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Demographic and clinical profiles of female patients diagnosed with breast cancer in Iraq
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Objective To highlight the main demographic characteristics and clinical profiles of female patients registered with breast cancer in Iraq; focusing on the impact of age.Methods This retrospective study enrolled 1172 female patients who were diagnosed with breast cancer at the Main Center for Early Detection of Breast Cancer/Medical City Teaching Hospital in Baghdad. Data were extracted from an established information system, developed by the principal author under supervision of WHO, that was based on valid clinical records of Iraqi patients affected by breast cancer. The recorded information regarding clinical examination comprised positive palpable lumps, bloody nipple discharge, skin changes, bilateral breast involvement, tumor size, lymph node status, and the stage of the disease.Results The mean age at the presentation was 51 years; patients under the age of 50 constituted 46.8%. Overall 9.8% were not married, 22.4% were illiterate whereas 19.2% graduated from universities. About 72% of the patients had more than two children, merely 7.5% delivered their first child after the age of 35 years and only 11% were nulliparous. History of lactation and hormonal therapy was recorded in 57.6% and 19.4% respectively. Family history of cancer was positive in 28.8% and breast cancer specifically in 18.7%. Clinically, the most common presenting symptom was breast lumps (95%) followed by skin changes/ulcerations (6.7%) and bloody nipple discharge (4.3%).Bilateral breast involvement was encountered in 4.7%. More than two-thirds of the patients (68.2%) had palpable axillary lymph nodes; classifying 40.5% into advanced stages III and IV. In general stages I–IV comprised 12%, 47.5%, 31.9%, and 8.6% respectively. Upon stratifying the studied sample with respect to age at diagnosis, it was observed that the frequency of unmarried patients was significantly higher among younger women under the age of 50 years, whereas illiteracy and nulliparity features were statistically lower (p < 0.05).Conclusion A considerable proportion of breast cancer patients in Iraq still present with locally advanced disease at the time of diagnosis. That justifies the necessity to promote public awareness educational campaigns to strengthen our national early detection program. Excluding the marital status, level of education and number of parity, there was no statistical difference regarding the impact of age on the demographic and clinical profiles of breast cancer among premenopausal versus postmenopausal Iraqi patients.

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Computer Science
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Mobile ad hoc network security is a new area for research that it has been faced many difficulties to implement. These difficulties are due to the absence of central authentication server, the dynamically movement of the nodes (mobility), limited capacity of the wireless medium and the various types of vulnerability attacks. All these factor combine to make mobile ad hoc a great challenge to the researcher. Mobile ad hoc has been used in different applications networks range from military operations and emergency disaster relief to community networking and interaction among meeting attendees or students during a lecture. In these and other ad hoc networking applications, security in the routing protocol is necessary to protect against malic

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Belief in the Last Day and its impact on building a Muslim's personality
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Research Summary

        The doctrine of belief in the Last Day is one of the pillars of faith, and the doctrine of resurrection and reckoning are part of this day.

 Belief in the Last Day puts a person in constant control over himself, as this control creates in this person happiness and a decent life, and he renounces the world and turns away from all vices and adorns all virtues.

        On the other hand, we find that the person who does not believe in this day does not stand before his eyes anything that prevents him from doing injustices and corruption in the land. The doctrine of belief in the Last Day alone is

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Monatshefte Für Chemie - Chemical Monthly
Al-, Ga-, and In-decorated BP nanotubes as chemical sensors for 2-chloroethanol
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B3LYP density functional is utilized for probing the effect of decorating Al, Ga, and In on the sensing performance of a boron phosphide nanotube (BPNT) in detecting the 2-chloroethanol (CHE) molecule. We predict that the interaction of pure BPNT with CHE is physisorption, and the sensing response (SR) of BPNT is approximately 6.3. The adsorption energy of CHE is about − 26.3 to − 91.1, − 96.6, and − 100.3 kJ/mol, when the Al, Ga, and In metals are decorated on the BPNT surface, respectively. This indicates that the decorated metals significantly strength the interaction. Also, the corresponding SR meaningfully rises to 19.4, 41.0, and 93.4, indicating that by increasing the atomic number of metals, the sensitivity i

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Computer Science
Constrained Differential Evolution for Cost and Energy Efficiency Optimization in 5G Wireless Networks
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The majority of real-world problems involve not only finding the optimal solution, but also this solution must satisfy one or more constraints. Differential evolution (DE) algorithm with constraints handling has been proposed to solve one of the most fundamental problems in cellular network design. This proposed method has been applied to solve the radio network planning (RNP) in the forthcoming 5G Long Term Evolution (5G LTE) wireless cellular network, that satisfies both deployment cost and energy savings by reducing the number of deployed micro base stations (BSs) in an area of interest. Practically, this has been implemented using constrained strategy that must guarantee good coverage for the users as well. Three differential evolution

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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The Arabic Calligraphy Effectiveness and Implications in Industrial Products Design: صلاح نوري محمود
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Arabic calligraphy has a special status as one of the most important oriental arts, which has been enhanced by the Islamic value. The Arabic fonts have been diverse in their classification into soft lines such as Diwani, thuluth and patch lines and others, and geometrical lines such as Kufic lines and their various types. The contemporary artist was also able to adapt the Arabic calligraphy of all kinds in the construction of the painting or line formations, especially after the development of the artistic digital techniques and computer software. Here comes the role of the industrial designer as being more in touch with the practical, technical and productive life, which requires great care in adapting the line formations of the Arabic

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 15 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Dissociation Enthalpies for R134a Clathrate Hydrate in Binary and Ternary Systems
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In the present work the clathrate hydrate dissociation enthalpies of refrigerant R134a+ water system, and R134a + water + salt system were determined. The heat of dissociation of three types of aqueous salts solutions of NaCl, KBr and NaF at three concentrations (0.09, 0.17and 0.26) mol·kg−1 for each salt type, were enthalpy measured. The Clapeyron equation was used tocalculate heat of dissociation of experimental data for binary and ternary system.In order to find the effect of compressibility factor on heat dissociation enthalpy, the study was conducted by using equation of state proposed by Peng and Robinson Stryjek-Vera (PRSV). The obtained results of dissociation enthalpy for binary system were (143.8) kJ.mol-1

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 11 2011
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Employing Neural Network and Naive Bayesian Classifier in Mining Data for Car Evaluation
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In data mining, classification is a form of data analysis that can be used to extract models describing important data classes. Two of the well known algorithms used in data mining classification are Backpropagation Neural Network (BNN) and Naïve Bayesian (NB). This paper investigates the performance of these two classification methods using the Car Evaluation dataset. Two models were built for both algorithms and the results were compared. Our experimental results indicated that the BNN classifier yield higher accuracy as compared to the NB classifier but it is less efficient because it is time-consuming and difficult to analyze due to its black-box implementation.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Quasi Semi and Pseudo Semi (p,E)-Convexity in Non-Linear Optimization Programming
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The class of quasi semi -convex functions and pseudo semi -convex functions are presented in this paper by combining the class of -convex functions with the class of quasi semi -convex functions and pseudo semi -convex functions, respectively. Various non-trivial examples are introduced to illustrate the new functions and show their relationships with -convex functions recently introduced in the literature. Different general properties and characteristics of this class of functions are established. In addition, some optimality properties of generalized non-linear optimization problems are discussed. In this generalized optimization problems, we used, as the objective function, quasi semi -convex (respectively, strictly quasi semi -convex

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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     The specimens of Camponotusxerxes Forel, 1904 were collected from different localities in Iraq; the purpose of morphological study of this species in details throughout the present study.


     The description was based on major workers belonging to this species, also some notes of polymorphism in workers have been mentioned; the most important of morphological features are illustrated and figured.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 06 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Engineering And Technological Science (jaets)
Deep Learning and Its Role in Diagnosing Heart Diseases Based on Electrocardiography (ECG)
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Diagnosing heart disease has become a very important topic for researchers specializing in artificial intelligence, because intelligence is involved in most diseases, especially after the Corona pandemic, which forced the world to turn to intelligence. Therefore, the basic idea in this research was to shed light on the diagnosis of heart diseases by relying on deep learning of a pre-trained model (Efficient b3) under the premise of using the electrical signals of the electrocardiogram and resample the signal in order to introduce it to the neural network with only trimming processing operations because it is an electrical signal whose parameters cannot be changed. The data set (China Physiological Signal Challenge -cspsc2018) was ad

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