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Enhancing islamic concepts through English children’s literature: Al-Ibtila, the test of patience
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Allah, in his Holy Quran introduced great prophet stories so as to learn from. The greatness of these stories lies in Allah himself being the author. He portrays his characters, lays the plot, defines the tests and Al- Ibtilla, provides ways of being patient, using Duaa to end all hard tests and generously describing the greatness of his rewards to all those who are patient. The purpose of this research is to study selected English prophet stories for children on three levels, the stories ability to convey lessons and Islamic teachings to children who do not speak Arabic, the stories portray the Islamic concept of patience, the teaching and learning styles andstrategies that Allah uses with each prophet. The concept of patience is defined aswell as its meaning in different religions in general and in Islam in particular. Manytypes of patience are studied and applied on three prophets, Ayub (Job), Yunus(Jonah), and Musa (Moses) peace be upon them all to study the different types oftests, Ibtilla, suitable for individual differences among prophets, their response tothe test, the type of patience need for them to pass the test, the Duaa they use toend the test and the type of reward they get for being patient. In addition to that, theresearchers studied the teaching stratifies and styles Allah used with his prophets inconnection with the most modern methods of teaching. The stories convey Islamicteachings, portrays the Islamic concept of patience and the individualized teach-ing style used with every prophet. The researchers conclude that Islamic childrenstories enhance Islamic concepts if they are introduced using up to date teachingstrategies and styles

Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Private legal defense push Al-Sael in Islamic jurisprudence
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. And after:
     For one of the greatest blessings of God Almighty upon us is the blessing of Islam, which brought people from darkness to light and from injustice and fear to security, justice, stability, and the preservation of blood, symptoms, rights, and sacrifices, because pride, strength, and dignity are what God chose and pleases His servants - namely - adherence to the Islamic religion, and in light of This must be said that the private legal defense (pushing the person) with its Islamic provisions and legislations is one of the great aspects that guarantees the establishment of a safe

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The approach of Al-Hafiz Ibn Al-Malqin, in his followings on the Nisaburi ruler, through the book Al-Badr Al-Munir in the graduation of hadiths of the great commentary
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions as follows:
   For God Almighty has swapped for every age a group of religious scholars who give news to the narrators, so that they can lie against the Sunnah of the Mustafa, who is among those who memorized Ibn Al-Mulqin, as he followed the ruler in his book Al-Badr Al-Munir in the Hadith of Al-Sharh Al-Kabeer, and our research included two topics, which we explained in the first topic: The sequels in which the teacher's son Al-Malqin disagreed, and we discussed in the second topic: the followings in which Ibn Al-Malqin agreed to rule.
   This research included important results, th

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
AL-Takfir in the thought of Islamic movements and organizations and its social repercussions
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Takfir is an ancient phenomenon that accompanied the emergence of Islam, and this phenomenon took its political dimension during the time of the fourth Rashidi Caliph with the emergence ofthe Kharijites sect that disbelieved many Muslims.

The study started from the hypothesis that "contemporary Islamicmovements and organizations have relied in their takfir on the ideas and fatwas presented by the predecessors which applied ontocontemporary rea

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Children’s preference of dental injectors and its influenceon child cooperation
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam al - Karji replies to some Islamic groups In his book the jokes of the Koran
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Imam al - Karji replies to some Islamic groups
In his book the jokes of the Koran

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Lambert Academic Publishing
Expressions of Gratitude in American English and Iraqi Arabic, Al-Zubaidi Nassier |... | bol
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Expressions of Gratitude in American English and Iraqi Arabic (). Expressing gratitude is one of the most frequently occurring communicative acts in...

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ibn Al Anbari grammatical inferences On   Abu Hatim al-Sijistani through his book Clarify the stay and start
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Ibn al-Anbari, however, turned to Abu Hatim al-Sijistani in eleven places of his book ((clarify the endowment and start)). The study showed that the right and right was with the son of Anbari and that what went to Sistani saying uniqueness, and contrary to the vast majority of scientists. The study also showed that the science of grammar affects the endowment and initiation, as the study showed that the science of endowment and initiation is one of the important sciences of the Koran, which must be carefully received, researchers.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The stories of children in Iraq during the past two decades have received a number of important scientific studies. Despite tyranny of the historical study method on most of these studies, they have been and still are very important, because they have established a chronicle of this literary style that has been neglected and based not only on the academic level and serious in-depth university studies but also on the enclosed sight that doesn’t consider studied art as an innovation with its specificity and its typical technical components. While many of the public impressions and self-reflections contributed to the dominance of some of the provisions and concepts that were circulated as critical remarks and adopted by som

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family Dialogue of Kindergarten’s Parents and its Relation to Children’s Fears
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The research aims at Identifying family dialogue of kindergarten’s parents. 2)  Exploring the fears that kindergarteners suffer from. 3) Identifying family dialogue of kindergarteners’ parents and the fears of their children. To achieve the aim of the research, the researcher designed two scales: one for the family dialogue of kindergarteners’ parents, and the other for the fears of the kindergarten’s child. To identify the relationship between these two elements, the scale subjected to the consultation of a group of specialized expertise in educational and psychological sciences to certify the propriety of the items. The reliability of the scale of the family dialogue recorded (0.85). As for the scale of children’

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
'The Role of Ambidextrous Leadership' Behaviors in Enhancing Organizational Energy': An Analytical Research General AL-Faris Company
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             The current research aims to identify the impact of ambidextrous leadership behaviors on organizational energy in Al-Faris Company. The descriptive analytical method was used as a research approach. Adept leadership includes two dimensions (open leadership behaviors and closed leadership behaviors), and organizational energy includes three dimensions (emotional energy, physical energy, and cognitive energy ). The research sample included all the administrative leaders (General Manager, Associate General manager, Department Manager, Division Official  ) in AL-Faris Company / the Iraqi Ministry of Industry. The researcher distributed (74) valid questionna

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