubt that media is of great importance at the present time, because of its significant impact in the management of the course of pol
... Show MoreThe design studies, especially in their contemporary stages, have not been isolated from the subjects that underpin advanced ideas in the field of technical treatments that enrich and improve the social life of users through those technological innovations that have enhanced and changed life styles, Especially in the field of general institutional techniques, including cinemas, as the ideal places for people and visitors to this space, which can contribute to the promotion of cultural, social and technical aspects within this millennium. DONC as reflected on the positive communication and communication between the intellectual and cognitive develop individuals, including cultural and technical side of the individual. The first chapter co
... Show MoreThis research discusses the subject of identity in the urban environment as it attempts to answer a number of questions that come with the concept of identity. The first of these questions: What is identity? Can a definition or conceptual framework be developed for identity? What about individual, collective, cultural, ethnic, political and regional identity? Is there a definition of identity in the urban environment in particular? If there is a definition of identity, what about social mobility responsible for social change? How can we see identity through this kinetics? Can we assume that identity in the urban environment has a variable structure or is of variable shape with a more stable structure? Can we determine the spatial-tempora
... Show Moreالمستخلص ورمى هذا البحث الى التعرف على الصورة الذهنية للنقابات المهنية لدى الجمهور المنتمي لها ويهدف هذا البحث لمعرفة الصورة الذهنية التي يحملها جمهور(المنتمي) للنقابات المهنية عن طريق التعامل المباشر مع نقاباتهم و معرفة مؤشرات تلك الصورة ومصادر تشكيلها اذا حددت الباحثة مشكلة بحثها بالتساؤل الرئيس : ( ما الصورة الذهنية للنقابات المهنية لدى جمهورها) والتعرف على صورة النقابات عند الجمهور المنتمي لها و
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