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Efficacy of Five Organic Acids Combination on T2- Mycotoxicosis in Rats
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Mycotoxins are secondary by-products of mold metabolism and are accountable for human and animal mycotoxicosis. The most serious trichothecenic mycotoxin is the fungal T-2 mycotoxin. T-2 mycotoxin impaired nutrient absorption, metabolism, and then, eliciting severe oxidoreductive stress. Diet plays a key role beyond the supply of nutrients in order to promote animal and human health. Organic acids have been commonly used to exert antioxidative stress capacity in the liver and gut ecosystem. This study is planned to explore, the competence of using (X-MoldCid®) during chronic T-2 mycotoxicosis course in rat. Rats were allocated into 4 main groups, (CN-Gr), negative control and was allowed for the free access to the normal rats chow and the tap water for 90 days. (OAC-Gr), which was assigned as the organic acids positive control and was allowed for the free access to normal rat chow and (X-MoldCid®) in the tap water for 90 days .Group 3 or (T2-Gr) and was given the T2 contaminated chow ad libitum and group 4 (T2+OAC-Gr) .Each one of the four groups was subdivided into two subgroups (n=7) that one was sacrificed on day 45 (Subgroup A) meantime the remaining rats (Subgroup B) maintained until finishing of the entire study period (90 days). In T2 intoxicated group, liver histopathological findings revealed, lesions of reversible types (hydropic and fatty degenerations) while intestinal histopathological findings revealed, lesions of hyperactive goblet cells with sever slaughing of epithelia. In T2+OAC-Gr, the ultimate efficacy of organic acids success in limiting the apoptotic activity and preventing hepatic necroinflammatory changes which were in accordance with the improvement of antioxidative status, liver and intestinal function enzymes and other serum biochemical estimated tests. The total results of this study have been clarified the regenerative and antioxidant potentials of (X-MoldCid®) in coping with T2-toxin mediated intestinal lesions and hepatotoxicityin rats.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Studying Audio Capacity as Carrier of Secret Images in Steganographic System
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Steganography art is a technique for hiding information where the unsuspicious cover signal carrying the secret information. Good steganography technique must be includes the important criterions robustness, security, imperceptibility and capacity. The improving each one of these criterions is affects on the others, because of these criterions are overlapped each other.  In this work, a good high capacity audio steganography safely method has been proposed based on LSB random replacing of encrypted cover with encrypted message bits at random positions. The research also included a capacity studying for the audio file, speech or music, by safely manner to carrying secret images, so it is difficult for unauthorized persons to suspect

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of total Immunoglobulin E and Eosinophil count in allergic disease
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The present study aimed to evaluate the levels of total immunoglobulin E and percentage count of eosinophil in some of allergic disease. Blood sample collected from 210 patients (110 female, 100 male) with allergic disease (allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, and urticaria) their age between 10-70 years and 50 healthy control their age between 23-52 years. A highly significant (P<0.01) increase in the mean serum total IgE in patients with asthma (503.54 ± 63.49 IU/ml), Allergic rhinitis (442.77 ± 95.76 IU/ml) and urticaria (489.53 ± 69.68 IU/ml) as a compared with healthy controls (23.67 ± 5.81 IU/ml).There was a significant difference in percentage count of eosinophil in patients groups allergic asthma 4.37 ± 0.52% ,allergic rhinitis

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Evaluation water quality of Diyala River in Iraq using Bhargava method
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Diyala River is a tributary of Tigris River, it is one of the important rivers in Iraq. It covers a total distance of 445 km (275 miles). 32600 km2is the area that drains by Diyala River between Iraqi-Iranian borders. This research aims to evaluate the water quality index WQI of Diyala River, where three stations were chosen along the river. These stations are D12 at Jalawlaa City at the beginning of Diyala River, the second station is D15 at Baaquba City at the mid distance of the river, and the third station is D17 which is the last station before the confluence of Diyala River with Tigris River at Baghdad city. Bhargava method was used in order to evaluate the water quality index for both irrigation and drink

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing System of Solid Waste Management (Applied Research in Hilla City)
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The research aims to stand on the practice of operations management of solid waste in the city of Hilla, carried out by the mayor of Hilla Directorate - solid and the environment Waste Division, through field visits and personal interview to officials of the municipal departments and units of its data collection and information related to solid waste, and assess the current status of the processes of collection and transport waste through the questionnaire that had been prepared for citizens and employees, the search reach a set of conclusions was the most important, operations carried out by the municipality of Hilla Directorate only limited to two (collection, transportation and disposal of wa

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 10 2018
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The Effect of Cognitive Modeling Strategy in chemistry achievement for students
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The aim of the current research is to verify the effect of the cognitive modeling strategy on the achievement of the chemistry course for the students of the first intermediate grade. To achieve the objective of the research, the null hypothesis was formulated via cognitive modeling strategy. The results showed that the experimental group's students performed better than the students in the control group. In the light of the results, the researchers concluded: The impact of the cognitive modeling strategy in the achievement of students of first intermediate grade in chemistry.

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Publication Date
Thu May 12 2011
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Histological study of optic tectum in Iraqi fish Barbus luteus (Heckel)
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The ceiling of the midbrain has a couple of optic lobes which are prominent and used as an optic center that reflex what it receives from eye retina fibers. The histology of optic tectum has been studied in Iraqi fish Barbus luteus (Heckel) . It was found that the number of optic tectum were six main strata organized from the outside to the inside as follows : the stratum marginal (SM), the stratum opticum (SO), the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficialis (SFGS), the stratum griseum central (SGC), the stratum album central (SAC), the stratum periventricular (SPV), . the tow last strata consider deep layers on the optic tectum. It was noticed that the superficial strata was the first (SM), while the thickest strata was the four (SGC), whic

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Madenat Alelem College
Histological structure of the Eye in Tree Frog Hyla arborea savignyi
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This research was conducted to study the histological structure of the eye in the tree frog (Hyla arborea savignyi) and showed that it is composed of the eyeball and the lens and optic nerve. Appeared eyeball is surrounded by three Tunica from the inside to the outside are Tunica Interna, Tunica vasculosa, Tunica fibrosa. The tunica interna consists of the retina that consists of 10 layers are from outer to inner pigment epithelial layer, rods and cones layer, external limiting membrane, outer nuclear layer, outer plexiform layer, inner nuclear layer, inner plexiform layer , ganglion cells layer , nerve fibers layer, internal limiting membrane .The vascular tunic or Uvea consists of the choroid, ciliary body , and iris . The fibrous coat co

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 29 2020
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Calibrating Range Measurements of Lidars Using Fixed Landmarks in Unknown Positions
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We consider the problem of calibrating range measurements of a Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) sensor that is dealing with the sensor nonlinearity and heteroskedastic, range-dependent, measurement error. We solved the calibration problem without using additional hardware, but rather exploiting assumptions on the environment surrounding the sensor during the calibration procedure. More specifically we consider the assumption of calibrating the sensor by placing it in an environment so that its measurements lie in a 2D plane that is parallel to the ground. Then, its measurements come from fixed objects that develop orthogonally w.r.t. the ground, so that they may be considered as fixed points in an inertial reference frame. Moreov

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 14 2022
Journal Name
Plos One
The passage of time in Iraq during the covid-19 pandemic
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The covid-19 global pandemic has influenced the day-to-day lives of people across the world. One consequence of this has been significant distortion to the subjective speed at which people feel like time is passing. To date, temporal distortions during covid-19 have mainly been studied in Europe. The current study therefore sought to explore experiences of the passage of time in Iraq. An online questionnaire was used to explore the passage of time during the day, week and the 11 months since the first period of covid-19 restrictions were imposed in Iraq. The questionnaire also measured affective and demographic factors, and task-load. The results showed that distortions to the passage of time were widespread in Iraq. Participants co

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Mental Image of the Iraqi Policeman in the Anbar Province
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The study of images in the cognitive field receives considerable attention by researchers, whether in the field of media and public relations or in other humanities. Due to the great importance in shaping trends of public opinion, especially trends that individuals and the behaviors of people, institutions or ideas are determined by forming images that they hold in their minds towards these persons or institutions. Modern enterprises have realized, whether they are governmental ministries and official departments or non-governmental organizations as civil society organizations, the importance of studying the dominant image in the minds of the masses and make decisions and draw plans to configure this image as these institutions wishes.&n

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