تعد الحوكمة من المداخل التي نالت اهتمام العديد من الباحثين والدارسين في مجال الإدارة والسياسة بوصفها إحدى الفلسفات السائدة والمرغوبة في الفترة الحالية , وأصبح ينظر إليها دواء لجميع الامراض التي تعاني منها الأجهزة الإدارية عموماً بالأخص العامة منها . وقد ارتبط هذا المفهوم بمفاهيم إعادة التنظيم Reforme والاصلاح الإداري المجه لتحسين كفاءة وفاعلية أداء تلك الاجهزة وبما ينعكس على مجمل السمات والمميزات التي تتعلق بالخدمة وفاءً بإحتياجات المستفيدين الظاهرة والكامنة , كما حظيت مجموعة الخصائص المكونة لهذا المفهوم بمستوى كبير من الاهتمام لكونها ارتبطت ارتباطاً وثيقاً بعملية تحقيق أهداف المنظمة وضمان نجاحها في ظل البيئة التنافسية المتغيرة , وقد ظهرت لهذا المفهوم العديد من النماذج اختلفت بحسب المجال الذي تطبق فيه والهدف المراد تحقيقه , ويمثل هذا البحث محاولة لمعرفة مدى التصور الواضح لدى الإدارات العليا في وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي عن الحوكمة واهميتها وعن خصائصها الواجبة التطبيق واهم نظرياتها ونماذجها , مما ينعكس بدوره على تعزيز قدرة الوزارة وتشكيلاتها على البقاء والنمو والمنافسة ,يهدف البحث الحالي إلى تحديد مفهوم وخصائص واهمية الحوكمة في المنظمة العامة ,واستعراض اهم نظرياتها ونماذجها في مجال التعليم العالي مع محاولة وضع نموذج لحوكمة التعليم العالي العالي في العراق , لقد اعتمد البحث الحالي على الأسلوب التحليلي الوصفي بهدف التعرف على ملامح هذا المدخل من الجانب النظري , وأخراً توصل البحث إلى مجمموعة من الاستنتاجات والتوصيات .
- The problem of infertility considers one of the chronic problem a which faced the
individual & families equally . This problem causes a negative effects in psychological ,
social and development fields. The infertility contributes in weakening the human
development, when the human development has become as a centre point which centered
about individual preparing , rehabilitation, training and knowledge toreach to the required
We think that , the infertility destroys the socially development; therefore the socially and
scientific institutions are working hard to find successful solution to resolve the problem
infertility through sophisticated and scientific methods. This problem
This study aims to show some of Imam Al-Bukhari's criticism of the Hadith from the Metn side, and part of his methodology in dealing with the correct hadiths that are tainted by a bug. This research focuses on what Imam Al-Bukhari summarized in his Sahih illusion of the narrator in his attribution, or uniqueness of the narrator, or to suggest a novel. We find that Bukhari sometimes abbreviates the hadeeth, and does not bring it out completely in his Sahih. He is satisfied with the abbreviated position but has done so because of a bug in it. The Bukhari usually does not declare his intention but knows this through tracking, inspection, and research of the correct hadiths.
China's economic policy and its huge capabilities operate according to an expansion strategy, especially in investing foreign projects, as the past ten years have witnessed a major development in the elements of comprehensive strength, especially in the economic field, in 2014 China launched the largest initiative in the world, represented by the Belt and Road Project (BRI), which links nearly 70 countries, through this project, a very important region has emerged, which is (the port of cadres) in Pakistan, as China has headed towards that region and given the highest importance that is in its interest in the first place regardless of the great Pakistani interest, This is consistent with its future aspirations, especially after breaking
... Show MoreThe Shiite religious authority in Iraq has played an active and vital role over its long history in promoting values of tolerance, rejecting extremism, advocating unity and confronting external challenges. This role has increased significantly after 2003 as a result of the great challenges that have passed in Iraq. Despite its clear policy of non-interference in political matters, except in cases of necessity, but the great role it played in maintaining national unity and advocating the rejection of extremism and sectarianism has made it a necessary need in Iraq to confront any deviations, dispersions or threats that affect society and the state. Therefore, its role in the process of reform was prominent on the political level by calling
... Show MoreIt may say that of difference towards a state that had witnessed the birth of modern party system in England ،and it appear a new case of organization and use ways effecting in general opinion through the election parties that had different in their ideology as Alweel party which dealt with religion related among its members with Buretan with its members participation understandings of free expression of their opinions trying to fight the control of Christ men in a time that Tory party was Enklikanian more than as it was loyalty one .
The Battle of Kadesh is replete with many military arrangements that reflect the tremendous development of war preparations in the thirteenth century BC; where the expressive pictures the Egyptians left on some of the walls of their temples show the tremendous ability to organize and divide the forces and the great development that affected the war machine. Furthermore, the text accompanied these pictures reveal some news about that battle, which is considered one of the most important wars in the ancient world. Thus, the importance of the study lies in the fact that it examines one of the most important battles of the ancient Near East, the results of which had great repercussions on the region. This is because it is the most abundant B
... Show MoreThis research paper is about synoptic climate specifically with in the upper air layers
using upper air layers maps analysis which are maps of thickness for the level 1000 – 500
MB, that their high average ranges between 100 – 5600 M above surface. This research paper
focuses on studying special and temporal variations of the atmosphere thickness above Iraqaccording
to this study, it is concluded that atmosphere thickness above Iraq increases
towards south with an average of 100 M as compared with north of Iraq. Regarding the
temporal variations, it is concluded that atmosphere thickness during hot months. In July, for
example, the atmosphere thickness becomes thicker than in January with an average of
The current research that entitled (t Technical Experimentation incontemporary plastic arts) deals with study in used techniques and the material's functioning and its variations in artwork.It present the following questions :- 1-Does technical experimentation for mate an important phenomenon in contemporary art.2-Does technical experimentation construct an ability in creating new constructive and formative achievement in plastic art ?.The research includes three chapters . the first one deals with the problem of the research and its limits with the specification of terms . the second chapter present the technical Experimentation in contemporary plastic art with shapes display . the third chapter involves conclusions with discussions . t
... Show MoreThis article aims to identify the traditional industries and crafts that exist in the old city of Sana’a in Yemen. It also aims to explain the pioneering role that these industries play in attracting tourism,
This paper aims to explain the effect of the taxes policy including direct & indirect taxes on supporting the domestic Investment in Iraq. This could help the official planners for drawing the future policies that help provoking (istumlating) the domestic investment in Iraq the quantitative analysis approach was adopted using regression model. The results showed the significance of the effects of both direct & indirect taxes policies on domestic as a simple correlation coefficient ( r ) of ( 0.6 ) , ( 0.64 ) respectively.