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The Effect of Urban Form on Temperature for Hot Arid Zones. The Case Study of Baghdad, Iraq
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The research aims to determine optimal urban planning and design indicators of the urban clusters form in hot arid zones through studying of three urban areas in Baghdad, analyzing their urban indicators which include floor area ratio (FAR), urban clusters height, building density or land coverage, green areas, paved areas, shading ratio and how they affect urban temperature. The research reached the conclusion that air outdoor temperature on urban areas affected primarily by shadows casted on the ground, the effect of shaded area equals (5) times the effect of paved areas and (3.7) times the effect of green areas, this means that increasing urban clusters height in hot arid zones could minimize air outdoor temperature, buildings with (6) levels at minimum seems to be suitable to produce shadows in the ground plane of urban land, Increasing urban volumes in the vertical dimension height and compacting clusters or increasing FAR seem to be a smart strategy to minimize the hot dry climate effect and urban temperature.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Legal Protection of the Printing Format of the Newspaper
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This research has been devoted to the objective and important issue which is the legal protection of the printing form of the newspaper in the Iraqi press.

As this issue constitutes the integrated unit of the printing format in addition to achieving legal protection for the illustrative image used in the press. Such matter, on both level the integrated unit of the printing format and the legal protection, is out of reach of study due to the comprehension of the subject is concerned.

Although there is a justification for dealing with both of them together as the explanatory image is one of the foundations on which the printing format of the newspaper is built. This case generates, at least, the same legal subject that appe

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Using the silicon (luminal cast plastination technique) for the lower respiratory tract in sheep as an alternative to cement
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The lower respiratory tract of sheep was studied to determine the torsion and branching of the bronchial tree. The respiratory system of ruminants and all living organisms is one of the most important organs in the body that controls the amount of gas exchange between the heart and lungs through the airways, it is clear that in sheep it consists of a narrow bronchial tube that reaches the extent of lung tissue repercussions. He used silicon, water, acid, and at room temperature, and the substance was injected with an injection gun through the trachea and was pushed gently to spread and distribute in all parts of the lungs with moderate manual pressure. The results showed that the mold shape in the lung and the bronchial branches of

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Technical methodology balanced performance as a strategic framework for the economic units operating in the Iraqi industrial sector environment
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facing economic units operating in the environment sector of the Iraqi

industrial many pressures in its seeking to measure and evaluate its performance because of variables, today's corporate environment, as the case which makes looking for a methodology can be adopted to evaluate its performance with a more holistic, rather than being limited to traditional measures that are no longer enough to keep pace with rapid changes in today's corporate environment, which requires that measures of performance are derived from the strategy of unity and commensurate with the specificity of the environment in Iraq. Try searching discussion Ttormwhrat and performance measurement systems to suit the business strategies and directions of change

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Bone density determination for the maxilla and the mandible in different age groups by using computerized tomography (Part I)
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Background: Mini implant stability is primarily related to local bone density; no studies have evaluated bone density related to mini implant placement for orthodontic anchorage between different age groups in the maxilla and the mandible. The present research aims to evaluate side, gender, age, and regional differences in bone density of the alveolar bone at various orthodontic implant sites. Materials and method: Fifty three individuals who were divided into two groups according to their age into: group I (ages 16-20 years) and group II (ages 21-29 years) had subjected to clinical examination, then 64-multislice computed tomography scan data were evaluated and bone density was measured in Hounsfield unit at 102 points (51 in the maxilla

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Learning Style for distinguished students and their ordinary mates in the secondary stage in accordance to some variables
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The current problem is summarized in what is called the development failing experience
in comprehencing the studying materials , so the students will feel worry of repeating failure
in he future , so he would seek blind keeping on heart for the studying material bond this isbad due to the forgetting in the future , one side of thesis research problem is that there is
many contradictory researches result in relation to the learning styles which impose the
nessicity to find results lessen this contradiction . the importance of the research is
summarized in the importance of the subject under the study , in that the researcher ( as in
her knowledge ) did not find a thesrs tackling the subject of the distinguished students

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Deconstruction Mechanism in Postmodernism Arts and its Role in Teaching the Artistic Tasting for the Learner: نضال ناصر ديوان
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Deconstructionism opened the door wide to multiple readings and restore the reader his authority that he lost in the modernism, thus became more able to decipher the plastic discourse through reconstruction according to what he wants or what the plastic discourse gives him of possibilities beyond consumerism and thus the author has been canceled. The problem of the current research is limited to the following question: does deconstructionism in postmodern arts have a role in teaching the artistic tasting for the learner? The aim of the current research is to reveal the deconstruction work mechanisms in postmodern arts and their role in teaching the artistic tasting for the learner. As for the theoretical framework, the first section focu

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building the optimal portfolio for stock using multi-objective genetic algorithm - comparative analytical research in the Iraqi stock market
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The main objective of the research is to build an optimal investment portfolio of stocks’ listed at the Iraqi Stock Exchange after employing the multi-objective genetic algorithm within the period of time between 1/1/2006 and 1/6/2018 in the light of closing prices (43) companies after the completion of their data and met the conditions of the inspection, as the literature review has supported the diagnosis of the knowledge gap and the identification of deficiencies in the level of experimentation was the current direction of research was to reflect the aspects of the unseen and untreated by other researchers in particular, the missing data and non-reversed pieces the reality of trading at the level of compani

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Distribution of Municipal Services and Some Factors Affecting Them (A survey in a sample of districts from Rushed municipal in Baghdad)
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s The study aims to identify the fairness in the distribution of municipal services between  municipal districts and areas, from point of view  of municipal chamber staff and from the point of view of the citizen. It also aims to identify factors affecting the fairness of the distribution of municipal services. Municipal services were being studied : hygiene and waste, water supply, sewer, creating gardens,  and street paving .Factors which  examined its impact on municipal services are: resources available to municipal chamber, the managerial  process at municipal chamber,  and factors in the external environment surrounding  municipal chamber.The results of the study showed that level of the e

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
A model of a proposed audit program to audit the strategies of municipal institutions and its impact on achieving sustainable development: An applied research in the municipal institutions of Karbala Governorate
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                  The study aimed to prepare a practical guide for procedures for auditing the strategies of municipal institutions in achieving sustainable development by adopting the idea of ​​the audit matrix through which a classified report is prepared according to the dimensions of sustainable development, by preparing a specialized audit program for the purpose of auditing strategies for achieving sustainable development and emptying the results of the application of each of the paragraphs The program in the audit matrix that was prepared for the purpose of determining the impact of each observation and linkin

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Current status of biomedical waste management in some universities in Baghdad and central public health of laboratories
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The Current status of biomedical waste of solid, liquid and gaseous formulations from medical and educational laboratories in Iraqi universities and research centers was assessed using a well-structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to scientists, researchers, medical technicians and graduate students who are directly involved in laboratoiy daily activities. The responses were analyzed statistically and interpreted accordingly. The results showed diat the frequency of questionnaire respondent's affiliation gave the highest percentage frequency (69.4%) with the questionnaire of Technical Medical Institute/Al-Mansour while constitute die responses of the Dnig Control Department/Ministry of Sciences and Technology gave the l

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