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The Effect of Urban Form on Temperature for Hot Arid Zones. The Case Study of Baghdad, Iraq
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The research aims to determine optimal urban planning and design indicators of the urban clusters form in hot arid zones through studying of three urban areas in Baghdad, analyzing their urban indicators which include floor area ratio (FAR), urban clusters height, building density or land coverage, green areas, paved areas, shading ratio and how they affect urban temperature. The research reached the conclusion that air outdoor temperature on urban areas affected primarily by shadows casted on the ground, the effect of shaded area equals (5) times the effect of paved areas and (3.7) times the effect of green areas, this means that increasing urban clusters height in hot arid zones could minimize air outdoor temperature, buildings with (6) levels at minimum seems to be suitable to produce shadows in the ground plane of urban land, Increasing urban volumes in the vertical dimension height and compacting clusters or increasing FAR seem to be a smart strategy to minimize the hot dry climate effect and urban temperature.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Study of (Zn0.7 Mn0.3-x Ag0.3 Fe2O4) ferrite nanoparticles synthesized by auto combustion method for NO2 gas sensing
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of opacity broadening in spectral lines for helium like ions in aluminum plasma which produced by laser
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A theoretical analysis studied was performed to study the opacity broadening of spectral lines emitted from aluminum plasma produced by Nd-YLF laser. The plasma density was in the range 1028-1026 )) m-3 with length of plasma about ?300) m) , the opacity was studied as function of plasma density & principle quantum number. The results show that the opacity broadening increases as plasma density increases & decreases with the spacing between energy levels of emission spectral line.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Liquidity Banking and Its Impact on the Return and Risk: Applied Research in the Rasheed Bank
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The research aims to measure and analyze the reality of liquidity in the Rasheed Bank and determine their impact on risk and return in order to identify the extent of the efficiency of the management of liquidity by the Bank and how to employ them in a profitable investment areas, and analysis of the compatibility of the liquidity gap and gap the balance sheet (sensitive interest rate) and affected net interest Change prices, and through the adoption of style ladder recommended Meritassets and liabilities by the Central Bank of Iraq, as it is an important and vital aspects in commercial banks' management, when there is a commonly used optimizing the resources of the bank available, it means that there is a banking efficient management is

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effectiveness of a teaching program based on the McCarthy Model (4MAT) in developing creative writing skills and reflective thinking among university students
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The aim of this study was to determine the effect on using the McCarthy Model (4MAT) for developing creative writing skills and reflective thinking among undergraduate students. The quasi-experimental approach was adopted. And, in order to achieve the study objective, the educational content of Teaching Ethics (Approach 401), for the plan for the primary grades teacher preparation program  was dealt with by using a teaching program based on the McCarthy Model (4MAT) was used.

The study which was done had been based on the academic achievement test for creative writing skills, and the reflective thinking test. The validity and reliability of the study tools were also confirmed. The study was applied to a sample consisting of

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Impact of omega 3 alone or in combination with irinotecan on bone marrow and spleen of rats: in vivo study
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Objectives: The present study designed to explore the genotoxicity through measurement of Mitotic index in bone marrow and the spleen cells, as possible mechanism of bone marrow and spleen toxicity that induced by irinotecan; and to describe the protective actions of omega 3 against irinotecan induced genotoxicity in bone marrow and the spleen of rats.

Methods: Twenty four (24) rats (Sprague-Dawley) were randomly divided into four groups: Group Ӏ, rats  received single oral daily dose of distilled water (2 ml/kg) for 25 days (negative control group); Group ӀӀ (irinotecan-treated), receiv

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
European Journal Of Experimental Biology
A comparative study on cytotoxicity and apoptotic activity of pyocyanin produced by wild type and mutant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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Nutrient agar medium with various concentrations of cefotaxime was used for isolation spontaneous mutants from wild type strain of P.aeruginosa PHA-1. Eighty-two mutants were successfully isolated with the viable count 52×107 , these mutants were confirmed as spontaneous not physiological adaption mutants by reculture on the same medium. Then, wild type PHA-1 and mutants were examined for production pyocyanin; a blue greenish pigment was clearly noticed on King A medium. Remarkably the mutant strain named S300-8 was distinguished in productivity in comparison with wild type strain PHA-1; the amount of pigment was 56.0667mg/l and 74.53mg/l respectively. In addition, pyocyanin produced by mutant strain S300-8 revealed a potent efficacy again

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
IoT System on Dynamic Fish Feeder Based on Fish Existence for Agriculture Aquaponic Breeders
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Maintaining and breeding fish in a pond are a crucial task for a large fish breeder. The main issues for fish breeders are pond management such as the production of food for fishes and to maintain the pond water quality. The dynamic or technological system for breeders has been invented and becomes important to get maximum profit return for aquaponic breeders in maintaining fishes. This research presents a developed prototype of a dynamic fish feeder based on fish existence. The dynamic fish feeder is programmed to feed where sensors detected the fish's existence. A microcontroller board NodeMCU ESP8266 is programmed for the developed h

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of the methods of the lower squares and the smaller squares weighted in the estimation of the parameters and design of the sample acceptance schemesFor general exponential distribution
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The acceptance sampling plans for generalized exponential distribution, when life time experiment is truncated at a pre-determined time are provided in this article. The two parameters (α, λ), (Scale parameters and Shape parameters) are estimated by LSE, WLSE and the Best Estimator’s for various samples sizes are used to find the ratio of true mean time to a pre-determined, and are used to find the smallest possible sample size required to ensure the producer’s risks, with a pre-fixed probability (1 - P*). The result of estimations and of sampling plans is provided in tables.

Key words: Generalized Exponential Distribution, Acceptance Sampling Plan, and Consumer’s and Producer Risks

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The dependence of resonant tunneling transmission coefficient on well width and barriers number of GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N nanostructured system
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A numerical computation for determination transmission coefficient and resonant tunneling energies of multibarriers heterostructure has been investigated. Also, we have considered GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N superlattice system to estimate the probability of resonance at specific energy values, which are less than the potential barrier height. The transmission coefficient is determined by using the transfer matrix method and accordingly the resonant energies are obtained from the T(E) relation. The effects of both well width and number of barriers (N) are observed and discussed. The numbers of resonant tunneling peaks are generally increasing and they become sharper with the increasing of N. The resonant tunneling levels are sh

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Antigenotoxicity of Eruca sativa Mill Extract on Bone marrow Cells of Male Albino Mice Treated With Vincristine
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Chemotherapy drugs have a major role in fighting cancer but, that doesn’t mean they are clear
from side effect on human health. One of these drugs is vincristine this study, the
chemopreventive potency of the crude extract ofIn Eruca Sativa Mill Which have a good
reputation as antioxidant and anticancer against chromosomal aberration and suppressed
mitotic index in bonemarrow cells of male albino mice treated with 50µ1 of vincristine
intrapritoneally(ip) have been detected.
Results Showed a Significant increasing in the percentage of the mitotic index nearly to the
control group and a significant decrease in chromosomal aberration after (35) days of
treatment with 250 mg/kg crude extract of Erucas

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