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Efficacy of Five Organic Acids Combination on T2- Mycotoxicosis in Rats
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Mycotoxins are secondary by-products of mold metabolism and are accountable for human and animal mycotoxicosis. The most serious trichothecenic mycotoxin is the fungal T-2 mycotoxin. T-2 mycotoxin impaired nutrient absorption, metabolism, and then, eliciting severe oxidoreductive stress. Diet plays a key role beyond the supply of nutrients in order to promote animal and human health. Organic acids have been commonly used to exert antioxidative stress capacity in the liver and gut ecosystem. This study is planned to explore, the competence of using (X-MoldCid®) during chronic T-2 mycotoxicosis course in rat. Rats were allocated into 4 main groups, (CN-Gr), negative control and was allowed for the free access to the normal rats chow and the tap water for 90 days. (OAC-Gr), which was assigned as the organic acids positive control and was allowed for the free access to normal rat chow and (X-MoldCid®) in the tap water for 90 days .Group 3 or (T2-Gr) and was given the T2 contaminated chow ad libitum and group 4 (T2+OAC-Gr) .Each one of the four groups was subdivided into two subgroups (n=7) that one was sacrificed on day 45 (Subgroup A) meantime the remaining rats (Subgroup B) maintained until finishing of the entire study period (90 days). In T2 intoxicated group, liver histopathological findings revealed, lesions of reversible types (hydropic and fatty degenerations) while intestinal histopathological findings revealed, lesions of hyperactive goblet cells with sever slaughing of epithelia. In T2+OAC-Gr, the ultimate efficacy of organic acids success in limiting the apoptotic activity and preventing hepatic necroinflammatory changes which were in accordance with the improvement of antioxidative status, liver and intestinal function enzymes and other serum biochemical estimated tests. The total results of this study have been clarified the regenerative and antioxidant potentials of (X-MoldCid®) in coping with T2-toxin mediated intestinal lesions and hepatotoxicityin rats.

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Publication Date
Wed May 15 2019
Journal Name
حوليات عين شمس
Mythological Allusions in Christopher Marlowe's The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus
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A Classical allusion refers to myths in ancient Roman and Greek works of literature. Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593), utilized mythological allusions in The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus (1588- 1592) to create a connection between ideas. Dr. Faustus wanted the infinite. He sold his soul to the devil to gain it. He rejected theology and embraced magic and mythology that epitomized pseudo-divinity. Classical mythology invites moral and theological discussion. It intensifies the aesthetic purpose and the spiritual evaluation of Dr. Faustus‟s ambition

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 25 2018
Journal Name
Pak. J. Biotechnol
Histological structure of Spinal Cord in Quail Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus,1758)
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The study is done in the period between (February 20 and October 20) by using ten adult quail Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus, 1758). The sections are preparing by paraffin method then stain in Harris haematoxylin-eosin. The histological aspects of spinal cord in quail (Coturnix coturnix) the white matter is in the outer part, while the gray matter is arranged in from of X represents its internal part, the dorsal region is called the dorsal horns while the ventral region is called the ventral horns and the central canal cavity, the spinal cord areas appeared as follows: The medial column, column of von Lenhossek, lateral column, dorsal magnocellular column and marginal paragriseal, columns are also called Hoffmann’s nuclei.

Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Computer Engineering
Implementation of new Secure Mechanism for Data Deduplication in Hybrid Cloud
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Cloud computing provides huge amount of area for storage of the data, but with an increase of number of users and size of their data, cloud storage environment faces earnest problem such as saving storage space, managing this large data, security and privacy of data. To save space in cloud storage one of the important methods is data deduplication, it is one of the compression technique that allows only one copy of the data to be saved and eliminate the extra copies. To offer security and privacy of the sensitive data while supporting the deduplication, In this work attacks that exploit the hybrid cloud deduplication have been identified, allowing an attacker to gain access to the files of other users based on very small hash signatures of

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Basrah Journal Of Veterinary Research
Pre and postnatal vascularization of long bones in Guinea pig (CaviaCutleri).
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2004
Journal Name
Qadysia Journal Of Veterinary Research
Ultrastructural study of pineal gland in common Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Coturnix).
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 05 2021
Journal Name
Al Ustath
he Treatment of 9/11 Trauma in Don DeLillo'sFalling Man (2007)
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The danger of the attacks of 9/11 in America, mainly on the WorldTrade Center at Ground Zero, had brought America into a position thatnever seen before. People who lived there faced a historical calamity marked a turning point in history and a beginning of a new era. Thepaper examines the behavior of traumatized individuals in relation tosociety that trauma involves both. The socio cultural approach willachieve the goal. It studied the responses of the individuals to the event and the motives behind these reactions. Don DeLillo, a member of apost 9/11 group of writers, an American novelist of Italian origin, through his portrayal of the characters, tries to present a vivid image t

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 10 2011
Journal Name
University Of Thi-qar Journal
Negative Capability: Theory and Practice in the Poetry of John Keats
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم النفسية
Emotional sensitivity in children from the parents' point of view Preparation
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The current research aims to: 1- Identify the emotional sensitivity of children from the parents' point of view. 2- Identifying the differences in the emotional sensitivity of children from the parents ’point of view, according to the parents’ gender variable (father - mother). The basic research sample consisted of (285) male and female students from the sixth grade (primary school), chosen in a randomized stratified method from the districts (Al-Karkh and AlRasafa). While the sample of statistical analysis amounted to (200) father and (200) mothers of male and female students who were randomly selected from the sixth grade of the education directorates (Al-Karkh and Al-Rasafa). The two researchers also used a number of sta

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Applications of Camera Total Station System (CTSS) in the Construction Surveying
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AZ Khalaf, M kassim Haidir, LK Jasim, Iraqi Journal of Science, 2012

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Central Banking
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This study aims at identifying the correlation between digital transformation and knowledge building in educational institutions, as well as finding the influence relationship between digital transformation and knowledge building in educational institutions and knowing the dimensions of digital transformation that have the most impact in improving the level of knowledge building, and by adopting the methodological descriptive analysis method in the Ministry of Education. Education and educational institutions in Baghdad. This research deals with digital transformation as an independent variable according to two dimensions (digital adaptability and digital readiness). Knowledge building was adopted as an approved variable using the s

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