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Inundation Map Development by Using HEC-RAS Hydraulic Simulation Modeling from Roseires to Khartoum Cities
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Inundation floodingmap aimedto find outearly warningsto avoidenvironmental damageandhumanin terms of theheight ofthe wave ofwater, speed time arrival, effects of inundation sideanddepth of the water/ distanceand reduce the impact of the flood wave after obtaining the process of collapse of the dam in the lower part of the river to the dam area. The study has been using a numerical model one-dimensional depends on the development of equations (Saint-Venant) so that parts of the river, any river channel main banks of the right and left treated as separate parts, that’s the difference in the characteristics of the hydraulic and engineering, along the line of the flow will take into account in each section of the sections and flow in the river valley. Throughapplied numerical model of the Nile River in the area between the Roseires dam and Khartoum is distance (630 km) south of Khartoum , to get a jest analysis of the impact of a wave of flooding in the river on the following parameters : the maximum discharge , the maximum of attributed, as underdevelopment of the discharge maximum , and the time defaults to the maximum level and the surface area on the banks of the river and its extension and different values of the coefficient of manning roughness to the banks of the river. Eight scenario have been prepared for the flood wave read to compare the effect amount of water flow in the channel resulting from the collapse of the dam was resulting of Roseires dam , eight scenario to represent the five and extract the resulting values of Inundation map to cities located on the downstream of the dam.Thefive scenarioswerecalculated by using (HEC-RAS 4.1.0), (HEC-GeoRAS)a GIS programs and the flood wave resulting from the collapse of the Roseires dam to compare the results showed that the scenario NO. 5 is the best scenario result from the collapse makes sense due to the form of the disposal of the flood wave resulting from the collapse of the Roseires dam and then get overtopping from Sennar dam to the inability of the reservoir and dam to stop the flood wave. The results also indicate that the time needed to reach the greatest discharge of the flood wave resulting from the collapse of the Roseires dam to the city of Khartoum is ( 4, 6, 7and 9 ) day on the cities ( Roseires , Sennar , Wad Medani and Khartoum ) respectively, of the cases . The maximum height of the flood wave reaching the city of Khartoum has given the scenario NO. 5 by height wave (3-50) meters respectively. As well as the delay in the arrival time of the maximum height of the flood wave to the city of Khartoum is one day for the five scenarios compared to the other. The Inundation map development resulting from the collapse of the Roseires dam and get the flow overtopping the Sennar dam, arrival to Khartoum, was determined the surface area of the affected river and both banks of the depth of the wave and latency along the river has been selected four major cities along the river which Roseires,Sennar, Wad Medani and Khartoum.

Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This study was conducted on species composition, morphology, ecological characteristics, biotope distribution, ecological groups, biodiversity indicators and zoogeography of leeches and gastropods distributed in the lower Ak-Buura River. According to the results, it was found that 7 species of leeches belonging to 4 families and 6 genera and 10 species of fresh-water gastropods belonging to 3 families and 6 genera live in the lower Ak-Buura River. In the river, it was observed that leeches are mainly distributed in muddy biotopes, and gastropods are widespread in muddy, stony and sandy biotopes with a lot of plants. Biodiversity indices of leeches and gastropods in the Ak-Buura River were analyzed using the Shannon index. As a result, it

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education
A New Approach in Determining the Criteria of Equations for Morphometric Characteristics of River Basins - Applied Morphometric Study of The Mamaran Basin
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This study aimed at some of the criteria used to determine the form of the river basins, and exposed the need to modify some of its limitations. In which, the generalization of the elongation and roundness ratio coefficient criterion was modified, which was set in a range between (0-1). This range goes beyond determining the form of the basin, which gives it an elongated or rounded feature, and the ratio has been modified by making it more detailed and accurate in giving the basin a specific form, not only a general characteristic. So, we reached a standard for each of the basins' forms regarding the results of the elongation and circularity ratios. Thus, circular is (1-0.8), and square is (between 0.8-0.6), the blade or oval form is (0.6-0

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Minimum Instream Environmental Flow in Shatt Al-Hillah River
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To maintain river flows necessary to meet social and ecological objectives, instream environmental flows are frequently used as a strategy. The capability of three alternative historical flow approaches to protect against low flows is shown in this study using gage stations in the Shatt Al-Hillah River in Iraq. The extension of the Shatt al-Hillah River is the focus of this research discussion on environmental flow assessment. The available data on discharge in this research were adopted for ten years from 2012-2021. Different flow methods were adopted to establish a minimum environmental flow in the Shatt Al-Hillah River. Three hydrological-based approaches: Tennant, modified Tennant, and low-flow metrics like 7Q10, wer

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 09 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Variations Heavy Metals Concentrations in Tigris River in Baghdad City.: Variations Heavy Metals Concentrations in Tigris River in Baghdad City.
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The aim of the research is the detection of heavy metals using (Inductively coupled Plasma ICP) for samples in Tigris river at intakes of water treatment plants Baghdad (Sharq dejla, Al-Wathba, Al-Wahda, and Al-Dora) and samples at Tigris banks near (Al-Adhamya, Al-Shuhda bridge and al-Jadrya).
All the recorded results were fitted with Iraqi standers No. 25 in 1967 for all samples with heavy metals (arsenic Ar, Cadmium Cd, Chromium Cr, Zinc Zn, Lead Pb, Copper Cu, Nickel Ni, Manganese Mn, Ferrous Fe) where all concentration were lower than standard values except Cadmium (0.01- 0.014) in plants intakes and (0.027- 0.048) in river samples while the standard value is (0.005).
Other tests such as chemical oxygen demand and oil &

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Qualitative and Quantitative Composition of Epiphytic Algae on Ceratophyllum demersum L. in Tigris River within Wassit Province, Iraq
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 The present research was performed to study the qualitative and quantitative composition of epiphytic algae on the aquatic host plant Ceratophyllum demersum L. Four sites in Tigris River, at Wassit Governorate were covered, during the seasons of Autumn 2017, winter 2018, Spring 2018, and Summer 2018. The study also included measuring the physiochemical parameters (temperature of air and water, pH , water level, EC, salinity, TDS, TSS, dissolved oxygen,  BOD5, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, total nitrogen, total phosphourus). The total number of species of epiphytic algae was145 species, 98 species belonging to Bacillariophyceae, followed by 27species of class Cyanophyceae, 19 species of class Chloroph

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessing of the Morphology and Sediment Transport of Diyala River
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Diyala River is one of the important rivers that provide water for the Governorate of Diyala. In this research, the morphology and sediment transport of this river were studied using HEC-Ras software. The selected length of the river in the present study is 193 km and extended from Diyala Weir to the confluence of Tigris River and Diyala River. The fieldwork period extended from June 2020 till August 2020, where suspended-load and bed-load samples were collected and surveyed some cross-sections. The one-dimensional sediment transport model has been calibrated for five years, from 2014 to 2019. The results were compared with the measured cross-sections in 2019,  and the suitable value of (maximum depth

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the Organic-Pollution Based on the Determination of some Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) in Tigris River Water in 2012 at Baghdad City , Iraq
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This study aims to predict the organic pollution produced from the presence of some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and determination it's concentrations (µg/L , ppb) in Tigris river water by a collection twenty-seven water samples from a selected three stations with nine sampling sites and three depths of water (5 cm , 2 m and 4 m) each site for 4.6 km distance of a geographic studied area which is located between the ( Al-Senak and AL-Sarrafiah bridges ) at Baghdad city – Iraq on May, 2012. The geographic location was determined with a Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) software program. The concentrations of fourteen components (PAHs) were performed using the reverse phase

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Current and Modified Flood Discharge Capacity of a Reach of Tigris River between Kut and Amarah Barrages
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This study was conducted to examine the discharge capacity of the reach of the Tigris River between Kut and Amarah Barrages of 250km in length. The examination includes simulation the current capacity of the reach by using HEC-RAS model. 247cross sections surveyed in 2012 were used in the simulation. The model was calibrated using observed discharges of 533, 800, 1025 and 3000m3/s discharged at Kut Barrage during 2013, 1995, 1995 and 1988, respectively, and its related water level at three gauge stations located along the reach. The result of calibration process indicated that the lowest Root Mean Square Error of 0.095 can be obtained when using Manning’s n coefficient of 0.026, 0.03 for th

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analysis of Mosul and Haditha Dam Flow Data
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The expansion in water projects implementations in Turkey and Syria becomes of great concern to the workers in the field of water resources management in Iraq. Such expansion with the absence of bi-lateral agreement between the three riparian countries of Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; Turkey, Syria and Iraq, is expected to lead to a substantially reduction of water inflow to the territories of Iraq. Accordingly, this study consists of two parts: first part is aiming to study the changes of the water inflow to the territory of Iraq, at Turkey and Syria borders, from 1953 to 2009; the results indicated that the annual mean inflow in Tigris River was decreased from 677 m3/sec to 526 m3/sec, after operating Turkey reserv

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analysis of Recorded Inflow Data of Ataturk Reservoir
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Since the beginning of the last century, the competition for water resources has intensified dramatically, especially between countries that have no agreements in place for water resources that they share. Such is the situation with the Euphrates River which flows through three countries (Turkey, Syria, and Iraq) and represents the main water resource for these countries. Therefore, the comprehensive hydrologic investigation needed to derive optimal operations requires reliable forecasts. This study aims to analysis and create a forecasting model for data generation from Turkey perspective by using the recorded inflow data of Ataturk reservoir for the period (Oct. 1961 - Sep. 2009). Based on 49 years of real inflow data

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