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Representational and Interactional Meanings of UNHCR Reports on Displaced Iraqis
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The use of appropriate and accurate language is of utmost importance when describing people on the move and their dilemma, particularly refugees and displaced persons who have unique legal protection. So, there are a lot of scholars who have investigated the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) reports, but no one has examined representational and interactional meanings of UNHCR reports. Accordingly, this research aims to explore the role of UNHCR reports in enhancing the value of the humanitarian, which is attributed to the uniqueness of its use of language. The current study investigates the manner in which the textual content interacts with the images that are associated with the category of the UNHCR reports. Four reports are analysed with regard to their representational, interactional structures of photos and transitivity analysis of texts. The present study adapts Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) by Kress and van Leeuwen (2006) and Transitivity System proposed by Halliday (2004). It is found that the participant roles of Actors and Goals of both photos and texts are more frequent than the other roles of participants. These roles are connected with the most dominant processes, the transactional action process of images and the material process of texts.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
2022 International Symposium On Multidisciplinary Studies And Innovative Technologies (ismsit)
Effect of Gamma Radiation and Borax on Mechanical Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol and Chitosan Blend Film
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The creation and characterisation of biodegradable blend films based on chitosan and polyvinyl alcohol for application in a range of packaging is described. The compatibility between the chitosan and PVA polymers was good. Composite films had a compact and homogeneous structure, according to the morphology analysis. The mechanical test result of PVA/CH at concentrations 5% showed, that The higher values of TS recorded in sample (p1, with 40 MPa) while the lower values appeared in sample (p9, with 22.09 MPa), the TS decreased gradually as the amount of PVA increased in blend film. While the blend film of pure Chitosan exhibits a poor mechanical strength which makes it a poor candidate for packaging but Blending CH with PVA together improved

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 26 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Nano Alumina and Nano Silica on Strength and Consistency of Oil Well Cement
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In oil and gas well cementing, a strong cement sheath is wanted to insure long-term safety of the wells. Successful completion of cementing job has become more complex, as drilling is being done in highly deviated and high pressure-high temperature wells. Use of nano materials in enhanced oil recovery, drilling fluid, oil well cementing and other applications is being investigated. This study is an attempt to investigate the effect of nano materials on oil well cement properties. Two types of nano materials were investigated, which are Nano silica (>40 nm) and Nano Alumina (80 nm) and high sulfate-resistant glass G cement is used. The investigated properties of oil well cement included compressive strength, thickening

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Effect of Mycorrhiza, Cytokinin and Organic Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Chamomile Plant L)
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The experiment was carried out in College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad during November 1, 2019 to June 1, 2020. The experiment was designed according to a randomized complete block design. Each block contained 18 experimental units that included the three study factors. The first factor interaction between two inoculum densities and application methods, three levels control, treatment of seeds inoculation with 5g plant and treatment of seedlings inoculation whith 30g plant . The second factor was three -1 -1concentrations of spraying of kinetin 0, 75 and 150 mg L , and third factor include two levels of organic manure) and addition of fertilizer 2% of -1 the weight of the soil (O2). The results showed a signif

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This research was carried out at University of Baghdad - College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences during the fall season of 2020 and spring season of 2021 in order to evaluate the effect of organic fertilizer and the foliar application of boron on the growth and yield of industrial potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). Using factorial experiment (5*4) within Randomized Complete Block Design  with three replicates, the organic fertilizer (palm fronds peat) was applied at four levels (0, 12, 24, and 36 ton ha-1) in addition to the treatment of the recommended of chemical fertilizer. The foliar application of Boron was applied at four concentrations which were 0, 100, 150 and 200 mg (H3Bo3). L-1. The results Revealed a significant incr

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Structural Analysis of Chemical and Green Synthesis of CuO Nanoparticles and their Effect on Biofilm Formation
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Copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) were synthesized by two methods. The first was chemical method by using copper nitrate Cu (NO3)2 and NaOH, while the second was green method by using Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves extract and Cu (NO3)2. These methods easily give a large scale production of CuO nanoparticles. X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD) reveals single phase monoclinic structure. The average crystalline size of CuO NPs was measured and used by Scherrer equation which found 44.06nm from chemical method, while the average crystalline size was found from green method was 27.2nm. The morphology analysis using atomic force microscopy showed that the grain size for CuO NPs was synthesized by chemical and green methods were 77.70 and 89.24

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Simulation As One Of The Tools Of Visual Thinking And Its Effect On Developing Drawing And Design Skills To Produce Innovative Artworks: عائشة عبد الجبار العيسى
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The research emphasizes importance of preliminary drawings in design of any product. Therefore, using of simulation as tools for visual thinking in developing drawing and design skills. So that practice of drawing by hand, considering shape of ideas in first stage of visualizations, and practice of its techniques and continuous training.
Hence, the research problem arose with the role of simulation method for developing preliminary sketches in the sample of students of the Product Design Department at the College of Design and Art, PNU, as it is important tool for visual thinking that helps the designer in designing and producing innovative artistic works.
Therefore, the research axes, a number of findings and recommendations were

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of exercising occupational hypocrisy on organizational strategic success: An Empirical study on university of kufa faculty of administration and economic
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This research aims to identify the relationship between occupational hypocrisy and organizational strategic success, It was done by analyzing the correlations and influence between variables,  applied to a random sample of university professors at the University of Kufa faculty of administration and economic.

 The main tool for data collection is the survey were questionnaires were distributed randomly to the professors , and (43) questionnaires were returned, and test its validity by using (SEM) (Structural Equation Modeling), Hypothesis has been tested by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v. 18), The research found a set of conclusions:(The occupational hypocrisy has

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical Of Cellular Archieves
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ABSTRACT : The restoration of bone continuity and bone union are complex processes and their success is determined by the effectiveness of osteosynthesis. The use of plants for healing purposes predates human history and forms the source of current modern medicine. This research was planned to study the histological and immunohisto-chemistry of osteocalcin to evaluate of effect of local application of lepidium sativum oilon healing of induced bone defect in rat tibia. In this study, fourty albino male rats, weighting (300-400) gram, aged (6-8) months, will be used under control conditions of temperature, drinking and food consumption. The animals will subject for a surgical operation of medial side of tibiae bone, in control group the bone

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 02 2020
Journal Name
Diyala Journal Of Medicine
Histological and Immunohistochemical Study of Osteocalcin to Evaluate The Effect of Local Application of Symphytum Officinale Oil on Bone Healing on Rat
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Background: The repair of bone defects remains a major clinical challenge in dentistry. Bone is a highly vascularized tissue reliant on the close spatial and temporal connection between blood vessels and bone cells to maintain skeletal integrity. The health promotive , preventive, and curative properties of herbs were recognized by the ancient and the present pharmacist and physicians to form the theoretical foundations in Medicine. Objective: Immunohistochemistry of osteocalcin and histological study to prove that symphytum officinale oil when applied locally on generated bone defect healing in rat tibia, it was very effectiveness. Patients and Methods: 0ur study fourty male rats , weighting (250-350) grams ,aged (5 7)months ,was

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Effect of PVD and Vacuum Pressure on the Degree of Saturation
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    Soft clays are generally characterized by low shear strength, low permeability and high compressibility. An effective method to accelerate consolidation of such soils is to use vertical drains along with vacuum preloading to encourage radial flow of water.  In this research numerical modeling of prefabricated vertical drains with vacuum pressure was done to investigate the effect of using vertical drains together with vacuum pressure on the degree of saturation of fully and saturated-unsaturated soft soils.  Laboratory experiments were conducted by using a specially-designed large consolidometer cell where a central drain was installed and vacuum pressure was applied. All tests were conducted

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